3D News

Kaua'i city council slaps down Monsanto with unprecedented new restrictions on GMOs and toxic pesticides

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Naturalnews, By: Mike Adams, 10/17/2013

(NaturalNews) A milestone has just been achieved on the island in Kaua'i, where the city council passed measure 2491 which places unprecedented new restrictions on toxic agricultural chemicals frequently used in conjunction with GMOs. Few people realize that Kaua'i is ground zero for chemical experimentation in agriculture. The island hosts 15,000 acres of crop lands which are experimentally exploited by biotech companies and chemical manufacturers. As a result, Hawaiians who live on Kaua'i are exposed to a toxic cocktail of synthetic chemicals on a routine basis.


The bill passed by a vote of 6 to 1, with councilman Mel Rapozo siding with the biotech industry and voting no. Hawaii Governor Abercrombie appears to be set against the bill and tried to block its passage. The biotech industry, as usual, has been busily engaged in false, defamatory, deceptive and even criminal actions in trying to block this city council measure. The industry, for example, routinely bribes scientists to publicly oppose bills restricting GMOs while falsely claiming they have no financial ties to the industry.


Billboard in Peru Produces Water out of Thin Air

Desert Gypsy's picture


The world has known jugs, taps, plants etc that are used to filter water, but imagine a 50 feet tall billboard on the main road that filters water for all of its adjacent area ? Yes, this has been made possible by the University of Engineering and Technology, Lima, Peru.

This billboard is capable of actually making 100 liters (26 gallons) of water everyday out of thin air (no its not a bank and no its not creating any paper currency but it’s much better than that). It works like this: the billboard is designed the way that it captures moisture from the air and puts it through a reverse osmosis system, turning it into drinking water which is then stored in 20 liter tanks. It is capable of providing drinking water for hundreds of families per month.

Read more at http://isupportorganic.blogspot.com/2013/10/billboard-in-peru-produces-water-out-of.html#wKxAf1KIKGfFztl3.99

How the Oil Embargo Sparked Energy Independence — in Brazil

Eddie1177's picture

Forty years ago, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries placed an embargo on petroleum, bringing an oil-addled world to its knees.

As oil prices quadrupled, the world panicked. In the immediate aftermath, gas stations closed on Sundays. Small, fuel-efficient cars became popular. The U.S. government initiated the first programs into developing solar power and electric vehicles.

And Brazil -- a developing country under military dictatorship at the time -- began the push for what has become the most successful biofuel industry in the world.

Albino Hummingbird Photos Captured In Virginia

MomT's picture

The Huffington Post  Tara Kelly First Posted: 01/31/2012 5:40 pm Updated: 02/ 1/2012 11:29 am


Stunning photographs of an extremely rare albino ruby-throated hummingbird have been captured in a backyard in Staunton, Va.

The astonishing images showcase the delicate bird's features like white feathers, a pink bill, pink legs and red eyes

Six Stories of Obamacare Already Making a Difference

Eddie1177's picture

GFP Note: This is all crumbling, Illusion crumbles NOW, Love Wins! Always.

Let's celebrate,everybody! WOOO HOOO

Obamacare is a disaster! It's the worst thing to happen to the country since slavery! It will rape the future of our young people!  It will cause wives to leave husbands and husbands to marry their dogs! OK, I made up the dog part – but all the others are, sadly, 100 percent real statements made by right-wing extremists in the last few weeks.

EBT benefit card glitch sparks Walmart shopping sprees in Louisiana

Rain's picture


CBS News - 10/14/13



The Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) system allows recipients of government food stamps to purchase goods using a digital card with a set spending limit, but for a few hours over the weekend, that limit disappeared for many users visiting Walmart stores in Louisiana.


Walmart workers phoned their corporate headquarters to ask how they should handle all the shoppers with unlimited, government-funded spending limits, and were told to keep the registers ringing.


Videos and more: CBSNews.com


3 Companies Using GMOs in Baby Formula

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Naturalsociety, By: Christina Sarich, 10/13/2013

baby formulagmo 263x164 3 Companies Using GMOs in Baby Formula

It seems with the many reports of birth defects, organ failure, cancer, and other unsavory health conditions associated with GMO consumption, we should limit the use of GMO in baby products. After all, babies are very sensitive to the foods they consume, and we already know that pesticides found in mother’s milk can be damaging. Below you will learn of three companies which represent more than 90% of baby formula sales in the US that won’t consider removing GMOs from your baby’s food.


For more on this story visit www.naturalsociety.com

How to Feed the World

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Nytimes, By: Mark Bittman, 10/15/2013


Big Ag uses 70% of agricultural resources to produce 30% of world’s food; small landholders produce the remaining 70% using only 30% of the resources. If we want to ensure that poor people eat and also do a better job than “modern” farming does at preserving the earth’s health and productivity, we must stop assuming that the industrial model of food production and its accompanying disease-producing diet is both inevitable and desirable. I have dozens of friends and colleagues who say things like, “I hate industrial ag, but how will we feed the poor?”


Let’s at last recognize that there are two food systems, one industrial and one of small landholders, or peasants if you prefer. The peasant system is not only here for good, it’s arguably more efficient than the industrial model. According to the ETC Group, a research and advocacy organization based in Ottawa, the industrial food chain uses 70 percent of agricultural resources to provide 30 percent of the world’s food, whereas what ETC calls “the peasant food web” produces the remaining 70 percent using only 30 percent of the resources.


One Man's Clever Idea to Fight Frackers and Save His Organic Farm

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Global Exchange, By Caitlin Kawaguchi, 10/14/2013

When J. Stephen Cleghorn realized that Paradise Gardens and Farm, his certified-organic farm in Pennsylvania that sits above the Marcellus Shale formation, was at risk of being “fracked” for shale gas extraction, he knew he had to act. But he did more than just act against fracking when he became the first private property owner in the United States to use a deed easement recognizing the Rights of Nature to ban all activities that would do systemic harm to the ecosystem both above and deep below the surface of his farm.


“We wanted to preserve organic agriculture on these 50 acres to be sure, but also wanted to employ this recognition of Rights of Nature to deter any activity that would threaten those rights at the surface in the deep biosphere below this farm,” said Cleghorn.


Learn more: For more information visit www.alternet.org

Doctors and patients lose trust as drug companies are fined over $11 billion

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Naturalnews, By: Sue Woledge, 10/14/2013

(NaturalNews) Pharmaceutical companies have racked up over $11 billion in fines over the last three years for many cases of criminal misconduct. Twenty-six pharmaceutical companies around the world, including eight of the ten largest companies, have been charged and fined for various criminal behaviors, including withholding safety data for new drug approval applications and promoting drug uses beyond the conditions they have been approved to treat.


According to two papers published in the New England Journal of Medicine, public and professional trust is being eroded by the regular criminal wrongdoings of the pharmaceutical industry, and lawyers have warned that the fines are not sufficient to change the criminal behavior of the industry.


Learn more: For more information visit www.naturalnews.com


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