God said:
If I may make a suggestion, and, of course, I can, may I suggest that you inspire yourself? Now, that’s a good suggestion! Isn’t it a novel idea? I like it. When you are bored or disgruntled or anything at all, try taking it upon yourself to wake yourself up to something new. Undisgruntle yourself. Rise and shine. Take yourself in hand.
Perhaps you would like to do something you have never done before.
Of course, it isn’t exactly that you have to do something new. You can do something you have always done a lot. You don’t really have to challenge yourself. You are not really looking for a remarkable experience. A fine experience can be good enough.
You are not necessarily looking for the thrill of a Lifetime. What particular value does that hold for you? Maybe all you need is to wake up.
Surely you have not as yet seen all the beautiful sunrises and sunsets in all the land, for the fact is that there are no two alike. If you are looking for new Glories in the Universe, certainly they exist. Certainly, new Glories exist in your own heart. Maybe you want to go down a new corridor of your own Life that you have not yet gone down so far, or go up a ladder you have not yet climbed.
Surely, it is within yourself that you want to shake the rafters, or, perhaps, simply want a rest from all the jogging of your memory.
Maybe you want to lie on your back on the grass and settle in.
Maybe you want to lift off the ground and soar to the High Heavens.