God said:
I hear you say, or even flaunt:
“God, I would lie down by green pastures. I would lie down by still waters. I would – absolutely -- if I knew where to find green pastures and still waters. Where are they? If I could see them, I would eagerly lie down by them.
“As it is, it feels like I slide down turbulent rapids. I fall head over heels – sometimes in love -- often in a morass or a desert. Sometimes I barely limp along. I do not seem to know which end is up. I am in the dark, God. God, save me from myself. Occupy my heart and mind. Obliterate fear from my sight. Restore my soul to sweet waters.”
Beloveds, are you saying that you feel lost? You can be lost when I am with you? That I am with you means just that, that you are never without Me. And you cannot escape Me. Inside and out, I am here. You are safe. I catch you all the illusory time.
If you do ride the rapids as you feel and which I do not accept, you ride them with Me. If you ever find yourself as if without Me, be assured this is an illusion you tote around with you. Is there some reason why you need to carry such an illusion when I am right here at your disposal? Foolish child. Have your dreams. They are worth having. Dream big.
For Heaven’s sakes, why dream small? Whatever for?
You create great daydreams so they can grow and, given the chance, will become true. Begin to know Truth.
Catch a falling star. Row your own boat. Paddle your own canoe. Declare independence from past thoughts.