GFP Newsletter - 8/31/2017

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Animals are beautiful, all animals. Have you seen an animal ugly? Have you ever seen an ugly bird, an ugly deer? Can you find an ugly tree? - then what has happened to man? When everything is so beautiful in the world, what has happened to man? There is nothing like an ugly tree or an ugly bird or an ugly animal. They are all beautiful, they are all graceful; they are so perfectly alike. If you go into the forest and see one thousand deer moving, you will not find a single deer too fat, too thin, ugly or beautiful. You will not be able to make any distinction - they all look alike.

What is the matter with man then? Why do so many people become so ugly and so fat; either thin or fat, but never in balance? They don't exist in a relaxed way. They are tense, self-conscious. When you are tense you will start eating more. When you are relaxed you eat only as much as is needed.

The body decides, not you.


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Mark Your Days in Joy

God said:

You don’t have to produce work seven days a week. You can be exonerated from delivering orders every day of the week.

Of course, enjoy every day of the week whatever you do. Go ahead and whistle while you work.

Alas, for some, there may be no day of the week that is joy. Something took away the Lightness of your Life.

Sometimes, even a day off is not really a day off for you. You may not find any respite for you.

Arrange for some creative time in your Life. It strikes Me that Life is too precious to spend in discontent. On the other hand, you don’t have to demand that Life Be a Piece of Cake.

It is perfectly all right not to be entertained. Every day does not have be to a blast! At the same time, let go and harvest the God-given Life you have. I like this way of thinking: Harvest your Life. Sure, while you are at it, go ahead and find joy in daily Life. It is not My desire that you trudge uphill each day.

Enjoy all your Days on Earth. Certainly, you are not meant to sacrifice them. It’s also possible to work hard in Life AND to enjoy Life to its full measure. Give yourself open Sesame to reap all the joy in the world.

Life is meant to be far greater than just putting up with it or somehow making it through by the skin or your teeth. Get some Joy back into your step. Joy is what you are here for.

Life absolutely does not have to be a trial.

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Arkansas School Starts Offering Yoga and Meditation Instead of Detention

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer
Waking Times

A school in Jonesboro, Arkansas, has joined many others in turning to an alternative method of discipline. The Success Achievement Academy has stopped using in-school suspension as punishment. Instead, the directors started using yoga as a means of helping students relieve stress and recognize responsibility for their actions. But does yoga instead of suspension work?

Yoga Instead of Suspension is Working

Carlillian Thompson, the principal at Robert Coleman Elementary in Baltimore, Maryland, would probably argue that yoga and mindfulness meditation are more effective than suspension. Her school began offering yoga and meditation in 2016. The program, called Mindful Moments, was spearheaded by Ali and Atman Smith of Holisitc Life Foundation.

“They actually taught the students how to redirect their negative energy into something positive. ” shares Carlillian Thompson, the principal at Coleman.

In an interview with CBS This Morning, Thompson claims her school no longer has to use in-school suspension.

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Love is all-pervasive. All you have to do is open yourselves to receive It.

The awakening of humanity is proceeding apace, and most enthusiastically, because, in spite of the unsettling and disturbing mainstream media news, people everywhere are beginning to see the Light and feel uplifted and inspired to make the daily intent, on waking in the morning, to be loving throughout the day, whatever arises.  Doing only that is enormously powerful and effective, it is what you all incarnated to do – to be conduits for the Tsunami of Love enveloping the planet.

As all of us here in the spiritual realms – the formless realms where there is only the One, Consciousness, the field of divine Love in which all that has been created has its existence, in fact where all of creation resides eternally and joyfully – keep telling you through the various channeled messages, Love is All, there is nothing else!  Therefore, focus on Love.

When you do peace and contentment will embrace you, assisting you in dealing satisfactorily with the human issues that you all encounter and have to resolve, issues that are not in perfect alignment with Love – no other issues exist – and even those are unreal, an aspect of your intense sense of separation.  When you focus on Love that sense of separation eases because It helps you to access your sense of connection to Source, the connection that has never been broken or removed, and which never will be because it is eternal.

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Daily Message ~ Thursday August 31, 2017

I noticed someone shared this message from 2013 on twitter the other day. I figured it came up again for a reason, so I decided to make today a Throwback Thursday.

Dear Ones, if you are air do you worry about getting air? If you are soaking wet, do you fret about how to get wet? If you are a buffet of food, do you worry about being hungry? The same is with love. You ARE love. How can you ever be without something that, by your very nature, you are? Perhaps from that perspective you are now able to see the wisdom of BEing. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Letting Go Of Treasures

Sometimes, you will be guided to let go of beautiful things in your life. It may not be part of your plan, but it is definitely part of the infinite picture. Being able release something you treasure can, and often will, open you to receive more than you expected. Remember, even though it feels as if it will go on forever, a painful moment is just a moment. Learning and being able to release can carry you through lifetimes. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 8/30/2017

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It is very easy to see what is wrong in somebody else. It is very, very difficult to observe oneself.

That's why I say, first start watching people. They are you - through them you will understand yourself. Just start watching people, they are you. Watching them you will come to a point where you can understand yourself better. Look at people on the street, at how self-conscious they are, how continuously ego-oriented. Look at your leaders, politicians, your so-called saints; how self- conscious they are - continuously on show: in the market, in the show-window, but never at home.

They are like commodities for sale. And it doesn't matter whether you are a very costly commodity or a cheap commodity; a person is not a commodity.


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Artist Creates Truly Unique Art Using The Golden Ratio

By Jess Murray Truth Theory

An artist based in Los Angeles, California, creates masterpieces so rare and unique that the number of people that carry out this specific artwork can be attributed to just five individuals. The artist, named Jack Storms, creates his art by combining lead crystal and dichroic glass using a cold-glass process. He explained what separates him from other artists by stating, “What I do is I don’t use any heat at all, I grind and grind and grind and then I polish, that’s what separates me from everybody else. It’s much more difficult and it takes a lot more time. But for me the effects are just brilliant.”

Each piece of his specific artwork can take anywhere by 8 to 18 weeks to fully complete, but Storms explains that this is the effort and dedication that is required to create such masterpieces. An additional factor that sets Storms’s work apart from others is that, despite working with glass and crystal, he honours the natural world with each design by using the golden ratio, otherwise known as the Fibonacci sequence. This special ratio has been used in many famous creative designs, from the Mona Lisa to famous architectural structures.

Watch the video to see Storm’s process:

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God Smiles

God said:

You give Me much Joy on Earth. I, Who give to you Joy on Earth, I am filled to the brim with all the Joy that you give to Me.

Tonight I was bemused to overhear a psychic tell a certain weary heart who seeks Me that My advice to you is always: “Keep your chin up.”

Well, of course, wouldn’t I minimally request this of you, My Child created from My Breath? This request is so sweet and simple, I can only smile wide and pick you up and hold you close to Me and say:

“Yes, Dears, keep your chin up!”

And so I say to all.

Naturally I say this, and I say more than this. This is the least of what I would say to you, and so My Smile is all the Greater.

To keep your chin up is also the least of what you can do. This goes without saying, yet I adore that others also express this from Me to you so simply. Everyone has My guidance. This is the least you can hear and the least you can give in all good faith. You will not go amiss.

You can further say: “Everything will be all right.”

Of course, you can say, “All will be well.” This is a foregone conclusion.

You don’t have to know in advance how all this will befall. You don’t have to be able to draw a picture. This is more than a Promise. This is a certainty.

All will rejoice with Me in Heaven and on Earth. This goes without saying, yet go ahead and say it and mean it. This is not a probability. This is a foregone conclusion. The mute will sing. The lame will walk. The deaf will hear. All will be well in Heaven and on Earth.


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