GFP Newsletter - 7/25/2017

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Just a few days ago, the almond tree outside became completely naked. All the leaves fell down.

This is the way. Now it is young again. Now new leaves have come. The old have gone, the new leaves have come. But the leaves are not the tree. The tree is that source from which leaves come, and that source is hidden.

The old drops so that the new can come. The old body dies so that the new body can come. This is how existence exists eternally, always dying always coming back. It is a wheel; the spokes go up, then they go down. This is how the wheel moves.


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Seeking a God Easy to Follow

God said:

Yes, I hear you talk about your aches and pains and what errors turn up at everybody’s door and often not for any good reason that you or anyone can see.

I understand that you don’t see fairness. In all your fear and trembling, you would not mete out to others such broken hearts and bruises as Life does hand out to you and others. You can’t believe that I am less merciful than you, for it cannot be that I am a God Who art one way in Heaven and another way on Earth, can it?

I hear you say in disbelief:

“God, if You are a God of Love and Peace, then how can You be a God Who appears to act like a Judge and Jury? Sometimes I see Life around me as a misanthropist.

“Sometimes I see Life no bigger than a bandit. I do not get it. It has to be impossible for You, God, to be bent out of shape and have Your attention on that for which You tell us to let go of. It has to be that You are greater than this.”

Beloveds, you further ask yourselves:

“From my understanding, how can Life appear as a miscreant? How can it possibly be God’s Will that innocents get injured and justice not seen? God, I know You can’t possibly be A God of Love and also a God of Retribution. This makes no sense. It can’t be that You and/or Life fluff off our lives as of no significance whatsoever.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday July 26, 2017

Dear Ones, you are all on the planet in unprecedented times, receiving unprecedented energies. There is no blueprint for this, as you are all the co-creators, the pioneers of the expansion of your lives and the planet. This is what you were all so excited to experience! The times your soul could not wait to step into are right now. You are ready for it.

Because there is no template for what you are doing now, this is an experience of vast expansion, self expression, and freedom. Many of you have been conditioned to fear your authentic power and divine capability and as such, fear the freedom you are moving into. Hear us when we say that you are more than ready for it.

The entirety of your incarnation up until this point has been preparing you for these times. You are sensitive. You are mindful. You are loving. You are in touch with your core values that desire a new earth the holds unconditional love, support, acceptance, unity consciousness, and peace. Your true preferences and intentions have been present in you from the time you took your first breath.

As pioneers, you cannot get it wrong. You get to choose, and if something does not feel quite right, you get to choose again. Lead from your heart. Don't be afraid to expand into energies beyond anything you thought was possible. Allow the endless support of the universe to guide you beyond what is known, into the highest potentials you cannot see from your vantage point.

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Trump Ends A Covert CIA Program Funding Rebels In Syria

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

The CIA has been creating, arming, and funding terrorists for a very long time. They were responsible for al Qaeda, and now they’re in part responsible for ISIS. This isn’t new information, though many people are completely unaware of these operations because mainstream media doesn’t report on these topics, not being in the U.S. government’s best interests to do so. We’ve written about it countless times — here, here, here and here are a few examples out of many.

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EX Nasa Scientists Share Concealed Information About The Face & Pyramid Found On Mars

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

In 1976, the United States sent a pair of space probes, known as Viking 1 and Viking 2, to Mars. Viking 1 was launched on August 20th, 1975, and Viking 2 was launched in September of the same year. Both probes photographed the surface of Mars from orbit, and one studied the planet from the surface. The first one touched down on the surface of Mars on July 20th, 1976 and the second a couple of months later. The main objectives of the mission were to obtain high-resolution images of Mars, to look for any evidence of life, and to learn more about the structure and composition of the atmosphere.

As Viking 1 spacecraft was circling the planet, it spotted the shadowy likeness of a human face. An enormous head nearly two miles from end to end seemed to be staring back at the cameras from a region of the Red Planet called Cydonia. A pyramid structure was also seen. This will be the main topic of this article.

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For some of you the recent energy shifts have been very challenging and, for others, quite easy/breezy.  I find it humorous (chuckling) that it is always one or the other…never any middle ground.
For the challenged ones; this may very well be your opportunity to look inside and see what needs to be changed.
For the easy/breezy ones; look around you and see who you may be able to assist.  Just the act of being present and holding space can be enough.
Remember, dear ones, you were created to walk your own paths while taking time to be with your brothers and sisters along the way.  Compassion, caring and love will always be noticed. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 7/25/2017

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I am here. You are here. You have been here millions of times before. It is an eternal recurrence; in different bodies, different shapes - but the continuity is the same. And we call that continuity the soul. Not this body, forms change; the formless, it remains. And this is the way for it to be eternal; otherwise it cannot be eternal.

Death is a way to rejuvenate oneself again. You exhale; this is the way to inhale again. You die; this is the way to be reborn. Each moment you die; the body is doing the same.


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What about Genies and Fairy Godmothers?

God said:

Can you imagine a world without flowers? Or without birds? Without deer? Without dreams?

Can you imagine a world without people? Or without families? Without children? Without mothers and fathers and brothers and sisters?

Can you imagine a world without you? How could the world exist without you in it?

It is difficult to contemplate existence altogether without you, for you right now are the very hub of existence, so it seems.

On the other hand, you might say you would love a world without dust and without flies or without anything you would have to dust or swat. When it comes down to it, you might not love it. You have not yet realized the upset in the balance of nature that could arise even without even one thing that you might say you’d like to stamp out.

Anyway, I ask you: What have I left out of this Created Universe? After long thought, what might you say?

“What about genies? What about fairy godmothers?” you might ask.

I would say these are covered. Genies and fairy godmothers result from your own thought or, if you prefer, your own vibration. Do you get that?

Use your own God-given intelligence. This is often called Common Sense. When you are featuring havoc in your thoughts, what are you likely to come across? When you are thinking of peace, what will most likely follow you in your footsteps?

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5 Foods with the Same Beneficial Cannabinoids as Found in Cannabis - Waking Times

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer
Waking Times

You can still benefit from the same cannabinoids that give the cannabis plant its medicinal properties, without consuming cannabis. There are several foods rich in cannabinoids that benefit the body’s endocannabinoid system. This system is responsible for helping the body maintain internal balance, also called homeostasis.

Foods that support the function of the endocannabinoid system are pivotal to overall health and well-being. Here are five foods that contain healing cannabinoids and offer therapeutic benefits similar to cannabis.

1. Black Pepper – Piper nigrum


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