8 November 2012
God said:
When you ask what life is all about, by now you know the answer. It is about love and nothing else but love. In every situation in which you feel restraint or hardened or stifled or unappreciated, the situation is about love and nothing but love. When you are not giving love, you are unhappy. When you are giving love, you are happy.
You are happy when someone gives you love, of course. Their overture of love allows you to dare give yours, and, so, you are happy. Yes, be happy to give your love. Give your love out to the Universe. Make the Universe happy.
Consider every day of your life is in court, in the court of love, that is.
Why else are you here on Earth but to love? Right now, where you are, this is the occasion for love. Fortunately, love is not just a once-in-a-lifetime experience. You can have it every day of your life, every minute. Why not? What would you rather have, love or distraction from love? Choose love. Be the love you are, and make life good. Life is good with love.