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Hyacinth in Spring

God said:

Beneath it all, you are a beautiful hyacinth appearing in springtime no matter how much snow has fallen.

Beneath it all, you are blossoming. This is the Truth of you, believe it or not. It is better to believe it. If you can't believe it, go by it anyway. Look up. Even at night, starlight provides light. Who could believe in such beauty as stars if they hadn't looked up and seen stars for themselves?

Nevertheless, if you had never seen the stars and you didn’t believe in their existence, stars would still shine.

How loyally you believe in trouble. You look for the corner trouble could be coming from. You look for averse events in the distance and bring them closer to you. You predict disaster. You live with thoughts that may make you ill in one way or another.

You are sure you are right to face all the negative possibilities. You call this realism and consider this shoddy realism as virtuous.

I call it a false belief. I call it your deciding your fate.

I tell you that you are destined to shine in this world, not drag yourself around with thoughts of doom that you would not wish on anyone, yet you hang onto for the sake of realism.

You may well believe in stark realism and say you are smart to look for it. Do you really believe that? Do you think you are clever to house infinite negative possibilities? You may even hang onto these false premises for dear life or like a shroud. You hound yourself with fear as if fear is a hand-me-down that you must wear.

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On the Way to Peace

God said:

There could be another name for the Game of Life, and that is: On the Way to Peace, for, of course, you are. You are realigning yourself with Truth.

As it appears to you, My Children on Earth, life is not a game at all. It is a fight to the finish. You, of course, mistakenly accept death as the End of Life when there are no loose ends in Infinity or ends at all.

The only stop there is to Life is your body. You see essence packed in your body. You know yourself as known as a body. Your family and friends correlate you with your body, yet your body is like one of those signet bands around a cigar. The paper names the cigar it encircles. The cigar is wrapped up with the signet ring around it, yet the signet is not the cigar. Your perspective is off. You can get around in life that way until there is no cigar. Not even the signet remains in plain sight.

Yet those of you have apparently lost a loved one, you really do know that your loved one is no longer in the wrap-around sarong body that once seemed to carry your loved one's beautiful soul.

The physical body is something like a dog's collar around the dog, yet everyone knows the dog's collar is not the dog. The collar was always an adornment, nothing more. Your dog's leash is a physical tie between you and your dear dog, a visual and touch connection from one soul to another, much like holding hands.

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What You Market in the World

God said:

What a course in life you are on! What a remarkable course! Who could have thought it, that you would be where you are now? And you are not finished yet. You go round and round. How and where you end this time around, you do not know. In terms of the world, no one knows. I know. All return to Me.

Life is something, isn't it? Life is filled with everything, and everything means endless possibilities. In the world, life is a passage of time. To you, life, your life, is momentous.

Dear Ones, you don't know the half of it. You don't begin to know all that you market in the world. What wares do you sell in the world? What invisible wares as well do you simply give free from your heart? To what do you contribute? How did this happen? And whose responsibility is it?

One way or another, you contribute something. You contribute light. You are born of light, and light you are. You are to manifest light in the world. Let your light be bright. It has already been said that you are the Light of the World. So be it.

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The Past, the Past, the Unknown Past

God said:

Beloveds, why is sadness so important to you? Why is mourning for the past so important to your heart? You feel great sadness for all the friends and family you miss and for all the events and occasions that you miss. And then you also have your fond regrets for the opportunities you missed out on. Sometimes you are hard to please and so easily made sad about anything at all.

How dear is the past to you one way or another, whether fulfilled or unfulfilled, whether taken note of at the time or not even thought of until now, so much later. Where did high points in your life disappear to, and, of course, you also wonder what is the point of all you would bring back or rewrite if only you could.

Sometimes you would go on bended knee to apologize if only you could. You might stand up in school, for instance, and say to the teacher and the class:

"You didn't know me. You didn't know me at all. Nor did I know you. Nor did I know myself. I was stunned and dazed most of my life, as if in a kind of trance. I made an appearance, yet I wasn't really present. Whether I enjoyed or did not enjoy, I was hardly present. I went through motions of being there. I did not know how to act so I rolled myself up in some kind of posture, and I wasn't really there.

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The Glasses You Wear

God said:

Everything now, as it appears to you, no matter how you may not like it, no matter how appalled you may be at it, upset, hurt to the bone, bereaved, distraught, heartbroken, and unable to face, is a perfect rendition of life -- if you could but see… If you could but see…

No great artist could make a greater rendition of this scene before you. A scene by itself, taken out of context, is, nevertheless, a portrait carved out of life. It is true in your eyes, yet it is not true, as you see it or may ever see it while you walk on Earth. Disconnectedness seems to be part of your picture. It is a vivid picture you hold. It is what you see and carry with you, yet it is not true. Much of life is not true as you see it.

You wear glasses that do not help your vision. Even as these may be old glasses you have outgrown, you may still squint through them. There is a far greater context of life far beyond the raw and rough of life as you may take life to be.

Of course, you react to life as you see it. You see it to the best of your ability. Some day you will be more far-sighted. You will see a greater vision and meaning of events beyond what you now see as tragic.

Where you wept once upon a time, you will begin to see dimensions you could not have dreamed of before. If you had dreamed of them or had a suspicion of them, you would not have let yourself be cheered up by them because you were convinced that your period of mourning was not up and, perhaps, never would be up.

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Love Is Now in Fashion

God said:

What would you like to say to Me right now? Seriously, if you and I sat knee to knee, what would you want to say to Me? Would you be tongue-tied? Would you be mute because of all you have stored up inside you? Or would you talk a blue-streak and not let Me get a word in edgewise!

It wouldn't matter. Between Us, between the One of Us, Silence also speaks, and, even if you babble a blue-streak, it doesn't matter. We understand everything. There are no barriers between Us.

And, if you didn't speak at all, what is it that words can answer now as We are inundated in love from all seeming directions? Love is the medium We live in. If Truth be known, love is Our Constant.

We know each other intimately. All is known before We speak. In Truth, nothing has to be said. We go beyond speech. We are One, and what does anything matter when We are together beyond any walls the world puts up? What is there to talk about really anyway that matters anywhere near the love We are? Our love is not only possible, it is established.

Our hearts speak. We are beyond and before language. We are bird-song. We hear Ourselves in the music nature sings. No impasse can exist between us. There is no interruption that can interrupt Our love, for We are attuned.

Nothing matters to Us except love, and We have all of it. We are all of it. Love is all, and all is love. We are incapable of not loving. You may feel you are not capable of loving or sustaining love when you are the very existence of love itself.

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A Game of Tag

God said:

There is no distance, so how can there be miles? There is no time, so how can there be minutes? Yet the very Earth you live on at present knows space and time and all else that the world professes to know. You are mightily dependent upon illusions you live with and wink at. On Earth, not knowing what else to do, you depend upon the unsubstantiated that everyone goes along with. You tread again and again a Hampster Wheel of Life.

Life on Earth seems to be life on a weak limb, yet, therein, are also the joys of Life on Earth. You are granted colors and sunlight and moonlight and starlight, electric lights, Christmas lights and shadow upon shadow. You have stop and you have go. You have varying textures, and you have surprises on Earth, some you like, and some you don't.

Life on Earth is a Wonder of Delights. At the other end of the spectrum – and Life on Earth always has another end of the spectrum – lie fear and terror and error. Fear and terror and error are available to you, yet, must you partake?

Can you not forsake the worrisome facts of life? Why put your trust in that which does not give you joy? How pitiful are fear and terror as they include fear of the known and fear of the Unknown and suspected error?

The blood in your veins is not made of fear. Your DNA is brave and withstands a great deal. Your DNA knows not fear unless you pound fear into your DNA. It seems like you trim your DNA around the edges, as if your DNA demands heartache.

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Great Lights of the World like the Sun

God said:

Who is to say which color of the rainbow is the best color? Who is to say -- which is the same as to declare -- which moment in life is ultimately better than another? Who is the declarer who declares all?

Who makes the statement that his health is failing, and why would he? Better to believe in health and not so much in illness. Health is natural. Illness is…what? A word. A phantom. A contrivance that has been imagined and bowed down to and upheld in buildings and universities and vast texts.

Christ and other Great Ones healed humankind because they did not see the illness to heal. They saw the blessing of God's Will and God's Love. They saw Healing Light. They saw not illness. Illness was not true. They saw Truth. They did not dance to the shadows. Their eyes saw through the shadows. They saw Me wherever they looked. They knew that death is not and that everlasting love shouts from the Heavens. They knew that health alone was true.

Christ did not investigate illness. He saw Truth, and he affirmed Truth.

Christ did not walk on water to impress anyone or reveal a talent or to be declared a miracle worker. He walked on water in order to get somewhere.

Wherever his step went, his presence healed. What is healing but the blessing of health acknowledged?

Christ was always risen. He didn't have to do anything, for he was as he was. He, as are you, was the Light of the World. He never thought otherwise, nor is it otherwise for you except that you don't believe it.

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A Field of Daisies

God said:

Only in the grip of time can you regret. As you linger, it may seem to you that the precise moment for a choice for something wonderful has gone. Your life missed a beat, and so, regret within you builds. Be done with regret. What are regrets worth in the market place anyway?

You may pass by a field of daisies, and you don't pick even one. Or you pick a whole bunch, and the daisies wilt too soon. Or they wilt later. Wilting is always too soon. And so you wilt your heart. You weep for the daisies gone. However, the daisies were there for you. You were gifted with the presence of the daisies and, perhaps, a lost love.

What a wonderful moment it is to pick flowers and treasure them. What an offering to you is a field of daisies. A field of daisies presents itself to you.

Daisies like that you look at them. They nod at you as you walk by. Daisies are not regretting your passing by or your picking them or your not picking them. Daisies don't waste their lives on regret. They are daisies and know better. They do not impose regrets on their temporariness. They surrender. They do not even surrender. They enjoy life as it comes to them.

Daisies blow in the breeze, and this is as far as they can go. Of course, their petals can be picked up by the wind and be cast somewhere. And their seeds.

If a whole field of daisies were mowed down, daisies would not mourn. They would not rue. They would not caw: "Nevermore."

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The Path of a Blossoming Heart

God said:

Beloveds, I am not a hard-hearted God. I build your strength with all of My might. Nor do I see you as weak no matter how you may whittle yourself down. You cry out that where you believe you are is, sadly and mistakenly, where you actually are. You say:

"God, the One and Only God, Who exists in my front yard, so to speak, and touches my heart, plays it like a piano, wrests me from despair and loves me, simply loves me, doesn't mind my idiosyncrasies and listens to my heart as if that is the Wholeness of me. God, have You said that my heart is the whole of me? I long to know what life on Earth is about really."

Beloveds, your soul is the heart of you. Oh, your soul is a bridge that carries you on your path which is the path of a blossoming heart. Human hearts get bleary-eyed, as if the hearts stayed up all night and didn't get rest, as if the world had to sustain hearts in order for your heart to be significant.

Your heart may seem like a wayfarer. It goes adrift, as though your heart were blind and could only feel its way to where it takes you. The heart of you and the soul of you will bend. No longer your heart be inconsolable. The soul of you is firm. It doesn't wander. Your heart can wander and feel lost. Your soul always knows what is what.

Nevertheless, the time is coming when your heart and soul become One Great Steed galloping to your Destiny. Your Destiny, no matter in what form it may appear, is no other than the Fullness of Love.


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