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What 5 Great Spiritual Leaders Have to Say About the Deadly Sickness of Loneliness

Dylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times

Loneliness, when accepted, becomes a gift that will lead us to find a purpose in life. ~Paulo Coelho

Loneliness is the illness of our time. Even medical research is warning us that it may be a bigger health risk than smoking or obesity. A stark warning which oddly contradicts the perception of cultural advancement in a technology driven world. After all, we can communicate with far more people and in far more ways than ever before, and we’re connected twenty-four seven. Yet we can still feel desperately alone when together with others in a crowd of people.

Technological communication and connection isn’t giving us what we need. Something is missing. We’re overlooking something critical to the human experience, and loneliness has become the dark plague that torments the human soul.

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Well Of Peace

You can find your peace.  It is not a matter of looking outward, emulating others or forcing it.  It has always been and always will be there.  Take a moment today and breathe; find that well of peace and explore it a bit.  The more time you spend there, the easier it will be to access in the future.  Enjoy your peace! ~ Creator


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Artificial Sweeteners Again Linked to Weight Gain, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure - Waking Times

Phillip Schneider, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Artificial sweeteners are promoted as a healthy way to cut down on sugar and lose weight. Common sweeteners such as aspartame, saccharin, and sucralose are used in “diet” products as a way to market toward those who wish to cut down on calories. However, new research is showing us that these artificial sugar substitutes are not as healthy as big food brands would like us to believe. According to new research from the Canadian Medical Association Journal, they are actually linked to weight gain, not loss.

Consumption of nonnutritive sweeteners was associated with increases in weight and waist circumference, and higher incidence of obesity, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular events. – Meghan B. Azad, PhD

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Daily Message ~ Thursday July 20, 2017

Dear Ones, have you ever noticed how, if a child is with an overprotective parent, they will be prevented from or afraid of trying new things? And have you ever noticed how a child with a more adventurous parent will hesitate only to have the parent step up in supportive encouragement, which was all the child needed in order to try a new experience?

The first parent is constricting the child and using fear (they do not want the child to get hurt) as a reason to not try anything new. The second parent is encouraging experience and expansion. Many of you have seen this dynamic play out very obviously in front of you. One feeds doubt, the other moves beyond doubt.

So our question is, how do you apply this to yourselves? As you step into the role of being your own guides, teachers, and loving parents, are you being overprotective? Are you afraid to try new things in case something goes wrong? Are you perpetuating old conditioning? Or are you able to encourage yourself, with your own wonderful wisdom and support, to embrace and value the expansion that comes with new experience?

Perhaps, just perhaps, there is a little part of you that has been waiting for its opportunity to grow, that is longing to hear you say the words, “I am here for you. It is safe to try. I know you can do it!” ~Archangel Gabriel


GFP Newsletter - 7/19/2017

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You get the idea of who you are from others. It is not a direct experience. It is from others that you get the idea of who you are. They shape your center. This center is false, because you CARRY your real center. That is nobody's business. Nobody shapes it. You come with it. You are born with it.

So you have two centers. One center you come with, which is given by existence itself. That is the Self. And the other center, which is created by the society, is the ego - it is a false thing - and it is a very great trick. Through the ego the society is controlling you. You have to behave in a certain way, because only then does the society appreciate you. You have to walk in a certain way; you have to laugh in a certain way; you have to follow certain manners, a morality, a code. Only then will the society appreciate you, and if it doesn't, your ego will be shaken. And when the ego is shaken, you don't know where you are, who you are. The others have given you the idea. That idea is the ego.


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Be a New Moonbeam

God said:

Stay out of the mud.

Refrain from gossip. Your purpose isn’t to toss around words about others rapturously with glee while you put them down. This is not a high vibration whatsoever. Not a high vibration at all. You won’t hear me giving you any such instructions to cast anyone down. Only smallness would make you do this.

Gossip is a long-held paltry subject. Whole magazines are filled with gossip. Fill your heart and mind with merit and not gossip.

You have a whole Life ahead of you.

Gossip isn’t your business.

Infringe in others’ lives isn’t your business.

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Here’s Why More Than 35 Countries Have Banned Genetically Modified Crops From Their Country

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Druker, being a public interest attorney and the Executive Director of the Alliance For Bio-Integrity, initiated a lawsuit in 1998 that forced the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to divulge its files on genetically engineered foods. In 2015 he published a book on the lawsuit. In the book, Druker provides details of his experience, and he’s also released the documents on his website showing the significant hazards of genetically engineering foods and the flaws present in the FDA’s policy.

It’s called Altered Genes, Twisted Truth: How the Venture to Genetically Engineer Our Food Has Subverted Science, Corrupted Government, and Systematically Deceived the Public.

The book has some very impressive reviews. For example, David Schubert, Ph.D., molecular biologist and Head of Cellular Neurobiology at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, said that this “incisive and insightful book is truly outstanding. Not only is it well-reasoned and scientifically solid, it’s a pleasure to read – and a must-read.”

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Think Tanks Want Solve the Opioid Crisis With a Military Invasion of Mexico

Isaac Davis, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Imagine how many lives we can save of those 500,000 Americans predicted to die because of Mexican opioids and meth. War with Mexico doesn’t sound so crazy anymore, does it? ~Matt Mayer

To a hammer, every problem looks like a nail, and in the face of a deadly opioid epidemic, geopolitical think-tankers are now recommending a full-scale military invasion of Mexico.


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