
The Heaven Letters – A Constellation Of The Stars – 5 November 2012

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Gloria Wendroff – The Heaven Letters – A Constellation Of The Stars – 5 November 2012

God said:

Oneness pulls Us together, you and I. We are magnets. It is inevitable that We unite in your awareness. It is clear that I am already aware of Our melded Oneness. You may not be quite aware. You may give lip service, and, yet, you pause before the supposed you who gives yourself wholly to Me. You are hesitant. What if you were to lose something? Yes, you will lose something. You will leave unending fear and loneliness. You will lose the imagined past. You will lose past identity and claim a Greater Identity.

You have two worlds going on at the same time. Sometimes three. The world, Heaven, and your observation of yourself. You jump from stone to stone. You are no stranger to distance. You may be hesitant about closeness. What is closer than Oneness?

Heavenletter #4363 Awaken Yourself, Sleepyhead, November 4, 2012

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God said:

What absolution do you want from Me? The fact is that you are absolved. Today We start fresh. You must set yourself free from guilt and despair and recriminations and all that.

Have in mind that you are a growing being. What you were yesterday, you do not have to be today. Don’t go along with the past. Today you are new. Be new then. Be true to the light of love. You can be whatever you want to be. So then be it.

In My terms, there is no indoctrination you have to go through. No tests, no prerequisites. You have choice.

When I say you can be whatever you want to be, I am not saying that you can be an M.D. just like that, yet this isn’t to say that you can’t be a healer. You may be one right now. Your view of life may hearten many, maybe the whole world. There are no prerequisites to your freeing yourself from the past.

Who are you then? Whom do you want to be? What do you want to be to Me? And to yourself? What do you want to be? Be it. Wait no longer. Wait no longer for you to be awakened with a kiss from a prince. Awaken yourself, sleepyhead.

Heavenletter #4362 Catch a Moonbeam, November 3, 2012

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God said:

Hello. Glad to see you. Glad to have your attention. Glad to have you check in with Me. Glad to see you anywhere anytime. My spa is always open. Come right in. There is no charge. In fact, it is your energy I recharge.

Beloveds, I may call where I am a spa, yet, know that I do not offer you a retreat. You do not go backwards. I offer a rejuvenating facility that takes you forward. Now I am moved to sing another song for you.

I strum a guitar. I strum Love on My guitar. I strum Love for you on My guitar. I strum home-given love for you on My guitar.

Here I am. Where are you? I’m a-waitin’ for you.

When are you comin to see Me. When? How soon? How about today? How about right now?

Come on, come on, come on. God is awaitin’ you. God is invitin’ you.

Say, “Yes.” Say, “Okay, God.” Say, “Okay, God. I’m a-comin’, God. Right away, God. Right now, God. I’m a-runnin’ to You.”

Heavenletter #4361 A Field of Love, November 2, 2012

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God said:

Where love seems not, love is. Love in the world wears many disguises. Even as there is the appearance of non-love, love is. Love is the fount of life on Earth, of life anywhere. There is no location to love. Love cannot be separated from the Very Self.

We can say that love is on a journey to see itself. Love can be seen, and love can also not be seen, and yet love is all there is. Love cannot be torn, yet it certainly may seem to be ripped apart. There seems to be an end to love or an opposite of love, and, yet love cannot be opposed to love.

A human being may seem to shoot arrows that are not love, and yet he displays love calling to love. “Love, wherefore art thou,” cries the heart of man. “Give me love,” he cries. He who is love and love alone seeks proof of love, and therein lies the description of love.

Heavenletter #4359 Life Began on Earth, October 31, 2012

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God said:

Once upon a time, there was no perceived you and no perceived Me. We were not perceived as two. In the Oneness of Love, We were love, and that was that. We knew Our One Self as Love, and what else was there to know? We saw Our One Self as Love. Love knew nothing but love. The drama had not yet risen. And then the curtain went up! There was a stage for stars to shine on. A star was born. Now the stage lights went on and lit up the whole Stage of Earth. Human Beings walked the Earth, and so has it been to the present day.

Yet there was not darkness as darkness is known today.

Visitors came to Earth in innocence. Then there became a they and a you and a we. There became otherness and solitariness. Something was off. The world started spinning, and hearts and minds spun, and DNA and such started spinning, and silk was woven, and there were inventions and inventiveness and pictures were drawn and sides taken. A still shot became a moving picture. Life began on Earth.

The potential was always there, and the potential became what has been known as reality, yet True Reality was before. The world sprang from Truth, and the Truth was Love. Love is not gone. It just hasn’t been favored enough. Love became a sideline, an afterthought when thoughts began.

Heavenletter #4358 Beyond Borders, October 30, 2012

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Heavenletter #4358 Beyond Borders, October 30, 2012 

God said: 


Vastness is greater than the sky and the ocean combined. Vastness is infinite. It is greater than any Wholeness you can imagine. Vastness is way beyond borders. There is even no horizon to it that you are unable to see beyond. O Vastness, it is glory, and, yet, it is beyond glory. Vastness is vaster than vast. All of Earth is but a dot in the field of Vastness, yet no dot is possible within Vastness.

We cannot even say that Vastness is huge. The word huge implies a circumference. There is no circumference to Vastness. There is no enclosure.

Heavenletter #4356 Row, Row, Row Your Boat, October 28, 2012

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Heavenletter #4356 Row, Row, Row Your Boat, October 28, 2012 

God said: 


Mice scurry. Human Beings are meant to move along at a pleasant pace. It is possible to take care of things quickly, even to speed, without scurrying or flurrying. Calmness is the way. Franticness is not.

Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream does not mean to hurry. Row, row, row your life, gently down the stream is My message for you today.

How fast an elephant moves at a seemingly slow pace. He lumbers along and wastes no time.

A loping lion lopes at ease. He knows the direction he is going in, and he takes it. He doesn’t flitter or twitter around. Straight is the path. As the crow flies, it is said.

Heavenletter #4355 Dream Big, October 27, 2012

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Heavenletter #4355 Dream Big, October 27, 2012 


God said: 


Be true to your dreams. Follow through on them. This way you make room for new dreams. Dreams are important. It is important for you to have dreams. Do not let anyone tell you that your dreams are foolish and that you must be realistic.

With dreams you go into the Unknown. With what is called realistic, you go into the known. The known is the past. The Unknown is mightier. It is not always true that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. The unproven must be honored. The unproven, the Unknown, is the car you ride in.

Success is in dreaming. The unfulfilled dream carries you far. It leads you to Vastness. Please, do not be hesitant to dream.

I do not tell you that dreams have to come true. That puts a limit on your dreams. Have dreams that are not sure bets. Dream what has never been dreamed of before.

Heavenletter #4354 This Is the World for You, October 26, 2012

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Heavenletter #4354 This Is the World for You, October 26, 2012 

God said: 


Truly, you are the apple of My eye. You are the love of My life. You are My reason for Being. I created you in the image of Myself. I, Who am Love, created and create Love, and you are the Love I created. From Love came Love. I did not roll you out from an assembly line. You might say that I computed you, yet as a heart computes. We can certainly say you were not mass-produced. You were not machine-produced. You were not rolled off on a standard lathe. You are an exquisite portrait of Me. I am an Artist, and you are My Art. You are the Art of Myself.

True, I am prolific. I am creatively prolific. No two of My creations are alike, yet, in another sense, every child of Me is alike yet with nuances that no one else has. I, God, am well-aspected. There are many prisms to the diamond I create. I create reflections of Myself. You are a reflection of Myself. You were born from My heart. You are a gift I gave to you, and you are a gift I also gave to Myself.

I asked Myself: “How many ways can I create an image of Myself?”

And I discovered that the ways are Infinite, and so I created you who are, in Truth, Myself.

Heavenletter #4353 Wake Up, Sleeping Beauty, October 25, 2012

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Heavenletter #4353 Wake Up, Sleeping Beauty, October 25, 2012 

God said: 


You are on the verge of a blast of golden light on Earth. The whole configuration of life on Earth is about to take on new light. You will shake with delight. You will be overcome with wondrousness. You will roll over laughing in joy. Joy is almost upon you. It is yours, and it is for you. This joy will straighten your spine. It will unearth tremendous energy from you. A new day is right before you. A new you is right before you. Not really a new you. More like a latent you rising to the surface. The depths of you are rising up like a huge Tsunami wave. The sun of your heart is going to burst forth into the sunshine of your soul. Your heart is going to leap across the horizon. Heaven will be more clear to you. The Kingdom of Heaven will be upon you. You will leave off whatever has kept you back from this bright sunshine because the sunshine has been of you and for you all this time.


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