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In the Absence of True Love

God said:

Every Soul on Earth craves to be nourished with Love. Without a sense of Love on the Rise, the hearts of My children engage in a frenzy of trying to get love poured on them, or they withdraw their love, and their hearts become freeze-dried. A sense of absence of Love paralyzes the lovelorn.

You may panic about love not given, or you panic about love taken back, or you hasten to desensitize your heart of love with the idea that, somehow, love is not meant for you. For others, perhaps, yet not for you.

Of course, you are meant for love. You may have experienced life in such a way that you accept that love is not for you and dare hope no longer. You turn your back on love. Love and its lack have done their number on you. You resign to the idea that love, True Human Love, is not possible for you. You may tell yourself you have been spared, for who would want a perennially broken heart in one form or another, anyway? What good is love grown cold?

Most important to your life on Earth is the state of your heart. Hearts are meant to be vibrant. May more love reach you abundantly. May you, yourself, initiate love. Engage your heart in giving love. It is for you to have all the love in world to give.

Beloveds, burst open the dams of your heart.

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Be a Miracle

God said:

There are times when you, the Children of God, feel helpless, incapable, disallowed, frustrated, weak. I will tell you that you have within you Great Power. I will tell you what your Great Power is. Freedom. Freedom is your power. Freedom of choice is your power. There are always choices. Choose freedom.

If you feel you are oppressed, you have forgotten your freedom. Others may impose on you and appear as obstacles if you say so. Of course, unbeknownst to you and to themselves, seeming opposition and restrictions may be opening a door to your freedom that had been closed and needed a push to open. In effect, others may stimulate you to look for the key to your freedom. 

I do not speak here of a prospective battle with a seeming other. I am speaking of your innate freedom to rise above. Rising above is your freedom. 

If you want to feel powerful rather than powerless, you will make the life you live your own responsibility. If you are timid, timidity is of your choosing. Maybe right now, it is courage that will help you to rise. Perhaps those in life whom you see as restrictions are your starter switch so you will fly high.

Even if you are in school, even if you are in prison, even if you are paralyzed, freedom is yours. You can avail yourself of freedom. 

In school, you are in a position where you have to do what the teacher says. You may want to talk and to have fun, yet you have to be quiet. 

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A Bag of Surprises

God said:

You are free on Earth. It may not seem so to you. You may feel bogged down in so many matters that you are overwhelmed.

Dear Ones, you are free even to be overwhelmed. It is not a stretch to say that out of a peck of opportunities, you may well have chosen one named Overwhelmed.

There are so many choices in life before you. All of them are for you to choose from.

You even have the choice to run away from what you would love to choose. You may put your hand out, and then pull your hand back. You do not give yourself credit for the ability to achieve your desires, and so you back away, or, perhaps, it can be said that you back away from fulfilling a desire of yours out of timidity or, perhaps, from some kind of fear of success or failure. In any case, it can be that you accept less than your full quotient.

On one level, it doesn't matter. On another level, it matters very much. Well, who in life knows for a fact what his best choices are? You can only guess.

Perhaps you can build yourself up to say Yes more often to what you desire than you say No to what you desire. If Life has picked a flower for you, it may behoove you to accept the flower and not throw it away.

Regardless, Life is your choice, and you choose one way or another.

Caution tells you that you can't accept everything that comes your way. On the other hand, you want your heart to flow where it wants to flow.

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Heroes of Infinity

God said:

Look, no one can see ahead of time all the questions that you might ask before you take a leap into living life. 

You learn as you grow. You grow as you learn. You move forward, one step at a time. This is how you walk, one foot after the other. A pattern evolves and comes to light. This is Life – the Surprise of a Lifetime. 

You walk in a mist, as it were. You may have no idea where you are or how far you have come. You may think you trudge when you are actually flying as free as a bird. 

Life does not come to you prepackaged. Life is not all neat and wrapped up as you might like it to be. Life has a thousand ways – a million ways – a billion ways – to find its way to you and hand you a message. 

Life is always barreling on its way to you, seemingly like the childhood game of Tiddlywinks where you flip little discs into a cup -- and there you are – your Life made up of little circles reaching you. These little circles become the building blocks of your Life in the World. What a Fantastic world you are in!

Look, Tiddlywinks come in all colors, and all colors enter your Life and take their place. Life may seem incidental, accidental or coincidental, yet Life is not hit or miss. Life is indeed purposeful. Life is always leading you somewhere even as you may not have a clue to where Life is leading you or what your next step will be, yet your next step is right here before you. Take your chances. 

Life may seem more like a chess game to you, and you may hear Life say to you: "Checkmate!"

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Fear and Time Do a Dance Together

God said:

Fear not. How can you be buoyant in love when you fear? When you fear, you see shadows all over. Shadows are only shadows. They are not real. You fear shadows. The shadows don't hurt you. 

Your radical acceptance of fear hurts you. Fear makes you take a stand for shadows. You bow down to shadows.

Fear is a concept you have bought into. Fear is a response. It is a reaction. It is not a brave act that your heart trembles as if there were no tomorrow. It does not behoove you to re-enact fear, to give it yet another face, and keep fear's face alive. 

Well, in Truth, there is no tomorrow and no yesterday. Time is a temporary-seeming pause in the Structure of the Universe. It is an aberration. Fear cannot exist except in the Illusory Passage of Time. Fear and time do a dance together. They are partners. They are fearsome partners. They enact drudgery together. Fear and time become a movie feature in your life. 

It is not really that fear and time catch up to you. It really is that you stop for them. Fear and time take you for a ride in their rickety carriage, and you don't know how to get off. You fear an unknown abyss, and, so, you hold onto the abyss you see now as if it were really and truly real. 

Imagine, you decide that holding onto nothing is a form of courage. What you are really doing is hanging out with the concept of fear pressed into an alarm of danger, as if Life on Earth consists of more danger than Love, as if Life is meant to be filled with shards. It is not.

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Oneness Is Thy Name

God said:

Beloveds, I hear you cry out in all languages, or I hear you cry out from the depth of silence. You cry out from the depths of My Being within you:

"Beloved God, my beloved God, thank You, thank You for all Your Blessings to the World, for all blessings that have been even when I had no idea. I thank You for all Your Blessings that are to come, for All You have blessed the entire Creation with, including me. You are the One God. There is no other God than You. If there were a hundred-thousand Gods, you are the Living Lovingest God of All. There is no other God before You. Thank You for approaching me so that I might know You and what You Are and what You mean to the Universe and me. 

"God in the Highest, what is there for me to say but that I love, and that I love You with all my Heart and with all the sanctity of my Being which You have bestowed upon me and which I accept through Your sparkling within me. I discover You Who art my Creator.

"You tell me that I AM YOU. I don't quite get it, yet I cherish this thought that somehow, even when I am in a morass, You love and support me with an Awareness far greater than my personal awareness, yet which You are nevertheless bestowing upon me so that I may know You as my Self."

Now, My beloveds, I speak to you:

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A Prevalent Idea in the World

God said:

The world has to move past the idea that death of the body is a sad-bad-horrific-thing-to-be-avoided-at-all-costs.

The prevalent idea seems to be that it is a terrible thing to die, that death, in common parlance and in good conscience, has to be postponed until the last possible moment because of an idea that death is in flagrant disrespect of Life, as if death is the worst thing that can happen to you or anyone.

Death is simply the other side of the coin. The death of your current body is not the end of the world. It is not even the end of your Life.

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A Little Voice within You Contradicts Your Higher Self

God said:

You would love, above all, if many of the thoughts that run through your mind would leave you alone. 

You want to be pure and true, yet your mind hassles you. It won't leave you alone. You yearn for freedom of thought, yet you too often have thoughts that you wish you would not have.

Beloveds, you want to leap over your errant mind and rise high.

You do believe that I have made you something great, and, with all your might, you want to be great and reveal the Truth of Who you are and so bless the world. You are tired of riff-raff thoughts about others – and yourself – thoughts that plague you and won't leave you alone. You no longer want to badger others in your weary mind. You deeply desire to go beyond the petty demeaning of yourself and others in your life.

You wonder how you can know as much as you do and, seemingly, be unable to live the fullness of what you know. You want the way of peace. Sometimes all you want is peace and to get beyond the remarks in your mind.

You want to be real and, certainly not merely a good show you put on. Where do your errant thoughts come from, and how can you quell them once and for all?

Tell your mind to be quiet, to stop the remarks that pop into your head. You would vanquish these thoughts if only your mind would desist. Your mind does not desist. Your mind rattles on and snipes at this one and that one. Would that your mind would give you some peace and quiet and not keep panning the world and those struggling souls in it.

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Of Oceans and Sand

God said:

Sure, there are times when you wonder what you are doing here on Earth. You wonder how did you get here? You wonder what is this call to arms that Life on Earth seems to assert? You may wonder if Life on Earth is just a battle or if Life on Earth is a major war. So it may seem to you.  

It may seem to you that you are out on the trench lines, seemingly without the God-Given Blessing of Free Will. 

Every day you have to get up whether you want to or not. 

Every single day you have to rise and shine, put on your face to the world, and breathe a deep breath as you go out the door.

There may be no one to say good-by to you, or there could be someone to hug you before you leave, or someone who doesn't seem to care if you come or go. Alas, Hearts of Love may have stalled.

Life isn't meant to be an impasse. Life is meant to be a voyage or a great journey to the Holy Grail. Daily Life, which is a dream while you are on Earth, is meant to be a dream you would like and eagerly venture forth on. Instead of trembling at the day to come, you are meant to greet the day as you would a dear friend. 

A rainy day can still be welcome. A mountainous trek can be a joy. You can even enjoy shoveling snow. Whatever Life hands you, you are meant to come shining through.

Tell Me, when all is said and done, has there ever been anything you haven't come out on the other side, picked yourself up and brushed yourself off, and gotten on your way?

Sometimes you may think: "If only life weren't so daily."

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A Divine Human Being Here on Earth for the Good of All

God said:

Within speech, there is a momentum. It is not so much that you have to speak so someone can listen to you. It is more that you speak to find out. Find out what? To find out what new sense of life is beginning to percolate in your heart and mind.

Your words are a combination of your heart's longing and your mind's determination. We could probably say that when your heart speaks, it speaks in silence. There is an aspect where there are no words for what is in your heart to express fully in its beat. If there were words and you would know them, you may also sense you would not be able to form the words because so powerful they would be.

As it is, all the words you know do not begin to say all that your heart has to say. Your heart is beyond reproach, yet words do not suffice. Every Human Being born to Earth, has a desire to speak even as vocal speech of the world cannot express the depths of heart and all the whirling in a human heart. Perhaps a sunset can speak. A bird can speak eons in one refrain. A poet or artist can come close in the space between his words. Yet all that fills your heart cannot literally be tolled in speech or even in your understanding.

It is no secret that you and your heart are greater than any words can say. It has also been established that you are greater than your own eyes can see, yet you are beginning to suspect that there is more to you than you have credited yourself with.


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