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Your Deepest Longing

God said:

When it comes down to it, after the bon-bons, after all the wonders that the world offers, after your wildest dreams may come true, comes your longing for Me. Even when you don't know what your deepest longing is for, it is for Me.

There is a fulfillment you want more than anything, and this fulfillment is your Union with Me. This deep desire spurs you on. No matter how often I may tell you that We are already One, you want to KNOW Me as a Special Delivery. You want to know Me for yourself. You want to receive Me signed, sealed, and delivered. You want me intact.

You would like My arrival certified. You want to sign for Me. You want Me delivered to your door clearly, exactly, with no possible error or any smidgeon left out. You want bells to ring and horns to blow. You want Our Union to be unmistakable. And you want it to be noted with confetti pouring from the sky in a Grand Outpouring of God all for you.

This can happen. It has happened. It is likely that all this you crave, you will want to appear as a Great Occasion. We can't really even call it an occasion. You will settle for an occurrence. This momentousness is not typically an occasion or even an occurrence. It is more likely that this occurs the way tea steeps. Tea is not steeped all at once. You might even be the last one to notice. You don't have to notice. It is all happening right now.

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Sometimes You Experience That Blessings Come in Disguise

God said:

Let Us say once again that what you see as a deterrent to your happiness may just as well be a blessing. There is that aspect inculcated from the past and the views of the world that surround you whereby you determine what is a blessing and what is not. When you can even admit the possibility that a development you did not want could be a blessing, you bless your life.

You come from a bias. You have two viewpoints. You call one view Beautiful and another view, Ugly. You call one matter Good and another matter Bad, and the whole world agrees with you. How, then, can you be mistaken?

Even as resistant as you may be, in afterthought, you may well come to see that what you thought was detrimental to your life turned out to be a blessing. You went through heartache and later saw that you had wasted your heartache on what later revealed itself as a blessing in disguise.

You cried your heart out. If you could go back in time, if you had been agreeable to not suffering, you might have leapt with joy, for now you see that you averted greater suffering.

Beloveds, this is not to say that you will always see value in everything at first glance. It has happened, however, that the lack of success in an area that wounded you so terribly became minor when a deeper tragedy occurred. In fact the lost success may have become impossibly minor to you. This points out to you again how relative life in the world is.

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Nearer to God Are You

God said:

Nearer to Me are you. You are catapulting to Me as We speak. You are moving faster and faster to Me. You are moving so fast that you do not even feel you are moving. You may feel that you are not moving at all, that you, in fact, are staying frozen in time, as if you are from the Ice Age.

You hang from a precipice of time; your engine is running full-blast, and you are the last to know.

"Where oh where is this Enlightenment I hear about," you plead. "The prospect of being enlightened is held out to me like a carrot at a distance, a carrot just beyond my reach. Once and for all, when do I get mine? When is this talked-about Enlightenment actually going to be mine? Let's get to the chase, God. I am glad for everyone to get Enlightenment, just so long as I get mine. Maybe someone has become enlightened, yet it ain't me. What takes it so long?"

Beloveds, Enlightenment isn't something you get. You don't own it. You don't possess it. Enlightened is something you already are. It is your Being. You are IT, yet, to you, the State of Enlightenment feels so far away, that it might as well be out of sight.

What keeps Enlightenment away from your beleaguered awareness is the sheerest silk or even the sheerest mosquito netting you can imagine. Enlightenment isn't missing. It is you who are missing from this Truth of you.

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All the Flowing Waters of the World

God said:

Let not your thinking and over-thinking be a handicap. Let your thoughts be blessings, one after another like beautiful princesses. Bless your life and the lives of those around you. This is how you become a blessing. You are My blessing given to yourself and to the world. You come from Heaven, and you return to Heaven. Despite your mix-ups, you have never left Heaven. You belong in Heaven. Despite anything, Heaven is yours.

Desist from fear. You are not fear's captive unless you say so. You can stop dueling with fear. When you carry the anxiety of fear, you tie your hands behind your back. You let fear immobilize you. Put fear in its place.

There are a lot of My children under the grip of fear in one form or another, yet life –your life – is not meant to be fearsome.

You don't have to live with the anxiety of fear. It is not essential to imagine fear. You have the ability to put fear in its place. Mull over immortality more than you mull over clipped mortality. No longer is it incumbent upon you to fear being mistaken any longer, nor are you to fear embarrassment any longer. You don't have to fear being alive. You can flow with love and love alone. Love has no equal. You have the capability to love like an adept. Love is within your reach.

My beloveds, what can We do to get you off fear and onto love? The fear track has made a rut in your heart. Come to the fertile fields with Me, and We shall dance.

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You Were a Positive Thinker Once

God said:

How you look at life makes a huge difference in how your life plays out. This is not a new thought. You can give Me all the reasons from here to Tuesday why you don't think this is so. Perhaps you were a positive thinker once, and your positivity got smashed. Now you call yourself realistic as if the pessimism for what passes as realism is a great thing. Predict the realistic down-side, you say, and you proudly wave the flag of the down-side.

Beloveds, what do you want to bet on? That you are doomed to mediocrity or worse, failure? There is no failing when you give life a whirl. Get away from limited thinking. Everything does not have to turn out as your heart's desire.

Look, if you want pumpernickel bread for your sandwich, and you get rye bread instead, do you have a conniption? Hey, you got bread. You got a sandwich. You don't have to make a big deal of it. Tomorrow is another day. And today is not dark because you didn't get rye bread. On the other hand, you don't want to predict that, realistically, you likely won't get what you want.

Of course, there are bigger matters in the world in which everything is a comparison and, alas, your true love turns out not to be your true love. Okay, you were mistaken. What you wanted to be true and what seemed true – wasn't true or wasn't true for long.

Are you a bigger fool to have ventured and lost (as you see it) than to have pushed away the possibility of your true love to begin with?

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Create Your Own Orbit

God said:

You do not have to keep running around the same track you have been running on. You can discover new tracks in the world. It is possible that you can create your own orbit and run around it. Even as you are One with all, you are also unique. You are unlike everyone else in the world who is here or has ever been here, and you are unlike all those who are yet to come as well. It is not only fingerprints that have no match anywhere in the world. Amazing, isn't it?

By the same token, there is a unique track for you to take and run on to your heart's content. Yes, let Us reach your heart's happiness.

Running around others' tracks in the world can be hard on you. You are made to be unique. You just don't see your name anywhere, however, and, so, meanwhile, you just take a track that doesn’t bear your name -- doesn't even bear your initials.

This seems to be the conformity that the world asks of you or even demands of you. All the while, you have your own star to follow. There are as many good tracks to follow as there are human beings walking on Earth now. There is a singular track for everyone. This seems easier for some of My children on Earth than it is for others.

There is an ongoing search for you to know how you fit into this world and to keep your own integrity even when, as yet, you are unaware of what your integrity really amounts to.

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Walk into the Sunny Glades of the Forest

God said:

To move your life in a direction you want, feel better first.

Feeling that you are in a slump, depressed, discouraged doesn't help you move your life forward. Feeling in a slump tends to keep you where you are.

Your feet are get caught in quicksand, and you can't move, and so you prep yourself for struggle. The quicksand you are stuck in is the morass of your thoughts. You may say to yourself over and over again: "What a terrible situation I am in."

If only you could push a button that would take you to feeling better, then better news will arise.

So, here again, you have to look at a dismal situation, and look at it differently. Let's say you lost your job. You panic about loss of income, and you allow your sense of worth to flatten itself. You have been dealt an unkind unfair blow. You see an enemy who did not do right by you. Do not make yourself into a victim extraordinaire. Do not believe it.

Look at this dire situation differently. You must look at it differently.

For instance, you have been dismissed from the company where you work, shoved out, of no use to the company you gave your whole heart to abundantly and loyally. Kicked out. No matter how unjust and how unwarranted, now it is goodbye. So long, you're on your own now.

Now you are to get out of the precise small picture and enter a larger arena beyond the boundaries you wrapped your heart and mind in. Arise.

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Love Like the Sun Shining

God said:

Admit, you have sometimes had a habit of squeezing your heart shut. Whenever you are on the defensive, you stiffen. You tighten your heart. There are times when you are quick to cut your heart in two.

You want to be shown constant love, even as you withdraw your heart to protect yourself from love rushing toward you, perhaps from fear that love will later be pulled away from you, or that you will misinterpret the love you noticed all the while. You will resist being swept up in love, for you have undoubtedly learned the hard way.

Pulling away from love in your heart is definitely the hard way. You may see love like the Sun, and yet you worry about sunburn or a freckle. You veer away from the Sun which is, after all, your true sustenance. You evade and elude the Sun. You cover yourself up from the Sun.

In the same way, you veer away from being vulnerable to Love and a possible charade being perpetuated upon you or your perpetuating upon yourself. Oh, how you want a signed receipt of your love before it is easy for you to give it. You are not quite able to give your heart away for nothing.

Here is the delicate point:

Other people do not have to do anything. They do not have to reciprocate your love. You are not to slay your love before it even sees the light of day. Let everyone do as each perceives and each decides what comes next.

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Opening the Petals of Learning

God said:

How wide is wide, and how tall is tall? How high is the sky? How vast is Infinity?

A mother may ask her young child, how much do you love me? And the child widens his arms as wide as his arms can reach and says: "This BIG."

In a dandelion that a child presents to his mother, he is presenting her with the whole Universe. A child really knows Infinity better than he knows the finite world. What is there for the child to learn on Earth that he doesn't already know but the finite? From the whole array of knowledge, the child comes down to details and measurements and reduction of scale and becomes learn-ed in the world, yet true learning is something to be sparked not studied.

A child remembers Totality, and then what he is formally taught gets to be reduced to limits of one kind or another. Much of the learning on Earth is less rather than more. Instead of Fullness, there comes to be a sort of filling up that does not come near to Fullness, a crowding as it were, some sort of sand in the gas tank and a grinding of gears.

Learning is meant to be joy. The child wants to grasp fistfuls of knowledge. Imagine how a child learns language so magnificently and so easily, and how eagerly. All that is integral to learning language, all the fitting of the tongue and aspirations of the lips, and the ears give an encore. When someone can learn language and all its ramifications, he can learn anything that he desires to learn.

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God and Prashant: Follow-up Questions in Regard to the Future of Our Planet

I said that the world already has been changing. Look for the signs for that. The lion is already lying down with the lamb. There is wonderfulness in the world. Look for it. Why do you have to know all these answers? If you had all the answers, what purpose would they serve? Other questions will arise.

These questions about the world you ask clearly mean a lot to you and the world at large. These are questions to Me from your heart, and they matter more to you perhaps than questions about your individual life.

Dear One, these questions are also a diversion from yourself, as if with a snap of your fingers, you can know all the answers.

Answers are within you. All the answers are deep within you, yet you do not have to have the answers in words, for one word leads to another. Every question has sub-questions. That is why young children will ask their fathers about the stars. And with the answers, the child then adds another layer of Why's, and the questions go on ad infinitum. Questions are infinite. Questions have their merit, and questions continue.


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