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Love is complete acceptance and complete forgiveness without conditions of any kind.

As all the channels are now telling you, GREAT changes are in progress all across the planet that will bring abundance to all, and that no-one will be left out.  All debts and liabilities will be erased and the stress and anxieties associated with them will dissolve as all find that they can afford to live well and stress-free.  The time of immense disparity in living standards is coming to an end.

This does not mean that all will live in similar circumstances – the one size fits all approach – but that all will be able to wisely choose the environment that suits them best and create it for themselves.  If that sounds “way out,” I can confirm that it is, but it will happen and all reason for conflict will fall away.

Conflict is unnatural!  For humanity it appears normal and unavoidable because it is ego-driven, and you all have egos, the aspect of yourselves that experiences separation and the resultant terror that that imaginary state induces in you.

GFP Newsletter - 7/16/2017

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Truth cannot be sectarian. Truth is one and universal. Only one religion exists. Buddha belongs to that religion. Jesus belongs to that religion. Krishna, Mohammed, they all belong to that religion.

And then there are three hundred religions - these are false religions, these are tricks the society has played with you, these are substitutes, imitations.


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Choose Peace

God said:

When you are in tumult and you feel urgency, consider saying: “I’d like to think this through and get back to you this afternoon.” How about responding rather than reacting?

When you react, you are in what is sometimes referred to as a “Godawful hurry!”

When you are in a panic -- panic always has the better of you -- give yourself some of this imagined time to withdraw. Take a walk. Go into the woods. Give your heartbeat a chance to slow down.

Thank God, panic, which is a form of self-pandemonium, doesn’t last forever. Panic backs away. It goes somewhere. You may think that panic is a natural reaction. Natural carries a different connotation to Me.

Natural is more like catching your breath. Give panic a chance to reduce itself. Does panic come from adrenalin soaking in? No matter how masterful panic may be, a state of panic doesn’t last forever. Panic is like the huffing and puffing of the big bad wolf at your door. Don’t let the big bad wolf in.

Is the antonym of panic Peace?

Peace likes itself. Peace unto you. Peace is a cool mist. Peace settles. Peace is like a comforter that wraps you with its warmth at the very time it cools you down. You do understand how panic is hot and cold at the same time? What a constraint panic can be. A sense of panic cannot see beyond its nose.

In the relative world, there are opposites. If panic exists in the world, its opposite also exists. Peace is the other side of the coin. Peace is worth paying attention to. Bow down to Peace, and panic will fizzle out.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday July 16, 2017

Releasing the fear of success or failure and shifting into embracing the value of experience, instantly moves you into expansion and flow. It does not mean that you will not give your best effort. Far from it! You are tender, mindful beings and you will approach all experiences with the same level of wisdom, diligence, and care as you always did. It will simply release the self-imposed constraints, pressure, and judgment, and that, Dear Ones, is freedom. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 7/15/2017

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That is the difference between a sect and a religion. Religion is never part of any society. It is universal, it is existential, and very, very dangerous. You cannot find a more dangerous man than a religious man, a more rebellious man than a religious man, a more revolutionary man than a religious man. Because his revolution is so absolute that there is no possibility for any compromise with him.

And because he knows what he is doing, he is so absolutely certain, that you cannot convert him.

And he is infectious. If he is there he will spread like a disease, he will infect many people.

Jesus had to be killed. Christianity can be accepted, but not Christ. What is Christianity? Christianity is society's effort to replace Christ. Christ is dangerous, so society creates a Christianity around him.

Christianity is okay because it is a social phenomenon, a social politics. The Church is okay, the priest is okay - the prophet is dangerous. That's why three hundred religions exist on the earth.


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Google Exposed: New Evidence Reveals an Extreme Level of Manipulation and Corruption

by Josie Wales, The Anti-Media

In September of 2011, Google’s Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt testified before Congress that Google was not manipulating search results to favor its own shopping service (it was). Schmidt also denied allegations that the company was a monopoly, citing a research paper written by David Balto, former policy director of the Federal Trade Commission. What Schmidt neglected to tell the Senate Judiciary antitrust committee was that Google had funded that research paper.

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Like the Water

God said:

Dear Ones, naturally, you want Life to be amenable, easy-going, always on tap. Life is not meant to be in a furor. And so, may you be like the water.

Water has great power. It has great content. Water is for all. At the same time as you can measure it and fill containers with it and drink it and heal all that may ail you, the Value of Water is immeasurable. The Great Power of Water gently turns boulders into sandy beaches, a grain of sand at a time. Plentiful and bountiful is water like dew to replenish you.

For the most part, water enjoys lapping the shores. For the most part, water is patient. For the most part, water can wait for change. And, so, you, for the most part, want to be more like the water, calm and steady in its flow and skill in moistening dryness.

Think how clear water is and how water of itself heals the body without batting an eye. Bodies absorb the Healing Waters. Credit the Healing Body and the Beneficent Universe. How swift and agile flows the water. How the body is its own safety valve and healer. The body is its own shaman. Have confidence in the healing powers within you.


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