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Raising Yourself in the World

God said:

There is value in admitting ignorance. Admitting ignorance puts you way ahead. How truly wonderful it is for your brothers and sisters in the world to meet someone like you who doesn’t know all the answers in the world. What a relief!

It is better to be open than to be closed.

You are way ahead now when you can unabashedly say you don’t know all the answers. What a rare individual you are when you can excuse yourself from knowing everything. For one thing, this makes you rare and welcome, yes, indeed.

You are, indeed, one in a million. It is refreshing to meet with you. Hurray, you are setting a trend and serving the hearts and minds of many. You are the crème de la crème. Welcome to Heaven!

A refreshing face, a refreshing mind, a refreshing Heart -- all now established, all pre-set ahead of time – these are worth gold. You are just what I am looking for – a human Being ready to see anew and greater. Please, come sit at My right hand, and we’ll have a good time.

Dear Ones, now, let’s address a very human quality which gets in the way of happiness. This human quality is becoming attached. When you are attached, you are pre-set. You have decided how Life must be. And so you restrict yourself.

Great sensitivity regarding how you are treated in the world is something to come to terms with and to let go of.

Here is a tale:

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Daily Message ~ Sunday August 20, 2017

Dear Ones, as you move forward into the next phase of your journey, many of you will be changing service, or stepping into service in a tangible way for the first time. Just as each person's enlightenment path is individual, so will be your service offerings.

Some will focus on the earth, some on animals, some on energetic work, some on healing, some on teaching. There will be a myriad of ways to serve, just as delightful and individual as each of you are.

One service path is not better than another! Know that you will be drawn to service that matches your talents and soul agenda, and each service path is a beautiful and appropriate expression of the individual that is perfect for them.

It is the combination of many different people waking up and offering their love through the service that best serves them, and the whole, that will continue to drive the shift on your planet and create the new earth you are pioneering. It is a grand and glorious dance that you are all participating in, contributing lovingly for the greatest good of all. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 8/19/2017

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In meditation, you are one with your consciousness, so it doesn't function and exist as a mind. You are one - there is no division. When there is no division and unity comes in, all self-consciousness disappears. Let me repeat, because you can misunderstand it. It is not that the Self disappears, just the self-consciousness disappears.

And remember, you will not be in a state 'of unconsciousness; you will be perfectly aware, but not self-conscious. You will be perfectly aware, fully aware, but there will be only awareness, no division who is aware of whom - no subject, no object, simply a complete, a total state - a circle of awareness. That awareness in which self-consciousness is not is egoless. And that awareness has a grace, a beauty, a beauty that doesn't belong to this world.

Even an ugly person will become beautiful in that state; ugly as far as the criterions of this world go, but suffused, illuminated with something from the Beyond. The body, the shape may not be beautiful, but it is filled with some unknown grace. And then you forget the body; the grace is so much that you simply cannot attend to the body - you feel the grace.


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On Earth, Excuses May Star

God said:

Beloveds, on Earth, excuses exist.

An excuse may be true, yet it is not for you to make an excuse as if responsibility is not yours. There are no excuses for excuses. Refrain from excuses. You don’t need fall guys such as time, energy, ability etc. to fend for you.

Excuses make you helpless, as if you are a victim and are not responsible for your own actions and inactions. This is an area beholden to your will.

Dear Ones, of course, it may be so that you are too tired to wash the dishes. Perhaps the honest excuse is that you don’t feel like it. You may say you can’t make yourself do it.

You have this one Life to live right now. Make good use of it.

Most excuses are not worth their weight in tin. In any case, excuses are made of styrofoam.

Don’t malinger. Take action right away, and then you won’t have so much hanging over you. When you make an appointment, keep it.

Saying you’re sorry is a good step, yet it doesn’t mean it’s okay that you didn’t follow through. Don’t make excusing yourself a way of Life.

On the other hand, don’t beat yourself up. Move on. Just don’t let non-action take over.

I also realize that you often do not really know why you aren’t following through on something. You owed someone money, and the longer you haven’t paid it, the harder it is to get back your momentum. Something in you seems to prevent it. The longer you take to put something off, the harder it gets.

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Saudi Arabia Is Destroying an Entire Country — and the US Is Helping Them Do It

by Darius Shahtahmasebi, The Anti-Media

Following an air strike in Yemen that killed at least 12 civilians, a senior United Nations official has condemned Saudi Arabia’s actions, asserting the Kingdom has shown a complete disregard for human life.

According to Reuters, three women and six children from the same family were killed in their sleep during the dawn air strike conducted the Saudi-led coalition. Medical officials noted that the youngest of the children was just two years old. Ten others were wounded, according to the U.K.’s humanitarian coordinator in Yemen, Jamie McGoldrick.

In an official statement, McGoldrick said he was “deeply concerned” about the Saudi-led action, also accusing Saudi Arabia of violating international law:

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Mary Reed

Mary decided to make a video for those who may be struggling with their fear, anger, or sense of helplessness, and for anyone looking for a perspective that helps them look at what’s happening in an empowering way. And here’s the link.

She is also a a participant in a great new documentary: “What is Mysticism.” I heartily recommend it. It’s on YouTube in 12 consecutive parts, so it’s very easy to view/listen to it one part at a time, or allow the whole documentary to play right through. Here’s the link:

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Daily Message ~ Saturday August 19, 2017

The act of surrender is like putting your car in drive after you've programmed your destination into your GPS. Intention is step one. Activating your help is step two. But neither one will do you much good if you don't get into the flow that allows you to be guided to where you want to be. ~Archangel Gabriel


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