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Daily Message ~ Monday August 14, 2017

Dear Ones, the greater your discomfort, the greater your resistance. It may be resistance to a situation, a circumstance, the energies, or where the flow is trying to take you, but make no mistake, if you are uncomfortable resistance is at its core.

It is designed that way on purpose. Your discomfort is not to punish you, or a cross to bear. It is simply a redirectional tool. It's role is to make it too uncomfortable to stay the same and get you back into the movement that your soul is wishing you to experience.

So how do you get out of discomfort? Surrender. Get into the flow. Commit to staying out of your own way and having your guides and helpers lead you. Practice acceptance. Consciously use gratitude and appreciation for what is working in your life in each Now moment. You see, Dear Ones, you simply cannot be resistant and grateful at the same time.

Your soul knows exactly what it is trying to do and where it wants to go. Allow it to take the lead and drop the struggle, and you will be surprised at how you will feel an immediate lightening of your load and begin to move toward the comfort and expansion you seek. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 8/13/2017

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A Master never reacts, he responds. A man who is aware never reacts, he responds. You react. Try to understand the difference.

Reaction is a deep-rooted habit. Response is not a habit. It is an alive sensitivity to the moment.

Response is real. Reaction is always unreal. Somebody insults you and you react. Reaction means: between the insult and what you do, between these two, there is not a single moment of awareness. You react through habit as you have reacted in the past - but the situation is totally different.


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Today’s New Heavenletter As It Writes Itself

God said:

Beloveds, in the Heavenletter, The Grand Inquisition, which came out yesterday -- the day before this Heavenletter – today’s Heavenletter is just about to be born as I speak. Please note in the very last paragraph of yesterday’s, these contrary words:

We will sink/rise into Love.

In the world, the words sink and rise are opposites. The world says that no one can sink and rise simultaneously. If you sink, you sink. If you rise, you rise. There are no two ways about it, so says the world.

Now, in Heaven, there are no such distinctions. In Heaven, yes, it is very possible to rise and sink simultaneously. There is no difference whether you rise to happiness or sink to the very depths of happiness -- the wonderfulness is the same.

Yesterday, as you read sink/rise, you may well not have noticed any disparity between the two. You got it!

Yes, yes, in the world, there are disparities. The world is full of opposites, whereas I vehemently say that there are none. This is hard for My Children to see, for the world, all, is filled with contrast and contradiction. In Heaven, for instance, We can say that there may be different gradations of beautiful colors yet none is opposite. In Heaven, there is Love, and Love is for all sizes and shapes and the multitude of diversity in the world as well. No, no, no! No opposites. Not at all.

The world can do all the categorizing it wants, yet rain is rain, and snow is snow, and both fall from Heaven.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday August 13, 2017

One of the most nurturing things you can do for yourselves, especially during times of energetic intensity, is to consciously connect with the sun and allow the healing rays to wash over you and soothe you. You and the sun are so connected and it is playing a major role in your enlightenment process. It is a wonderful resource that we encourage you to utilize for your healing, shifting, and comfort. Ten minutes a day on your bare skin with the clear intention to receive its gifts and support is all that is required. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Leo Solar Eclipse: Revolution, Healing and Collapse of the New World Order

by Lance Schuttler ,The Mind Unleashed

Astrologer Laura Walker of has put out an 8 minute audio recording of her take on the Leo total Solar eclipse on August 21st, 2017 and why she believes this event will be supremely positive for the world and will further accelerate the downfall of the political/banking cabal.

The audio recording is titled “All Roads Lead To Liberty 2: The Recapitulation of Renaissance” and can be listened to at, seen in the upper right hand corner of the website. Below are highlights from the recording, though it is highly recommended to listen to the entire 8 minutes of it. 

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Pay Attention: We’re Heavily Empowering One Industry To Destroy The Environment

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

The government, mainstream media, and multiple environmental organizations are constantly driving our attention toward oil and gas, transportation, and many other industries that contribute to environmental degradation and destruction. How often do you hear that animal agriculture is the leading force behind all of this?

The environmental destruction that occurs as a result of animal agriculture is alarming, yet it tends to be swept under the rug. Environmental organizations often refuse to address this issue because it affects so many people and our understanding of how we live and thrive. Meat is a staple found on the tables in most houses, and it’s a huge money-maker (with a value of $1.4 trillion, to be exact), so many organizations choose to avoid the topic altogether.

GFP Newsletter - 8/12/2017

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Masters are unreasonable and unexpected. You cannot predict them. They are like the wind, or like the clouds moving in the sky. Where they are going nobody can say, because they don't follow any map. They simply go wherever the wind moves. They have no goal, they have no direction. They simply live in the moment. You cannot say what a Master is going to do - never. A Master is unpredictable because he is not planned for the future. He is not prepared in any way. He moves in the moment, looks at the situation, and responds.


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The Grand Inquisition!

God said:

How do I, God, located as I am in Heaven, help you, My Children, to remove any and all obstacles to Love? And how in the world do I help you step over the act of judgment, for, of course, I have made it clear you are not to judge.

You might say: “Whoa, God, You find me wanting. Isn’t that judgment pure and simple?”

I understand how you feel.

You wonder: “Why would God try to have me see differently unless God finds fault with me?”

As you see it, from one side of My mouth, I say: “You are perfect.”

As you see it, from another side of My mouth, I say: “Yoohoo, get better. Smarten up.”

You have a point.

Yet I wonder, Dear Friends, in words, how can I want you to partake of greater happiness unless I see your turmoil from the way you see it, ahem, from a limited point of view?

Certainly, you feel: “If You, God, see me as perfect – You keep affirming and affirming I am – then what are You talking about, God, huh?”

I see your qualms and dilemmas and outright unhappiness, and, yes, I want you to be without them. I see you with energy and joy and making choices that benefit you and those around you, and those far from you as well. Beloveds, at the same time, excuse Me, I also see through you and all your shenanigans.

And, Yes, I see further than you do see.


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