God said:
Everything you choose in life is your choice. Here's what I mean:
If you are sad, you chose sadness. If you can choose sadness, you can choose happiness.
Your life is based on your choices. Under all circumstances, you have choices to make. Your experience and the world itself may tell you that under certain circumstances, you can only be unhappy. To believe that or not believe that is also a choice you make.
If you can choose anger, you can choose peace. You may say you can't help anger. You may say you do not choose it, but suddenly it appears and seems to take you over -- your emotions, your thoughts, your blood pressure. Do you think you can only be a fall guy to anger?
Beloveds, if you did not choose anger, then who did? Who can choose it for you, dear ones? Any Tom, Dick, or Harry?
Look, if someone in the world has turned anger into peace, what prevents you from doing the same?
You may say anger is your life experience. You may say you have to be an alchemist to lower the volume of your anger into peace.
I say: Be an alchemist then. You can even turn anger into love and understanding. It is not only Great Spiritual Ones who have done this. Even ordinary-seeming human beings have translated their animosity into love.
In the world, this is often called forgiveness, yet I repeat and repeat: What makes you so high and mighty as to deign to forgive someone else for his level of consciousness? Who do you think you are?