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Class Action Suits Against Monsanto Mount as American Farmers Lose Millions of Acres of Crops

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer
Waking Times

A growing amount of anger and outrage against Monsanto has culminated in a number class action lawsuits being filed against the agrochemcial giant. At issue now are the devastating effects of dicamba, a potent herbicide formulated for genetically modified seed. The product has a tendency to drift onto neighboring crops after being applied to GM crops, destroying millions of acres of productive farmland.

Complaints of misuse of dicamba are growing swiftly in at least 21 U.S. states, and there have been thousands of complaints in Arkansas alone, which has prompted a state ban on the use of dicamba. The state of Missouri has also banned the use of dicamba in 2017.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday August 30, 2017

In times of energetic intensity, self care is key. Not just physical self care, but also emotional self care. Many old issues, wounds, fears, and concerns may come up for examination, healing, and release. This process does not need to be traumatic if you are approaching it from a place of balance and love.

If something comes up that is unpleasant or activating to you, we invite you to ask it the following questions. What do you need to feel safe? To be acknowledged? To be comforted? To be healed? To be soothed? To be integrated or released? What do you need to feel loved? What do you need to feel like you matter?

Imagine that you had a line of little children, all with needs that weren't being met. Most of their needs would be very easy to fix from the vantage point of your adult, empowered self. It would be easy for you to stop and ask each child and then assess and give what it is they needed for their comfort, reassurance, and well-being.

Why not do that for yourselves? Why not, from your more evolved vantage point, see each aspect that comes up for healing as an opportunity to bring peace and comfort to yourself? It is your love and care that will bring a greater sense of inner unity and acceptance, and restore balance within.

You do not need to look for trouble within yourself. As your own caretaker, you can create the environment for you to thrive and then simply address any issues that may come up with your wisdom and divine capability.

GFP Newsletter - 8/29/2017

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I say watch people so that finally, eventually you can watch yourself. It is very difficult to watch yourself because you are so near to yourself. There is no distance so observation becomes difficult.


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New Glories in Your Own Heart

God said:

If I may make a suggestion, and, of course, I can, may I suggest that you inspire yourself? Now, that’s a good suggestion! Isn’t it a novel idea? I like it. When you are bored or disgruntled or anything at all, try taking it upon yourself to wake yourself up to something new. Undisgruntle yourself. Rise and shine. Take yourself in hand.

Perhaps you would like to do something you have never done before.

Of course, it isn’t exactly that you have to do something new. You can do something you have always done a lot. You don’t really have to challenge yourself. You are not really looking for a remarkable experience. A fine experience can be good enough.

You are not necessarily looking for the thrill of a Lifetime. What particular value does that hold for you? Maybe all you need is to wake up.

Surely you have not as yet seen all the beautiful sunrises and sunsets in all the land, for the fact is that there are no two alike. If you are looking for new Glories in the Universe, certainly they exist. Certainly, new Glories exist in your own heart. Maybe you want to go down a new corridor of your own Life that you have not yet gone down so far, or go up a ladder you have not yet climbed.

Surely, it is within yourself that you want to shake the rafters, or, perhaps, simply want a rest from all the jogging of your memory.

Maybe you want to lie on your back on the grass and settle in.

Maybe you want to lift off the ground and soar to the High Heavens.

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The Spells and Appearances of Words Can Control Your Thoughts

Pao L. Chang, Contributor
Waking Times

Words, words, words, are what people see every day, but I do not see words like most people. What I see are worlds, worlds, worlds, and spells, spells, spells. Today, we live in a world dominated by words, which are magic spells that can be used to hypnotize the minds of people. All words have magic properties because they were created based on occult knowledge. To be more specific, they were designed based on sacred geometry and sacred sound. Furthermore, many of them were charged with magic intention.

What the education system does not tell you about letters is that they are actually sigils containing the fundamental semantic code for transmission of thought. This is why words, which are made up of letters, are so effective for stimulating the human mind and transmitting information. Certain advertising companies are well aware that words are very effective tools for stimulating the mind, which is why their ad campaigns often have a lot of words in them.

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday August 29, 2017

Dear Ones, love is what you are. When you withhold giving love to yourself or others, you are, quite simply, denying your own truth and essence. Allow your love, your beingness to flow, and from there you will find yourself feeling a joy and satisfaction that is beyond what you ever thought possible. ~Archangel Gabriel


GFP Newsletter - 8/28/2017

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The faces of Buddhas always become feminine. That's why Hindus never depict their Enlightened persons with beards and moustaches, no. Have you seen any pictures of Buddha, or Mahavir, or Krishna, or Ram with a beard or a moustache? Not that beards never came to them, because that would have been a deformity; that would have meant that something was biologically wrong, physiologically wrong, some hormone was missing. No, they had beards and moustaches, but the Hindus have completely dropped them. They don't depict them because they are depicting something of the inner. They are showing through the statues of Buddhas that these men became completely feminine. Why feminine? - because grace is feminine, beauty is feminine.


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Daily Message ~ Monday August 28, 2017

Dear Ones, one of your greatest needs is to be seen in your innate goodness. Give this gift to yourselves. Give it to others. Shine a light on this core truth that exists in all of you. Water it, grow it, and celebrate it, and watch how it allows you all to bloom in your truth and beauty. ~Archangel Gabriel



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