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How Do Heavenletters Get Here?

God said:

You never know what is coming up in a Heavenletter as it appears before you. Heavenletters are up for grabs, as it were. It is as if you reach into My Heart. You pluck My Heart from Me. It isn’t that you wrest My Heart from Me. My Heart is more like a ripe plum that falls into your hand.

We can imagine that there are infinite numbers of Heavenletters, unending numbers of Heavenletters not exactly stored yet available at any moment, and no two Heavenletters repeated, yet each Heavenletter an echo of itself.

In a manner of speaking, there could be one Diamond of a Heavenletter whose seeds are blown everywhere.

Or, it could be said that seeds of Heavenletters assemble and disassemble and reassemble themselves.

It could be said that each Heavenletter comes by happenstance. It could be said that every Presence of a Heavenletter is a foregone conclusion.

There are also in this world an infinite number of attuning Hearts and Souls also available to hear Me, each in his or her own flavor, each to pull up particular shades of messages from Me and set them down again or leave them in the air.

Heavenletters are ever rising and setting like the Sun, and each is its own, and yet what mortal can exactly say how a Heavenletter reaches Earth? You can know I give it.

What a pattern each Heavenletter conceives. Each Heavenletter is new, and each has always been. There was never a time there was not a Heavenletter by whatever name it is held in.

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Studies Show What Happens To The Human Body When We Walk Barefoot On Earth

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

The picture above represents Improved facial circulation (right image) after 20 minutes of grounding, as documented by a Speckle Contrast Laser Imager (dark blue=lowest circulation; dark red=highest circulation). Image Source: Scientific Research Publishing

Grounding, or ‘earthing,’ as some people call it, involves placing your feet directly on the ground without shoes or socks as a barrier. The logic behind this practice relates to the intense negative charge carried by the Earth. This charge is electron-rich, theoretically serving as a good supply of antioxidants and free-radical destroying electrons.

Dr. James Oschman, a PhD in biology from the University of Pittsburgh and an expert in the field of energy medicine, notes:

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Daily Message ~ Thursday August 24, 2017

Dear Ones, we wish for you to know that these energies are taking you somewhere. There is purpose and movement that you are all willingly participating in by being in the body at this time. Your job is to move with the energies – to ride the wave, if you will, until you arrive in your new vistas.

How you ride that wave is up to you. Some people are expert swimmers and love to slice through the water with nothing more than their skill to keep them afloat. Others might prefer to use a prop such as a surf board. And still others might need several floatation devices before they feel safe enough to surrender to that movement.

It does not matter what method you use to find your comfort zone in the flow, it just matters that allow it to move you. In fact, in big energies such as you are currently experiencing, you can resist right up to the last second until the wave picks you up and sweeps you along. But that is a much rougher means of movement when there are so many other options available to you.

You get to choose how you do it. But we would say to you, if you are going to go anyways, why not have the most fun with it? Why not invent your own style of surrender and flow that allows you to fully embrace the joy and excitement of big movement that matches what your soul wishes to experience? ~Archangel Gabriel

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The changes you are going through now may seems overwhelming.  The emotions you are experiencing can certainly be overpowering.  One of the most loving things you can do for yourself is to give yourself space and time to release in a safe way.  Ask for assistance if you need it, know that there is support and help available and remember to keep breathing.  This will pass away soon enough and you will be a better version of you than you ever thought possible! ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 8/23/2017

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If the life has been lived according to nature, TAO, DHAMMA, if it has followed an inner discipline, not forced; if you have loved, if you have been aware, if you have been meditative, then every day you become more and more beautiful. And an old man who has passed through all the turmoils, all the ups and downs of life, who has known maturity, who is now seasoned, will have a beauty which nobody else can have.

In the East it has happened, that's why the East worships the old, not the young, because the young is still incomplete. The young has to pass through many things yet, and there is a possibility that something may go wrong. When an old man is beautiful, now there is no possibility of his falling down; he has known all, he has passed through all the experiences, all the anguish of existence, all the miseries, all the blessings. He has seen nights and days, he has moved to the peaks and to the valleys, and he has attained an inner integrity through all these experiences. Now he is balanced, now there is no right or left, now there are no extremes; now he neither longs for peaks nor avoids the valley - she simply accepts. Life has prepared him for this acceptance. Life has prepared him not to fight but to let go. And when you can let go, you have attained.


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First Of Its Kind Study Shows Undeniable Evidence Cannabis Can Cure Opioid Addiction - Waking Times

Justin Gardner, Guest
Waking Times 

As the opioid epidemic rages on, those professing to seek “solutions” are willfully ignoring one of the most promising treatments – medical cannabis. When the Comprehensive Addiction & Recovery Act (CARA) was being debated in 2016, amendments to study medical cannabis were stripped out.

This happened despite studies showing that medical cannabis eases neuropathic pain, and the government’s own National Institutes of Health stating, “Medical marijuana products may have a role in reducing the use of opioids needed to control pain.”

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How Inevitable We Are

God said:

It’s fun when We, you and I, get together. It is always Sunshine when We move in the Universe. Do you feel it? What can rub you the wrong way when We are One together? Look how good We can be together. Look how adventurous we are. And how inevitable.

Today, Life is like the best day of the year. Rather, it is the best year in Life so far until this upcoming moment, and there is another day ascending the horizon, as the Smooth-Running Wheels of the Rich Universe roll. Nothing ever goes on without Our Say-So. You and I, the Myriads of Oneness in this World of Earth go on together, silently undisputed. I am saying that We are well-met in Life.

Never are you stuck in the Universe. You and I, We are the undisputed Guides of the Universe. We toss it up in the air, and We catch it with the Grace of a Ballerina all in Good Time.

I give you the world. You inherit it. You are in the process of inheritance. Hallowed be thy Name, you whom I always chose. The Creation Process continues. You have been discovered, and you dance around in this jaunt you have always been on.

Who has discovered you? You discovered and discover you. You uncover you. You open up the package. You know how to wrap yourself. What happened to the days that once upon a time startled you?

Now you lay them out on the carpet, and you tremble with joy. You have an expectation, and you see it through even as you go off-stage. There is never an ending to this that is called Life.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday August 23, 2017

Dear Ones, you have all changed markedly as you continue to shift with the energies. So much so, we recommend taking the time to get to know yourselves again.

What do we mean by this? You have released so much – so many wounds, limiting belief systems, fears, and blockages – it is important to stop and ask yourselves what you really choose and prefer and what you are willing to do differently now to ensure that you aren’t carrying forward old conditioned responses simply out of habit.

This only takes a second. Instead of giving an answer to anything immediately, just take a moment to check in with who you are today. If you normally speed through tasks, take a moment to slow down and be present. If you used to like to control things, why not try to surrender and flow and see how that feels? It might help to ask, “How does the newest version of myself like to do things?”

There are so many options and ways to expand moving forward. Give your souls the freedom to shine and express themselves in their new energetic states, for there is much to discover and explore, both in your internal and external worlds. ~Archangel Gabriel

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The Big Bang?

And so, for some of you, the growing pains may have begun.  The challenges and upheavals of the emotional self are coming to the surface to be examined, thanked, honored and released.  This need not be a ‘big show’…..unless you want it to be!  (Smiling)  As you let go, the clarity you need most will be there waiting. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 8/22/2017

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All children are born beautiful. Then what goes wrong? - because later on all people are not beautiful. All children are born with grace, but then something goes wrong; somewhere the growth stops, and everything becomes ugly. Later on you cannot find so many beautiful persons in the world. And as you grow old, you become more and more ugly.

It should be just the opposite, if life moves in the right direction. If you know the art of how to live beautifully, how to live with grace, how to live through the Divine, not through the ego, then just the opposite will be the case. Every child will grow more and more beautiful, and old age must be the culmination of beauty. It has to be.



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