GFP Newsletter - 7/11/2017

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Ego is a need; it is a social need, it is a social by-product. The society means all that is around you - not you, but all that is around you. All, minus you, is the society, and everybody reflects. You will go to school and the teacher will reflect who you are. You will be in friendship with other children and they will reflect who you are. By and by, everybody is adding to your ego, and everybody is trying to modify it in such a way that you don't become a problem to the society.

They are not concerned with you. They are concerned with the society. Society is concerned with itself, and that's how it should be. They are not concerned that you should become a self-knower.

They are concerned that you should become an efficient part in the mechanism of the society. You should fit into the pattern. So they are trying to give you an ego that fits with the society.


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The 3 Most Pressing Dilemmas of the Awakened Mind

Dylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times 

It used to be easy to hold hostage the consciousness of humankind. The information which wove together societies was monolithic, disseminated by church and state. Understanding the world beyond one’s personal sphere of experience was limited to the assimilation of those perspectives. While evolutionary progress was slow in that paradigm, over time, small advances grew into sweeping changes, and the future is now upon us.

Today, we are wide awake in the age of atomization. A time when knowledge, wisdom, truth, trust, hope and faith have splintered into an infinite sea of preferences, all instantly available to all. An awakening has already happened, but now we’re confronted with the great challenge of deciding what to do with it.

Because of this, the awakened mind is not necessarily a mind at ease, nor at peace. This quandary is more unsettling than that of the sleepwalker. Shallow forms of bliss just won’t do, but now free of the bondage of ignorance, we are lost in opportunity, drowning in unrealized potential.

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You Are a Song You Sing

God said:

The Word God in every language has a vibration identified as High. Other words will carry other vibrations the world would say are low. Of course, every sound has its unique vibration regardless of its identifiable vibration.

At the same time, a sound in one language may mean God whereas the same sound in another language may carry a different meaning. There is wiggle room here because the meaning or intent of a word affects its own vibration, as if there is an image of the word that its sound conveys. Definitely, highs and lows of sound are conveyed in languages all over the Universe according to geography and such.

To say God or think God in any language carries its imprint. A vibration is like a trademark. Choose your words well, if you please. Please the Universe. Console the Universe. Uphold the Universe.

And so, the same sound in one case can sing out, and the same sound in another case can drone or set you back. There is no end to vibration.

Your choices of vibration influence and reflect your take on Life, display your angle of thought, specific and non-specific. You are uplifted or taken down. You also, as you vibrate, uplift or take down or take apart that which is seemingly separate from you. Apartness is not the same as Oneness, not by a long shot.

Everything carries its vibration. It isn’t that you assume or profess a higher or lower vibration in the words of your language. You are the vibration for a moment.

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Nevada Just Issued A "State of Emergency" over Marijuana Shortage

by Carey Wedler, The Anti-Media

Las Vegas, NV — Nevada’s Department of Taxation has issued a “statement of emergency” amid a shortage of cannabis since the plant was legalized for recreational use at the beginning of this month.

Between July 1 and 4, dispensaries made roughly $3 million in sales and generated as much as $1 million in tax revenue. But the green rush has come with a shortage — one almost certainly created because of the way the law was written and, as a result, the government’s willingness to grant liquor vendors an 18-month monopoly on distribution.

The Department of Taxation announced on Friday that Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval has endorsed the agency’s statement of emergency over the shortage of weed. As a result, state officials will vote Thursday on whether to adopt a regulation to allow the tax department to issue more distribution licenses.

The Reno Gazette-Journal reported:

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Massive Protests in Italy Signal Revolution Against Mandatory Vaccines

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer
Waking Times 

California’s compulsory vaccination law, passed with the help of corrupt Big Pharma interests, left a wake of US states vulnerable to similar legislation which would strip parents of the right to decide if their children should be vaccinated.

The people of Italy, however, aren’t taking similar legislation proposed by the Italian Parliament with the same complacency most Americans have when faced with losing their medical freedom. Protests have swelled across the country for over a month now, likely influencing the Senate to ease its controversial mandatory-vaccine stance.

The new legislation being proposed since protests reached a more fevered pitch includes fewer mandatory vaccines and reduced penalties for those who won’t comply should the legislation pass, but many are still unnerved by any legislation which would force vaccines on their children to any degree.

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday July 11, 2017

Dear Ones, there is so much love for you. There is so much support for you. There is so much guidance for you. There is so much abundance for you. All of the things that you seek are right there for you. It is your level of allowance that dictates your experience.

Do you truly open up and accept love or do you feel like if you do you will get hurt, or used, or rejected in some way? Do you fully utilize the guidance that is available to you from your guides and helpers or do you decide to go it alone? Are you open to the universe bringing abundance to you in a myriad of ways or do you limit yourself by believing it can only come through certain avenues? If you have an area of your life that is not unfolding for you as easily as you would like, we suggest asking yourself what your limiting beliefs are about receiving that are constraining your flow.

Are you ready to shift into full faith and trust and acceptance to experience the vast abundance available to you? Are you ready to see your true worthiness and step into your authentic power as a co-creator? Are you willing to fully open up to the wondrous solutions and experiences that have always existed as for you that you haven't been in allowance of simply because you couldn't imagine they were possible? ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 7/10/2017

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Ego is the basic problem, the most basic. And unless you solve it, nothing is solved. Unless ego disappears, the Ultimate cannot penetrate you.

The ego is like a closed door. The guest is standing outside. The guest has been knocking, but the door is closed. Not only is the door closed, but the ego goes on interpreting. It says: There is nobody outside, no guest has come, nobody has knocked, just a strong wind is knocking at the door. It goes on interpreting from the inside. without looking at the fact. And the door remains closed. By interpretations, even the possibility of its opening becomes less and less. And a moment comes when you are completely closed in your own ego. Then all sensitivity is lost. Then you are not an opening, and you cannot have a meeting with existence. Then you are almost dead. The ego becomes your grave.

This is the most basic problem. If you solve it, everything is solved. There is no need to seek God. There is no need to seek Truth. If the ego is not there, suddenly everything is found. If the ego is not there you simply come to know that Truth has always been around you, without and within. It was the ego which wouldn't allow you to see it. It was the ego that was closing your eyes and your being. So the first thing to be understood is what this ego is.


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Change Your Own Frame of Mind

God said:

Rather than thinking of all the qualities that people are not, credit people with what they are.

In terms of the world, no one is perfect. No one else can fulfill you. You have to fulfill yourself. There are great people you can rely on for a great deal, yet not one you can truly rely on for everything. Who told you that you were supposed to find people who will fulfill everything for you? Where did this idea come from?

Fulfill yourself. You are no one’s baby to nurture all day long.

When you rely on yourself and Me, of course, you are hitting the nail on the head.

From the Earth view, there is no one you can’t find fault with. Someone’s veritable weakness, as you see it, may well be the other side of his veritable strength. In any case, it is not for you to reformat your friends and family and co-workers and bosses or the man on the street.

It’s definitely time for you to set yourself straight, or you will be a thorn in your own side. Do you see the Truth in what I’m saying?

It is not for you to be THE critic of the world. Let people be in peace. There is much fault to find with someone who is a perfect critic of the world. You would not be so disappointed in others if you did expect them to always please you. Recluse yourself from being a master of finding fault.

For some or many, it seems like a hopeless task not to see fault. It’s not like you keep looking for it – or is it? There are little things that just set your nerves on edge.

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Fake Medical Research as Big a Problem as Fake News, Says Former CBS Anchor

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer
Waking Times

As the world confronts the realization that mainstream media organizations are the primary source of fake news and corporate propaganda in our world, more information continues to come to light indicating that much of mainstream science and medical research is also largely fraudulent.

In 2015 the editor of the prestigious Lancet Study issued a report warning that as much as 80% of today’s research supporting pharmaceutical marketing is fraudulent.

Much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness.” – Dr. Richard Horton, editor of the world’s most respected medical journal, The Lancet


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