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How God Created the Wonders of the World

God said:

One day you said to Me:

"Beloved God, do You know what You are? You are noble, God. You are simply and wholly of the Highest. You are above the world. What an idea you thought of when you thought of implementing the world. What a daring thing! What an amazing thing! God, did You have any idea that You might sometime be faulted for creating the Wonders of the World?"

I replied:

It is not that I figured out the world detail by detail. I didn't think about it like that. I desired the world as a way-station for My children, much in the way someone might say: "Let's pitch a tent! Let's have a picnic. Let's go to the circus!"

An idea arose, and the idea appeared as easy as pie. Nothing ruffles My feathers. I didn't think of all the exigencies. It's more that an idea of a world full of color occurred to Me: "Wouldn't a world be nice?" I thought to Myself.

Regardless of your perspective on the existence of the world, the world did not occur by chance. The Creation of the World was not an aside. It wasn't a whim.

Before the activation of the world, the world had occurred to Me. Then the world burst into view the way a rose emerges from a seed. The sun burst forth on the horizon, and I never changed My mind. Remember, I saw the Rising of the Creation of the World, and I saw it was good. I saw it was beautiful. I saw that it was a happening that arose from Infinity. I saw the birth of the world and the vast beauty of such a One as you. I saw. I saw such splendor.

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What Would You Like to Hear Said About You?

God said:

If the world had one thing to say about you, what would you want it to be? What would you most of all want to hear the world say? What would you like to be able to say about yourself?

Now, your answer does not have to be holy. You are not required to give a holy answer such as: "He or she was a saint."

What you would like said about you is something you desire for yourself. It's possible you would be content with? Would you like to know that you mean more to myself than you had realized?

As you live your life, what would you most of all want to be said about you. What would it really be? Would you really want it to be said that you were the wealthiest person in the world? Or the smartest? Or the fairest of all? That you wore high-styled clothes? Found great bargains? Lived on a dime? Maybe you would. And that's okay.

Look, it is for you to choose really and not to be pretentious. It's fine if you would like: "She had beautiful brown eyes." This might really mean something to you. What We are looking for is something meaningful to you.

"I made hearts happy."

"People liked me."

"I lightened hearts."

"I looked right into people's eye."

"I made people laugh."

"I entered a room, and eyes lit up when they saw me."

"No one was more loved than I."

"I changed the lives of others."

"I was offered the Heavens."

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Within You Lies the Spirit of God

God said:

You ask the utmost of yourself, and, much of the time, you find yourself wanting, as though you lack and will never come out on top. Sometimes, it seems that no matter what you do or how much you give, you see yourself as lacking. What an ingrained futile habit that is, especially when, in actuality, all you seek is already right here within you.

What if you would look at yourself as moving forward? What if you would give yourself credit for all that you put forth? What if you are already ordained?

Sure, it may seem that in some ways you are too forgiving to yourself, making idle excuses, for instance. On the other hand, you are also an ogre of a taskmaster when it is yourself that you are task-mastering. You seem to have an insatiable appetite for being under-pleased with yourself or even impossible to please when it comes to you.

Of course, you are far away from touching what you most desire. It is still ahead of you. Your hand cannot even point to it yet. You keep losing your place as you might lose your place in a book. You don't know where you left off. You may even forget where you are headed.

Let Me tell you something. You don't have to reach nirvana or any of the words you use to describe this State of Being you so ardently crave. It is enough right now that you long for greater and reach your hand for it. Sometimes you reach for it where it is not. For sure, what you seek is not outside you somewhere. You may be lured away, yet you are never far at all.

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I Am with You Always

God said:

You know, I never have anything on my mind as you use the expression "something on your mind." I have responsibility, yet nothing hangs over Me. Nothing weighs Me down.

First of all, I know that all is well. All is well is not just made up words I use to give you or Me a pep talk. That all is well is a literal fact. All is well right now regardless of what you think.

Whatever you may well dwell on and certify as tragic, you do not yet see as I see. You have yet to see through the disguise and bander of the world.

You may hear me often enough as I say that all is well, yet, meanwhile, you are under stress and strain. Dear Ones, ultimately, you put yourself through this stress and strain. You sanction the stress and strain. You say that appearance is true. You tell yourself, "How I can not be strained in the situation I am in?"

And so you set the dial of your life to stress and strain.

Even where your life shows up as utterly amazing and wonderful, you don't believe in your good fortune either. You say this is too good to be true. You do not believe that you are Cinderella and stand on a firm foundation, yet you do firmly, even fiercely, believe in bad news.

Of course, you call one layer of existence as realistic, as if you do not stand on a deep foundation where the idea of trouble can only be a misnomer.

You are attached to your body with all your heart. You believe in and rely on the physical, yours and others, as if bodily existence is your gospel to go by.

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Dancing to the Tune of the World

God said:

The days, months, and years keep rolling along. Seasons appear, and seasons leave. In winter or in summer, you still are. Whether you are above the equator or below the equator, you are. On Earth and in Heaven, you are. In illusion, you are your name as given in the world. You may be called Joe or Mary, yet your True Identity is far more than any name pasted on you.

Aware or not aware, you have been seeking your True Identity. You know deep down that you are much more than what you seem to be. The world calls your name, and you answer to it. You dance to the tune of the world, as if you are on automatic, as if you are an automated response, a recording that you hear yourself repeat. The voice that comes out of your voice-box is reported to be yours, yet you are not sure where the voice you speak and hear abides, or if anyone hears you and responds, or, do you just make motions as you as you go along.

You are sure life is meant to be more than a formality, yet you are not sure where you are in this whole transaction called life. You would like to know, really know, who you are and where you are from and where you are going. Can you really be a fillip of your imagination? Is this the real show or a rehearsal? Truth be known, you don't know what is up and what is down. It seems to you that you are distributed throughout the Universe like a dashing comet. At the same time, you stay still and are unknown and unseen.

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Sing an Ode to Life

God said:

What if you saw the world as Divine, how might your life be different? What if you saw the world as a dear friend who welcomed you, what about that? What if you could choose the kind of world you live in, what would the world you choose be like?

One way or another, you do choose the trends of the life you live. If your life is ordained, you ordain it. You see what you imagine you see. I know that life doesn't seem so simple to you. You may feel you need protection. What you really need is inspiration. Never mind about getting a face uplift. Uplift your life. Inspire yourself and the world you live in. Inspire your heart and mind.

I do intend this for you. I work on your happiness, so to speak, as I do work not at all. I may tickle you under your chin or ruffle your hair. I most certainly smile on you. I think of you and see you as you are. You may well have a different picture.

Any downward thoughts of yours that you may spiral – they are not Mine. I take joy in you. You are My joy. May you be joy to yourself and inspire yourself and enjoy yourself. May you keep your eyes looking up. May your outlook be sunny. Why choose anything less than sunny? What is the percentage in choosing gloom? What good does it do for you or the Universe?

Goodness does come your way, and more is coming. Be ready. What can you do to be ready?

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Learning How to Swim

God said:

You may see Me more as a Provoker than a Provider! Like it or not, I provide you with life. Life gives you a chance to spin gold.

Sometimes in life, you are overwhelmed. Sometimes you are knocked over, and you have to get up. One day – and it may be soon -- you will get the hang of taking life as it comes. You will pick yourself up sooner. You don't ever have to be down for the count.

Presently, you may feel you are drowning in the waves of life, yet you are learning to swim. In the extant world, it is time that you learn to swim and to forage forward even when you may have lost your bearings.

You may be the last to know what you are learning. You don't see any purpose for the various kinds of headaches and heartaches that assail you. You see trials that bewilder you. You can't even conceive something like this -- whatever it is that may be happening to you. As best you can see, there are just some perils in life that seem to end in dark corridors that are beyond you to sweep clean.

How can it be that a loved one is taken from you so ruthlessly? You see loss and not a glimpse of gain. Yet you are steel being tempered. You are wood being carved. You are diamonds being polished. There is no need for you to feel weak-kneed.

You may feel you have hit rock-bottom and will never stand up straight again, yet, you will, and, you know you will. You resist knowing. Bruises fade, and you will step into the sunlight again. Once again, you will know the joy of warmth.

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What Is Life on Earth Anyway?

God said:

My children may consider Life on Earth as a Rite of Passage, as a canoe ride down a river, as a trek through a jungle, fraught with unexpected danger. My children may consider Life on Earth as a ride on a carousel, as a dance floor, a Broadway musical, a feat of great dimensions. What can Life on Earth not be considered as?

What you consider life to be makes a difference to the life you experience. The preponderance of your thoughts about life are trend-setters. Your thoughts create a map for your life to follow.

It is safe to say that whatever you consider life to be, life will still have a few surprises for you. Life really doesn't let you sit still, or, life makes you sit still when you don't want to, or Life on Earth makes you move when you would like to sit still or even hide.

You would say that life is contrary. Life doesn't object. It is you who objects to life. Life doesn’t take offense. You do. Sometimes you take offense right and left. Sometimes life can't please you. You find it difficult to be pleased. You may not really know what you want from life. What can life do to suit you when you may see life as a precarious adventure or, even, unforgivable?

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Jewels of Glory

God said:

Do even Jewels of Glory in the world become old hat? Is there any love or delight that does not seem to reduce itself to commonplace after some time? I suppose this could be referred to as your becoming used to good news, and, therefore, even the exalted rose may lose its glow, and you, perhaps, feel left by the wayside.

When you first opened your eyes to Me, you were exultant. You were at a peak of life. We could say that you were high on the hog. Then, after a while, you felt a let-down. Seemingly, I faded into the background.

Therefore, you present yourself with an occasion for a greater rise in vibration. And so, the extraordinary has begun to seem ordinary, for, from this relative aspect in the world comes change. You search for this change because you are always meant to change and grow. Sometimes the change seems harrowing for you. You would prefer that your life stayed in place and did not change, at least, not yet.

You had understandably been on Cloud 9, and now, alas, you just don't feel this Lightness of Being any longer. Somehow, you may feel heavy-footed.

When you reach the peak of a mountaintop, you know you have gotten somewhere. Then the contrast seems to fizzle out, you are left wanting more, and more and more. More and more always exist, and you want this more right now. You are supposed to want it. You are supposed to have it. You must have it, and, so, contentedness leads to discontent.

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The Truth of Everyone

God said:

You are beyond the blue horizon. You are beyond greater than you can imagine. You don't begin to fathom how far you extend beyond the Universe. You don't begin to comprehend yourself and how boundless in Truth you are.

You came to this Earth knowing more about yourself than you may dare dream of now.

What if you could believe in yourself more? What if you could believe that you are a significant factor in the Universe, that you are a Pinnacle of the Universe?

There is a common expression in English that says: "You can't keep her down on the farm." I see this to mean that all the people that the world considers common and people who consider themselves common as well break through unimaginable boundaries to expand beyond old-fashioned ideas. When it comes to belief in your Self, way too many of My children have simply just stayed on the farm.

When did someone last declare your wonderfulness? When did you?

Most of My children in the world have had their value based on test scores and fitting into a confining tamped-down world. Perhaps no one ever saw your glory or even considered the idea of glory whatsoever when applied to themselves or to you or to anyone. Many have been so earthbound that they are like plow horses who wear blinders and trudge up and down the furrows of the land.

It had been unheard of to peek around blinders or take them off. It wasn't banned, yet it was considered cautionary.


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