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A Mood Is a Mood

God said:

One day you are on top of the world, and the next day it may seem that you have sunk into despair, and you have no idea why. You just did. And here you are, as glum as can be, downhearted once again, downright miserable and feeling unloved.

Right now it doesn't lighten your heart to know – and you do know – this too will pass. Everything is passing as We speak, yet you don't see what good that does for you now when a mood is like a knife stabbing your heart.

You seek for reasons to justify your mood, as if the more reasons the better. How you want explanations. Beloveds, this is a mood. A mood is a mood. Moods are not justifiable.

This whole world you live in is filled with such a manner of things and blessings that I suggest that you think of reasons for this whole Gift of Life. When you feel down-trodden, suddenly or more gradually, you have forgotten the glory in which I hold you and the Glory of God of which you are made.

When you are in the middle of despair, you forget to remember fresh air and nature. You forget to remember all the beauty you partake of. You forget your worth to Me and to the world. You forget your Self. For a temporary spell, you accept a limited edition of yourself and take it as the gospel, as if moods know you better than I do.

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Around Every Corner, Opportunity Awaits You

God said:

You may need a break from responsibility for a while. Even if your work is the dream of a lifetime, you may still need a day off from it. All of your life is your responsibility. There is something waiting for you to make happen. You don't know what. You have taken your responsibility seriously. It may mean everything to you. You may feel indispensible.

It's not that you think the world wouldn't go on without you. Of course, the world finds a way to go on without you. Perhaps it is you who can't quite get along without your work. You don't remember what a vacation is any longer because of your involvement in work. There is more to life than all work or all play.

Meanwhile, it behooves you to get along without work every now and again, particularly when you feel work hanging over you. Sometimes you need a new perspective in recognition of yourself and your identity apart from your work. Sometimes you really desire to just be yourself, even when you are unsure what being yourself means. You may wonder who you really are. Is work your I.D.?

Are you perhaps something other than work or any other title assigned to you? Perhaps you are beyond any title assigned to you or that you assign to yourself. You also exist without a title.

If your work is pounding nails, take a break from pounding nails. There is no question about it. As it is, a bell rings, and you are off to work.

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Be an Alchemist

God said:

Everything you choose in life is your choice. Here's what I mean:

If you are sad, you chose sadness. If you can choose sadness, you can choose happiness. 

Your life is based on your choices. Under all circumstances, you have choices to make. Your experience and the world itself may tell you that under certain circumstances, you can only be unhappy. To believe that or not believe that is also a choice you make.

If you can choose anger, you can choose peace. You may say you can't help anger. You may say you do not choose it, but suddenly it appears and seems to take you over -- your emotions, your thoughts, your blood pressure. Do you think you can only be a fall guy to anger?

Beloveds, if you did not choose anger, then who did? Who can choose it for you, dear ones? Any Tom, Dick, or Harry?

Look, if someone in the world has turned anger into peace, what prevents you from doing the same?

You may say anger is your life experience. You may say you have to be an alchemist to lower the volume of your anger into peace.

I say: Be an alchemist then. You can even turn anger into love and understanding. It is not only Great Spiritual Ones who have done this. Even ordinary-seeming human beings have translated their animosity into love.

In the world, this is often called forgiveness, yet I repeat and repeat: What makes you so high and mighty as to deign to forgive someone else for his level of consciousness? Who do you think you are?

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Riding with God

God said:

I ask Myself:

Why would anyone turn away from Me? Why would anyone presume to make a break with Me and think it smart? Yet there are human beings in My Created World who choose to turn their backs on Me. Can you believe it? Only human beings, for there are no other beings who put love aside and deny Me. Only human beings go on such a tangent. Only human beings target Me rather than love Me. To love Me is natural. No creature spurns Me. Human beings, however, presumably feel high and mighty or very unappreciated and may transfer their shaky egos to Me push Me away from their hearts.

The meek shall inherit the Earth. The word meek means without boastful ego. 

This is the down side of Free Will. Yet there is always an upside. The upside is that there is opportunity to look again.

There are those who are sure I am a hold-out Who takes from them rather than giving to them. There are those who turn away from Me. There are those who snub Me. There are those who curse Me. There are those who foist the responsibility for their lives onto Me, as if disappointing them were My joy. There are those who exert negativity towards Me. They do not yet know that God is not far away in the sky or on another planet, but that God is God within their very selves. A person's disavowal of Me is his denial of his own self. When someone feels bound to cast Me away, it is himself he casts aside. He seems to feel a need to picture God an anti-God verily in opposition to him.

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Whatever the Future of Your Love…

God said:

Love arrives in many ways. Sometimes love is just quietly noticed where it always was. Sometimes love rushes in like a thunderous herd of horses galloping out of the West. There are no limits to how love can burst in bloom.

Sometimes love does seem to be nothing but a magic trick, and sometimes love blossoms and lasts forever like a burgeoning rose in your heart. Sometimes, the fact alone that you know love exists is enough to put roses in your cheeks.

You yourself may not have your heart's desire, yet knowing that someone has true love feels good to your heart. Just think of it – love exists. You value love, and that valuing comes from love within you. You are glad that someone has a great love.

My children worry about the permanence of love. You may not see it very often -- love that lasts. To you, perhaps falling in love feels like jumping off a cliff. Where you land, no one knows.

Whatever the future of your love, you contribute to it. Love is due you, yet you can't just sit there as if you are not a partner in the arrival of love.

Take care of your own love. Your lovingness is your own. Take care of your own love then. You cannot manage another's love toward you as if you have the say. You can give love, yet you cannot order or instruct another's love. You don't own another's love. You can only give your own God-given love.

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Lights in the Night Skies

God said:

Come out of the darkness you have made room for. You may well have enticed the gloom, as if the weight of darkness was your due or that the darkness would somehow make you worthy and burn off the dross that, with a sinking heart, you may believe you are.

Goodness knows that the world can pummel you and convince you that you are far less than you seem to be when the Truth is that you are far more than you ever dared to dream of. Start dreaming now. Swim out of the doldrums.

The doldrums are not worthy. The doldrums are not worthy of you. Don't believe anything that the doldrums tell you. And don't be angry with the doldrums, for somehow or another, you invited them into your range of motion. You are also capable of showing the doldrums the door.

You are capable. Set your sights higher. Scale the heights. You are part of the stars that exist even beyond those that you presently see. You are beyond your imagination. You have been pulling weeds when you are to embody the stars. Look to the stars. The stars are your interlocutors. The stars and you are made of the same light, if you only knew.

Actually, you do know, yet you have blanked out on this. You have convinced yourself that you couldn't possibly be the light that extends so far and lights up the night skies.

Even as you have been called the Light of the World, you never believed you came from the Stars. We can say that the Stars are the reflected Light of Your Father God or Your God, as you prefer. In any case, the Light of the Stars more than become you.

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The Wheat of Life Grows Tall

God said:

You are made for more than making do. It's not that you have to prove yourself a great success on Earth, yet there is more to you and for you than getting by while you are on Earth.

Existence offers greater to you than merely just getting through. This life on Earth is not for the purpose of making yourself important in others' eyes. This is about your coming closer to yourself and for coming closer to Me. This is not for ego's sake. It is for life's sake and for love's sake.

Your potential is so great, for My Sake, use more of it. Yes, you will bless others and the whole world. Most important is that you bless yourself by opening pathways within your wandering mind.

You are meant for greater than living life by the skin of your teeth. Of course, making it by the skin of your teeth can be an adventure of itself and a blessing to you and all others as well.

Know you are the fulfiller of My blessings. As you soar, you bless Me. Be your own blessing which is to say – enrich your sense of life and liveliness. In so doing, you enrich the world.

Your merit is joy and not struggle. Being satisfied or being dissatisfied are so close. They abut each other. Just one more swimming stroke, and you are so near to shore and full of vision. Closer to God are you.

The water is golden. Hop in.

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The Unassailable Truth

God said:

There is no time like the present. If time existed at all, there would be only the present, but, of course, time simply isn't a factor in Infinity. You can't break Infinity up into pieces or installments or shapes of any which way.

If time did indeed exist, it could only exist in this particular moment that is on its way out as We speak. Every so-called moment is replaced like one zooming bee after another. Imaginary time is so fast that it is instantly overtaken. Time is a zipper that goes up and goes down.

There are countries which declare at certain seasons that you turn your clock one hour ahead or one hour behind, and no one blinks an eye. Full knowing that time is fast or slow according to how you feel about it, time plays its game and hoodwinks you.

So time retracts or bursts ahead. Time is declared, and everyone obeys the clock as if time were the Holy Grail.

Time is a dominant feature. Time is like a religion that no one would show disrespect to. All the world is on time according to the clock. It is a ritual, to look at the clock, and check it often. Time has got you by the neck. Who can forsake time in the world? Everyone bows down to it.

At some time or another, time will become defunct.

Nor does space exist. Only as it is agreed upon, does it. It is measured. Space is bought and sold and bid on. Space can be cleared, and space can be full. And someone can be spacey. 

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Smarten Up, Godlings

God said:

When you go to the gas station, you have a choice of which grade of gas you buy to fill up your tank with.

Do you not have the same choice as to what to fill your heart with? You have the freedom of choice. You have your own Will and your own Self-determination. Always, you have a choice before you.

A mood comes over you? What is a mood next to your freedom? I mean, really, do you think a dark mood is more powerful than you? Empty the mood from your heart, and refill it with joy.

I imagine that you would choose joy. Perhaps I'm wrong, and you would just as soon have a dark mood than a joyful one. Perhaps you enjoy sinking into a mood and crying out, "Uncle. I give up." At the same time, I want to state strongly that surrender does not – I repeat – does not mean defeat.

In any case, you have choice. You may think you are helpless. Ahem, this is your first misconception. You have Will, and you have Freedom of Will. Your sense of helplessness may be your preferred mood, so to speak, your preferred platform to come from. You may want to be taken care of rather than venture forth yourself. Helplessness may be your modus operandi. It can work. And, so, you may make yourself a beggar of life. You take on a posture that says poor you, how badly you need hand-outs. My Will for you has ever been independence and joy, arm in arm.

Pick yourself up and get on with it. You do not crawl. You do not grovel. No longer do you ever think or say to yourself: "Alas, poor me."

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Joy and Striving Are Not in the Same Ball Park

God said:

The life you desire does not come from extreme effort. The world, as it appears, may say that you must work hard for everything. Yet working hard is not enough. As a matter of fact, working hard is often too much, for it wears you down.

Much of the good in life you receive arrives without effort. It happens. It just happens. You may not even have been looking for it. It pops up in front of you.

Clearly, it is not your effort that makes the sun shine and the rains to come. Ideas that come to you do not arise from strain. Straining prevents ideas from arising. When ideas arise, they pop up the way a daisy pops up. Joy often seems to arise as a by-product. You may well not have set up joy as your main objective and have been striving for it. How do you strive for joy? Joy and Strive are not in the same ball-park.

In order to chop wood, you applying yourself, and it is physical effort, yet chopping wood can feel good to you. By the same token, many who exercise in the gym apply themselves, and they sweat, and, yet, they enjoy themselves. It feels good. They may or may not have an object in mind, and yet the exercise of itself gives satisfaction.

Nor is it supreme effort that gets you out of the pit of despair. How much can your will and determination bring joyful treasure to you?

If you find a diamond ring in the street, finding a diamond ring may have been the last thing on your mind until you stumbled upon it.


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