God said:
To move your life in a direction you want, feel better first.
Feeling that you are in a slump, depressed, discouraged doesn't help you move your life forward. Feeling in a slump tends to keep you where you are.
Your feet are get caught in quicksand, and you can't move, and so you prep yourself for struggle. The quicksand you are stuck in is the morass of your thoughts. You may say to yourself over and over again: "What a terrible situation I am in."
If only you could push a button that would take you to feeling better, then better news will arise.
So, here again, you have to look at a dismal situation, and look at it differently. Let's say you lost your job. You panic about loss of income, and you allow your sense of worth to flatten itself. You have been dealt an unkind unfair blow. You see an enemy who did not do right by you. Do not make yourself into a victim extraordinaire. Do not believe it.
Look at this dire situation differently. You must look at it differently.
For instance, you have been dismissed from the company where you work, shoved out, of no use to the company you gave your whole heart to abundantly and loyally. Kicked out. No matter how unjust and how unwarranted, now it is goodbye. So long, you're on your own now.
Now you are to get out of the precise small picture and enter a larger arena beyond the boundaries you wrapped your heart and mind in. Arise.