
Heavenletter #4402 Beautiful Illusion, December 13, 2012

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Heavenletter #4402 Beautiful Illusion, December 13, 2012 


God said: 


You follow Me, and I follow you. We are like a Push Me Pull you. We keep up with each other. We are love embracing. We are beloved of Each Other. We are Beloved.

There is no getting outside Ourselves. We are within and not without. We are Inner Being. The outer rim is illusion. Anything that is not Oneness is illusion, and illusion is the world you seem to live in, yet it only seems. What seems is not so. Trouble is not so. Trouble is a false flag that you sometimes fly under. You send out an SOS for nothing. Be still, and know I am God and know that We are One entrusted heart beating with love. We are a precious Onesome. We are not a Twosome.

One day the idea of Twosome will be laughed at the way the idea that the Earth is flat is laughed at. Anyone can look at the horizon line of the ocean and see that the world is flat. And yet you know it isn't. The rim of the Earth looks flat, and yet you dismiss what you see without a backward glance.

Heavenletter #4401 Life Is Like a Road You Walk On, December 12, 2012

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Heavenletter #4401 Life Is Like a Road You Walk On, December 12, 2012 

God said: 


Enough has been said of all the trouble in the world. There is much more to be said of all the beauty and the blessing evident and dormant in the world.

It strikes Me sometimes that there are many who are proud of the troubles they have. They may be convinced that they have the worst troubles in the world.

Understandably, the trouble you have today is the worst one. Other troubles have fled to the past. What hovers over you is the biggest shadow you have ever seen. Tomorrow it may not be, yet today it is. It is an enormous blustering trouble. It is a stand-out. It seems to have overshadowed your whole world.

Please do not think for one moment that troubles are your badge of honor. No longer count your troubles and weigh them. No longer pick your troubles out as the worst in the world and therefore crown them as the biggest and worst troubles in the world. As you crown your troubles, you keep them. You pin them before you. You never let them out of your sight.

Heavenletter #4400 Discovering You , December 11, 2012

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Heavenletter #4400 Discovering You , December 11, 2012 

God said: 


Whatever is bothering you, you don’t have to like it. By the same token, you can live with it. What you don’t like doesn’t have to ruin your day. Not at all. Even along with what seems to cause you unhappiness, you can be happy.

Let us say you go to a party, and your heel catches on the hem of your beautiful dress, and, there you are, at a gala party with your hem hanging down. A hanging hem doesn’t have to ruin your time at a party. You with your hem fallen can still have a good time. You don’t have to fiddle with the hem. You don’t even have to be embarrassed. A fallen hem isn’t the determinant of your happiness or of your unhappiness.

Nor does rain have to spoil your picnic.

Nor does a broken romance have to interfere with your happiness. Nor does a broken heart. A broken heart and happiness can coexist.

Heavenletter #4399 An Almond Tree Cannot Bear Peaches , December 10, 2012

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Heavenletter #4399 An Almond Tree Cannot Bear Peaches , December 10, 2012 

God said: 


It is better to be satisfied with someone you love than dissatisfied. From the goodness of your heart, you may want a loved one to change, and, yet, the only person you can change is yourself. Surely, you have learned this already.

How does a plant grow? By watering and sunshine. You can’t order a plant to grow. You can’t order a flower to bloom. You can’t order a tree to bear fruit. You can love an almond tree. You can not ask it to become a peach tree.

In what you desire for another, you may be absolutely right. Nevertheless, it is not your place to demand. Your choice is to nourish. You cannot demand change from another. You can demand change only from yourself. It is not for you to give commands. It is for you to love and bless. Love and blessing come first. Love and blessing work wonders. If you really want to help someone grow, then love them. Love them as they are, and they will grow. There is nothing like love to nourish.

If you want to make someone strong, love him. Correction may dissolve another’s strength rather than strengthen. You must allow another his free will. Free will does not infringe on another. Your jurisdiction is over yourself, not another.

Heavenletter #4398 Get Up from the Worry Chair, December 9, 2012

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Heavenletter #4398 Get Up from the Worry Chair, December 9, 2012 

God said: 


If you are sitting in a worry chair, get up and sit in a worry-free chair. If you live in a town called Worry, move to a town called Peace. Where you would rather live, move there.

Of course, you take yourself with you wherever you go. Nevertheless, it’s a good start when you accept that you would do well to make a change. The change, of course, is within you. It is your tune you want to change.

When you do not like the song you are hearing on the radio, you turn the dial to another station. And so this is what you do when your frame of mind is not to your liking. I know you don’t like worrying. I know there are passels of things you can worry about, so I say to leave the worry mode and enter peace. Worries will take care of themselves. You don’t have to nurture them. No more feeding worries. No more letting them thrive at the expense of your peace.

Heavenletter #4396 Receive God’s Love, December 7, 2012

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Heavenletter #4396 Receive God’s Love, December 7, 2012 

God said: 


Do you feel My hand in comfort on your forehead or your cheek? My hand is on you. This is one way I know to comfort you.

Now that I have told you, can you feel My love?

Can you feel My love soaking into your eyes?

Can you feel My love filling your blood vessels? Can you feel a stream of love running through you in this way from head to toe?

Do you feel My love running over your hair? Can you?

Sometimes, good feelings seem to come to you, or the sense of good feeling comes to you, and you know not from where. You may not be able to define the feeling. You may have only a hint, and, yet, you are aware, even if only a little aware.

Heavenletter #4395 You Have a Golden Mission, December 6, 2012

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Heavenletter #4395 You Have a Golden Mission, December 6, 2012 

God said: 


From the stars of My heart you came. Birthed from the stars, you burst forth to shine upon the world. You are here to embrace the world and to make it holy, full of love, full of discovery, full of what makes life on Earth and everywhere worthy of the designation Life. Life is about Love and Light. You are about the same Love and Light. Love seeks love, and Light seeks Light, and all on Earth seek their counterpart.

You seek to know your counterpart because in another’s reflection, you begin to see yourself. When you study another, you are really seeking for yourself. You get to know yourself through the spectrum of a seeming another. You are sent to Earth, not for a middling or small purpose but for a Great Purpose. Whatever purpose you may think you are here for, you are here for a yet greater purpose. You probably don’t know what your purpose is except in a general sense. What you can know for certainty is that you do have a purpose, and it is not shabby, dear ones, not at all.

Heavenletter #4394 New Dance Steps, December 5, 2012

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Heavenletter #4394 New Dance Steps, December 5, 2012 

God said: 


As you relax, a whole field of possibilities opens up. Tightened up, un-relaxed, possibilities freeze up. In other words, let go of what may hold you back from even dreaming your dreams. It is better to open up than to close up. It is better to open up doors and windows and air the place out. Tenseness means restrictions. You do not yet know what is possible when you come to relax, when you let go, when you let go of telling yourself, “No,” or telling yourself, “Not now, later,” or telling yourself, “Sometime.” Or telling yourself, “Never.” Life is now.

Tell yourself, “Yes!”

Heavenletter #4393 Is Moving On to Be Mourned?, December 4, 2012

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Heavenletter #4393 Is Moving On to Be Mourned?, December 4, 2012 

God said: 


Remember that there is no loss. All that ever was is still somewhere. Nothing is ever lost. A loved one may not be in sight, and yet no love is lost.

In the material world, you may mourn for the loss of a loved one and, furthermore, when you leave your body on Earth, you care that no one will be left to remember your loved one, and a time will come, when no one remembers you either. When you are feeling this way and bemoaning loss, what comfort can there be for you?

Even for your precious animal friends, their loss to you is devastating enough, and, furthermore, that no one, no one else has a recollection of their love. This is sad for you. No one loved them as you did. They never meant as much to anyone as they meant to you and mean to you now.

You do understand when I tell you to let go of the past. You are a river flowing. A stream of life flows, and the river does not mourn for the shores past. It was beautiful where the river flowed yesterday, and the river keeps flowing. The river is satisfied in having touched the shores it did. The river knows that the beautiful shores are still there. And the river has other shores to pass through.

Heavenletter #4392 Building This World , December 3, 2012

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Heavenletter #4392 Building This World , December 3, 2012 

God said: 


When you run after something, ask yourself: “What for? What is your purpose? What are you caught up in?”

Whatever it is, what makes you buy into it? It has been said that whatever you buy, you are buying the dream. A new lipstick will make you more beautiful. Who does not want to be more beautiful? You buy a new tool. It will make you handy.

Your dream of an exciting seminar is to come away with a great how-to, how to make money or how to succeed in some way in the world. Then what, beloveds? What then?

What is the world for, and why are you in it?

You may be eager to take a seminar. It has great appeal for you. Perhaps it will open the financial gates for you or promise to give you a special power. I ask you again, “What for? How does it serve?”

By all means, gain financial success. Yet, I must ask: “Where do you go from there? What are you going to do with it when you get it?”


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