Earth & Space Weather

Torrential rains create havoc in Turkey

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Source: The Extinction Protocol - 10/24/12

Flooding from torrential rains killed three people in northwestern Turkey, Anatolia agency said today, citing local authorities. The bodies of a father and son as well as an elderly woman were recovered in the small town of Buyukkaristiran in Kirklareli province, bordering Bulgaria, state-run Anatolia said, citing Deputy Mayor of Mesut Colak of Buyukkaristiran. Hundreds of sheep perished in flash floods in Kirklareli and neighboring Tekirdag provinces, authorities said.

The governor’s office in Tekirdag said nearly 300 people, who were trapped by flooding, were evacuated. Floodwaters inundated several businesses and houses and blocked traffic on some highways in the region, officials said. –Business Week


~Space Weather Update~ X Class Flare

Lia's picture

X-FLARE: New sunspot AR1598 has erupted again. On Oct. 23rd at 0322 UT, Earth orbiting satellites detected a strong X1-class solar flare. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the extreme ultraviolet flash:

Radiation from the flare created waves of ionization in the upper atmosphere over Asia and Australia (the daylit side of Earth) and possibly HF radio blackouts at high latitudes. The blast did not, however, produce a significant coronal mass ejection (CME). No auroras are expected to result from this event.

This is the 4th significant flare from AR1598 since it emerged over the southeastern limb only three days ago. This means more flares are probably in the offing, and they will become increasingly Earth-directed as the sunspot turns toward our planet in the days ahead. Stay tuned for updates. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.

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UK's year of drought and flooding unprecedented, experts say

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The Guardian - Adam Vaughan, 10/18/12

The scale of drought recovery in 2012 has 'not been seen before', says Centre for Ecology & Hydrology

A standpipe

Bans on water use were put in place for large parts of England during spring 2012. Photograph: Alamy

The dramatic switch from drought and hosepipe bans in England this spring to the wettest April to June ever and widespread flooding was of a magnitude never seen before, water experts said on Thursday.

NWS Confirms Tornado Touchdown in Maryland

Rain's picture - 10/22/12

JARRETTSVILLE, Md. — Harford County officials say the National Weather Service believes a tornado is to blame for damage in Jarrettsville over the weekend.

The county says National Weather Service representatives made the assessment after a visit to the area on Saturday. Officials say the weather service will make a formal declaration of the tornado touchdown on Monday after a review of storm data.

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Multiple Tornado Reports in California

Rain's picture - 10/23/12

SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- A tornado touched down north of the state capital Monday afternoon, but only minor damage was reported. The National Weather Service in Sacramento says it had no reports of injuries from the tornado, which hit about 3:15 p.m. near Yuba City, about 40 miles north of Sacramento.

"We've had reports of power lines down and some outbuildings damaged," said meteorologist Eric Kurth said. "Some kind of a small outbuilding was lifted about 200 feet from where it was located."

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~Space Weather Update~ Active Sunspot

Lia's picture

ACTIVE SUNSPOT : New sunspot AR1598 is crackling with C- and M-class solar flares. One of the explosions, an M9-flare on Oct. 20th, produced a bright flash of extreme UV radiation recorded by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory:

Radiation from the flare sent a wave of ionization rippling through Earth's upper atmosphere, temporarily disturbing the transmission of low-frequency radio signals around Europe and North America. The sunspot has also produced at least one bright CME (movie), but Earth was not in the line of fire.

More flares are in the offing. NOAA forecasters estimate a 60% chance of M-flares and a 5% chance of X-flares during the next 24 hours. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.


Study shows North America has biggest increase in weather catastrophes

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Source: Artemis - 10/17/12

The results of a study published today by the world’s largest reinsurer Munich Re shows that North America is the region which has seen the biggest increase in weather-related extreme catastrophe events in recent decades. The report looked at weather related perils and incidence trends, finding that North America was the most affected in recent decades and experienced the largest increase in weather-related loss events.

The publication titled ‘Severe weather in North America’ looked at the 1980 – 2011 period, during which time the overall economic loss burden from weather catastrophes amounted to $1,060 billion, at 2011 values. In terms of insured losses, it looks like insurance and reinsurance covered approximately 50% of the losses, totalling $510 billion, or 69% of the global total. According to the study, 30,000 lives were lost in North America from weather related catastrophes during the time frame studied. Hurricane Katrina remains the largest loss during that period, with $125 billion of economic losses, $62.2 billionof insured losses and causing 1,322 deaths.

~Space Weather Update~ ALMOST-X FLARE:

Lia's picture

ALMOST-X FLARE: On Oct. 20th at 1814 UT, Earth-orbiting satellites detected a strong M9-class solar flare. The source was a new sunspot, AR1598, emerging over the sun's southeastern limb. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the extreme ultraviolet flash (image), which sent waves of ionization rippling through Earth's upper atmosphere. More flares are in the offing. NOAA forecasters estimate a 40% chance of M-flares and a 10% chance of X-flares during the next 24 hours. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.

ORIONID METEOR UPDATE: The Orionid meteor shower is underway as Earth passes through a stream of debris from Halley's Comet. International meteor counts suggest a broad peak of about 25 meteors per hour centered on Oct. 21st. If the trend holds, sky watchers can expect to see a dozen or so Orionids flitting across the sky every hour after midnight on Oct. 21-22. Got clouds? Try listening for Orionid 'pings' on the realtime meteor radar.

Last night, Oct. 21st, Bill Vaughn photographed this piece of Halley's Comet burning up over Mt. Lemmon, north of Tucson, Arizona:

Hundreds of pilgrims evacuated as floods swamp Lourdes

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Radio Netherlands Worldwide - 10/20/12

Floods caused by days of non-stop rain in southwest France caused the closure of most of the Catholic sanctuary of Lourdes Saturday and the evacuation of hundreds of pilgrims, local authorities said.

"We are evacuating all the hotels in the lower town," an official from the regional prefecture told AFP. "We've already brought out 270 and another 236 remain."

Buses ferried guests from the hotels to a conference centre and a sports complex.

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