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Dozens of Veterans Arrested at Vietnam War Memorial in NYC

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By: Dean Garrison, 10/09/2013


Monday night a group of veterans gathered to honor the fallen. They were taken away in handcuffs. The charge? They were violating a 10PM curfew, and thus trespassing. There was no violence. They were respectful to NYPD officers, and they were peaceful. They were there to honor the fallen and commemorate the 12th anniversary of the war in Afghanistan.


For more on this story visit http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/10/dozens-veterans-arrested-vietnam-war-memorial-nyc/#oAHXkAKmPAsX8Ogj.99

Thousands march in Romania against Canadian gold mining plan

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BUCHAREST, Romania October 13, 2013 (AP)

Thousands of people blocked a major road in downtown Bucharest on Sunday to protest plans to create what would be Europe's biggest gold mine.

Protesters marched past government headquarters yelling, "Your treason is measured in gold!" Demonstrations also took place in other cities, including the city of Cluj, where thousands called for the 2,000 year-old site where the open-cast mine will be located to be listed as a UNESCO heritage site.

More on: http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/thousands-romania-protest-plans-gold-mine-20558883

~ Trucker's ON Strike~ General Shares~ Its The Moment Humanity Rises Up

Lia's picture
 From Fox News Interviewer: General what do you hope to accomplish here?
General: What we hope to accomplish today is the beginning of 
making the federal government smaller and getting it back 
inside the framework of the Constitution. We are looking for an 
Egyptian moment here; where instead of 30-35 million people all 
across the nation we have participations by 100 million 
Americans standing up together, uniting. Saying "We have had 
enough. We want out country back." It's time for the people to 
rise up and tame this beast that is the federal government. Our 
non-representing Representatives have got to listen, they've 
got to be put on notice: 2014 is coming, 2016 is coming, and 
what's coming with it is We The People and big, big change. 
This is the beginning, this is the springboard for this.

Breaking Video The Protesters Are Surrounding Police!~ 13 October 2013

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Police, protesters clash outside White House

People demonstrating against the closure of Washington memorials during the government shutdown come face to face with police Sunday.


http://www.investmentblog.com / link to original article

NY Fed Fired Examiner Who Took on Goldman

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Nationofchange.org, By: Jake Bernstein, 10/11/2013

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In the spring of 2012, a senior examiner with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York determined that Goldman Sachs had a problem. Under a Fed mandate, the investment banking behemoth was expected to have a company-wide policy to address conflicts of interest in how its phalanxes of dealmakers handled clients. Although Goldman had a patchwork of policies, the examiner concluded that they fell short of the Fed’s requirements.


That finding by the examiner, Carmen Segarra, potentially had serious implications for Goldman, which was already under fire for advising clients on both sides of several multibillion-dollar deals and allegedly putting the bank’s own interests above those of its customers. It could have led to closer scrutiny of Goldman by regulators or changes to its business practices.


'No Monsanto!': World marches against GMO food

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By: RT.com, 10/12/2013

Jameson Bluma, 3, holds a sign during one of many worldwide "March Against Monsanto" protests against Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and agro-chemicals, in Los Angeles, California October 12, 2013. (Reuters / Lucy Nicholson)

Thousands took to streets across the world’s cities on Saturday to protest the use of GMO products, with Giant Monsanto being the main target. Over 50 countries have been taking part in the march for world food day, and across 47 different US states.


For more on this story visit http://rt.com/news/monsanto-march-berlin-protest-115/

What would Lesus do? Vatican recalls Pope Francis medals after Jesus spelling error

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Embarrassed Vatican officials have recalled medals commemorating the first year of Pope Francis’s reign after spelling Jesus’s name wrong.

The official Vatican medals went on sale with the son of God’s name spelt as ‘Lesus’ before they were swiftly removed when the spelling error was spotted.

It says: ‘Jesus therefore sees the tax collector, and since he sees by having mercy and by choosing, he says to him, follow me.’



‘If only they had used spell-check,’ joked one Twitter user.

Another added: ‘I blame the Lesuits.’

More on: http://metro.co.uk/2013/10/11/vatican-recalls-pope-francis-medals-after-spelling-jesus-as-lesus-4142591/


Magic trick: promoting diseases that don’t exist

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Activist Post, By: Jon Rappoport, 10/11/2013

The disease/treatment/profit machine requires more and more diseases, even if they aren’t real. Here is an unspoken but largely accepted medical notion of what a disease is: A group of physical symptoms shared by many people, which has a single cause. For example, take the flu. Wikipedia lists the common symptoms: chills, fever, muscle pains, headache, coughing. For each type of flu, there is single virus announced as the cause. E.g., Swine Flu; H1N1 virus. Drug companies develop medicines and vaccines to kill the virus or prevent it from gaining a foothold in the body. They sell the drugs and vaccines. Profits soar. Nice and neat. Of course, many doctors don’t bother to test patients to see if they have a disease like seasonal flu. It’s too time consuming to take a blood sample and send it to a lab and wait for the results. So the doctor makes an eyeball diagnosis based on symptoms and the season of the year.


For more on this story visit www.activistpost.com

France Cements Fracking Ban

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Bloomberg, By: theguardia.com, 10/11/2013

Protest against fracking  for shale gas and shale oil in France

France's constitutional court has upheld a ban on hydraulic fracturing, ruling that the law against the energy exploration technique known as "fracking" is a valid means of protecting the environment. The court in Paris said on its website on Friday that the 2011 law "conforms to the constitution" and is not "disproportionate". France banned fracking in 2011 and cancelled exploration licences held by companies including Schuepbach and Total SA, the country's biggest oil company, after protests by environmental groups.


Schuepbach Energy LLC, a Dallas-based explorer, complained to the court that the law was unfair after having two exploration permits revoked because of the ban. President François Hollande has said France won't allow exploration of shale gas energy even as the country seeks to reduce its reliance on nuclear energy and keep down costs for consumers.



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