God said:
There is one secret to living Life without strain, and that is, once and for all, to not make a big deal out of living Life. It is, after all, only Life. It is you who looks at Life the way you do. It is you who makes demands of Life, as if Life is meant to serve you and not you to serve Life.
It’s like Life consists of three flights of stairs to climb to get to your apartment, and every day, you say to yourself:
“What a crumby Life. Three flights of steep stairs to climb. Life isn’t supposed to be like this. How many times a day am I expected to climb up and down these stairs, day in and day out? Life isn’t supposed to ask this much of me. Life is supposed to wait on me more. I’m not even meant to have any stairs to climb. Life is meant to serve me bon-bons. As it is, Life wears me out. Life goes out of its way to hassle me.”
Contrast the above with thoughts like these below:
“Up these stairs again! Wow, look at all this free exercise I get! Yippee! I am so fortunate. God is very good to me! I can move my legs. I can get up from my chair. I can go upstairs and downstairs. I can carry groceries up these stairs, and I can take trash down these stairs. I can dance. I can sing. I am one of the luckiest people in the world! I give gratitude for all the gifts God gives me.”