GFP Newsletter - 7/18/2017

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The society creates an ego because the ego can be controlled and manipulated. The Self can never be controlled and manipulated. Nobody has ever heard of the society controlling a Self - not possible. And the child needs a center; the child is completely unaware of his own center. The society gives him a center and the child is by and by convinced that this is his center, the ego that society gives.

A child comes back to his home. If he has come first in his class, the whole family is happy. You hug and kiss him, and you take the child on your shoulders and dance and you say: What a beautiful child! You are a pride to us. You are giving him an ego, a subtle ego. And if the child comes home dejected, unsuccessful, a failure, he couldn't pass, or he has just been on the back-bench, then nobody appreciates him and the child feels rejected. He will try hard next time, because the center feels shaken.

Ego is always shaken, always in search of food, that somebody should appreciate it. That's why you continuously ask for attention.


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In a Moment of Sunlight

God said:

Be on your way to letting go of the idea of evening up Life and its Events. Beloveds, there is no disciplining Life in the way you look at it. Life as it appears is captured in a moment of Sun Light and reveals itself.

Life is organic and free range. Life has access everywhere. The way you see it, Life is to have some bounds according to your desire. You will be millenniums ahead when you give Life the freedom and blessing to be what it is when it is.

Dear Ones, Life does not need your sanction, certainly not your restraints. Take Life as it comes. A rainy day has as much reason to be as a sunny day does.

All the choices are not yours. Be Life’s Friend in Truth not as in a political campaign or business for profit. There is much that Life must take into account that you have no idea of. Life has its path to take, and Life’s path comes first. You do not know how to take into account all the intersections and connections. The comings and goings in Life have their right to be. Yes, dear ones, there is much more to Life than your eager-to-be-counted preferences.

Life has the Divine Right to mingle as it does. It is for you to move on in Life. Take care of how much energy you spend fighting Life. No longer sniffle over Life. No longer waste your God-given Life on squabbling with it. Make hay while the sun shines. Give your all to Life. Your Life is not so much yours as you think it is. No one said that all of Life must be your cup of tea.

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday July 18, 2017

Dear Ones, to better understand your enlightenment process, think of a video game. When you complete one phase or level, it opens up brand new areas and potentials. You may seem to be playing as you always have, but then you realize you have brand new abilities!

You might meet new challenges to help you discover everything you can do with your new skills. Things may seem very similar, or very different, but you know that it is still evolution from where you were, and filled with elements to discover as well as different kinds of help along the way.

So to put it in terms you can best understand, you are all levelling up for each and every shift you go through, and that is a wonderful thing, even if you haven't quite figured out how everything works yet. The joy is in the discovery. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Seymour Hersh: Trump Knew There Was No Chemical Weapons Attack, But Bombed Syria Anyways

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

We’ve reported multiple times on what’s been happening in Syria, and typically these articles are very different than the narrative you find on mainstream media. That’s because the government controls mainstream media, creating falsified information and spreading it through news outlets in order to manufacture a heightened state of fear and security to increase their control over the population.

One of the latest examples of this is the “sarin nerve gas attack” that was allegedly orchestrated by President Assad, or at least that’s what mainstream media and the U.S. government told the public. In reality, there was no chemical weapons attack. We suspected this due to the evidence at the time and wrote numerous articles on the subject, a couple of which you can read here:

Assad Says Syria Chemical Attack Was “Fabricated” By The U.S. & Is “Hand-In-Glove With Terrorists”

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What Native Americans Really Think of Some of America’s Biggest Holidays

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

The textbooks teach American children a very different version of some of the country’s most monumental events compared to what Native Americans actually experienced. At a young age, we are given the structure for what to celebrate. We are taught to celebrate a fantasy history that ignores and downplays the displacement and genocide of a people. Some of America’s most well-known and longest revered holidays are, then, nothing to celebrate at all for its roughly 5.2 million indigenous peoples.

Columbus Day

America was not founded by Columbus — a corrupt man who condoned murder and rape, and whose own people wanted him jailed. Columbus never even set foot in North America. He actually “discovered” the Bahamas archipelago and then the island later named Hispaniola, now split into Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Here, cruelty and murder ensued, including Spaniards testing the sharpness of blades on Native people by cutting them in half. Infants were ripped from their mothers’ breasts by Spaniards, then thrown headfirst into large rocks.

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Open Doors

The coming celestial event will put into motion changes The Universe has been planning for some time.  It is important to keep this in mind when the things you were planning or have counted on change direction.  This ‘side step’ is not meant to discombobulate you (smiling), but to show you other options, directions and things you may not have considered.  One door closing will open 20 you never even thought of looking at.  It is a joyous time; free-will is yours….use it! ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 7/17/2017

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Christianity is politics, Hinduism is politics, Buddhism is politics.

Buddha, Jesus, Krishna, they are not social at all. They are not anti-social - they are beyond society.

So there are two dangers for society: anti-social people, criminals; you can tackle them. They may be dangerous, but something can be done about them; they are not that dangerous. Then there is a group of people which is beyond society. They are impossible. You cannot change them. They will not be ready to make any compromise.


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By the Streams of Sweet Waters

God said:

I hear you say, or even flaunt:

“God, I would lie down by green pastures. I would lie down by still waters. I would – absolutely -- if I knew where to find green pastures and still waters. Where are they? If I could see them, I would eagerly lie down by them.

“As it is, it feels like I slide down turbulent rapids. I fall head over heels – sometimes in love -- often in a morass or a desert. Sometimes I barely limp along. I do not seem to know which end is up. I am in the dark, God. God, save me from myself. Occupy my heart and mind. Obliterate fear from my sight. Restore my soul to sweet waters.”

Beloveds, are you saying that you feel lost? You can be lost when I am with you? That I am with you means just that, that you are never without Me. And you cannot escape Me. Inside and out, I am here. You are safe. I catch you all the illusory time.

If you do ride the rapids as you feel and which I do not accept, you ride them with Me. If you ever find yourself as if without Me, be assured this is an illusion you tote around with you. Is there some reason why you need to carry such an illusion when I am right here at your disposal? Foolish child. Have your dreams. They are worth having. Dream big.

For Heaven’s sakes, why dream small? Whatever for?

You create great daydreams so they can grow and, given the chance, will become true. Begin to know Truth.

Catch a falling star. Row your own boat. Paddle your own canoe. Declare independence from past thoughts.

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Why I Walked 90 Kilometres To Drink A Psychedelic Cactus On Top Of Machu Picchu Mountain - TruthTheory

By Luke Miller, Truth Theory

The last few days have been memorable to say the least- I have walked nearly 90 kilometres, pushed my body to its limits and visited the deepest depths of my soul. In this article I will be talking about some of the soul work I have done on top of Machu Picchu mountain, with a cactus named Wachuma (also known as San Pedro).

I had been informed of a Shaman who works in the mountains by multiple people over a short period so I decided to reach out and contact him.

He made me aware of a ceremony he had taking place one week from the time I contacted him, so instead of jumping on a train from Cusco Peru, I decided to walk the Salkantay trek, which would land me in Aguas Calientes (the town right next to Machu Picchu) the day before the ceremony.

The trek was a lot of fun, and was not as physically exhausting as I expected. There was a lot of walking that took place and the second day (22 Kilometres) was the hardest due to having to summit Salkantay Mountain which sits at 4600 metres (15090 feet) above sea level. The coca leaves (the active ingredient in cocaine) helped with the altitude and energy needed, and I am pretty sensitive to stimulants, so the coca had me up the mountain a lot faster than if I had gone without.


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