God said:
You never know what is coming up in a Heavenletter as it appears before you. Heavenletters are up for grabs, as it were. It is as if you reach into My Heart. You pluck My Heart from Me. It isn’t that you wrest My Heart from Me. My Heart is more like a ripe plum that falls into your hand.
We can imagine that there are infinite numbers of Heavenletters, unending numbers of Heavenletters not exactly stored yet available at any moment, and no two Heavenletters repeated, yet each Heavenletter an echo of itself.
In a manner of speaking, there could be one Diamond of a Heavenletter whose seeds are blown everywhere.
Or, it could be said that seeds of Heavenletters assemble and disassemble and reassemble themselves.
It could be said that each Heavenletter comes by happenstance. It could be said that every Presence of a Heavenletter is a foregone conclusion.
There are also in this world an infinite number of attuning Hearts and Souls also available to hear Me, each in his or her own flavor, each to pull up particular shades of messages from Me and set them down again or leave them in the air.
Heavenletters are ever rising and setting like the Sun, and each is its own, and yet what mortal can exactly say how a Heavenletter reaches Earth? You can know I give it.
What a pattern each Heavenletter conceives. Each Heavenletter is new, and each has always been. There was never a time there was not a Heavenletter by whatever name it is held in.