
Heavenletter #4352 Who Is Responsible for Your Self-Image?, October 24, 2012

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Heavenletter #4352 Who Is Responsible for Your Self-Image?, October 24, 2012 

God said: 


Making excuses and excusing are two different things. When someone affronts you, you have to excuse him. There is nothing else for you to do. Otherwise, you carry another's offense around with you. You have to let go of it. From your side, yes, of course, let go of it.

This doesn't mean to make excuses for another, however. You do not say: "He is tired. He works hard. He wasn’t looking where he was going. He forgot the time. He wasn’t thinking. He doesn’t know better." All this may well be true. Yet it is not necessary for you to make excuses and explain away that which, to, whatever degree, was hurtful. A dentist may have to cause you pain. As a human being, a dentist does not. No one has to be inconsiderate.

Heavenletter #4351 Making the Right Choice, October 23, 2012

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Heavenletter #4351 Making the Right Choice, October 23, 2012 

God said: 


What if you really are a Holy Being? I know so. What I know, you can know. What percentage is there in your deviating from the High Road? I place the High Road before you.

If you think you must settle in life, what are you settling for? What carrot before you is worth its cost? What perceived gain is worth what you pay for it? You make a poor trade when you give gold for shiny aluminum foil. Do not give away your inheritance for a pittance. You may be like the little child who thinks a nickel is worth more than a dime. Because something looks bigger doesn’t make it worth more. What you can be, be it. Free yourself from amassing. Free yourself for giving.

Be My right arm. All service is to Me. Nowhere does it say that you are to serve other Gods before Me. The God of Mammon is no god at all. Because you may worship him doesn’t make him a god.

It is said that love makes the world go round, yet the world has spun the roulette wheel and bet on money and let money make the world go round. Money has been necessary in the world, yet money by itself is only money. Love is to be spent with money. Love is to take the ascendant. Love first. Love is worth gold. Money is not.

Money in the world seems to be the basis, yet money is a demonstration. Money by itself is not wealth.

Look not for glamour. Look not for gain. Climb the ladder of love. You may have made a million excuses why not to love. You may have made a million dollars. What do you do with money, and what do you do with love? Love is true. Anything less than love is untrue. You are love, and love is true. Be true to love, and then you are true to yourself.

Wealth is not the issue. Love is.

Heavenletter #4350 God Is the Seeker, October 22, 2012

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Heavenletter #4350 God Is the Seeker, October 22, 2012 


God said: 


In all the differences in the world, the difference between one school of thought and another, in all the differences between this and that, all the differences lie only in the details. When you hold fast to the details, you take an iron-clad position. You become a pronouncer that this is right and that is incorrect. You become a soothsayer, as if you know what you think you know. This way is right, you say with conviction. That way is not right, you say as if you are the law. Sometimes the very ones who preach Oneness separate the world and everything into factions of two or more. They who are for Oneness and who are opposed to Thou and I, emphasize a Thou, and they emphasize an I, and, so, they, this mythical they, they cut the very Oneness they uphold into two.

Right now I speak of a they. There is no they. And, yet, you know what is meant when I say you and I, and when I say they. They is someone other than you, you suppose.

Heavenletter #4349 After All, Who Are You?, October 21, 2012

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Heavenletter #4349 After All, Who Are You?, October 21, 2012 

God said: 


Even though We are all One and there is no We and there is no you, even though I am One, the designated We can say that you are One with everyone. There is amazing diversity in the world, amazing seeming diversity in the world. In the world, there is diversity. There is Oneness, and there is also uniqueness. Everyone is the same, and, yet, no two are alike. No two think alike, see alike, look alike. No one is the exact replica of another. And in everyone who does not see as you see, think as you think, and so on, you find yourself. You see who you are in the contrast between so-called others and yourself. From the perceived uniqueness of others, you begin to know yourself. This is something like seeing those photos that you can look at in two ways. In one way, you see a certain picture. In another way, you see a different picture. The picture hasn’t changed. The picture is the same. The angle you see the picture from changes. Of itself, the picture changes not at all.

Heavenletter #4348 The Grand Inquisition II, October 20, 2012

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Heavenletter #4348 The Grand Inquisition II, October 20, 2012 


God said: 


Children ask endless questions of their parents: ”What color is the sky? Why is it blue then? Why isn’t the sky green and the grass blue? Can I go to the circus Sunday? Why can’t I go to the circus Sunday? Can I go Saturday? Why did I fall down and hurt my knee and cry? Why does it hurt? You can fix it, can’t you? You’re my mother, aren’t you?”

And you don’t like the answer: “You are too young to understand.” You don’t like that answer at all.

And you turn to Me and ask: “God, why do I hurt? And why do You allow it?”

You have the same questions, and now you ask them of Me. “When you were a child, you spake as a child.” And you never liked the answer from your parents simply that you are too young to understand.

Beloveds, you do know that you cannot go to an encyclopedia and find answers to your deepest questions. You do grasp that questions for information are one thing, and that the questions you ask are for far more than information. You do already know and understand and accept the concept about levels of awareness. You just don’t like to hear it.

You do understand that a child doesn’t have to have answers to all his questions. What then, beloveds, if the child did? What if the child had instant understanding?

Heavenletter #4346 As You Await the Dawn …, October 18, 2012

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Heavenletter #4346 As You Await the Dawn …, October 18, 2012 

God said: 


As you await the dawn, I await you. I look for you. I seek you. I go out into the world in My seeking for you. I seek you for you, and I also seek you for Myself. I love to be replete with you. I love your awareness of Me. I love you to be aware of Me in your heart, for you are the Heart of God. All are in My heart, and yet I seek you where you already are. I seek your awareness.

It is such a little thing to be aware of Me, to know Me, to hold Me. I am as light as air. You can know Me. You can know Me very personally. This is where joy begins. I must break it to you – you have barely touched love. You do not yet know of the majesty you are. You keep getting closer. Just a tiny step more, and you will know first hand Our Oneness. You will know your Oneness with All That Is. You will know Me far better than you know your own hand.

Heavenletter #4345 In the Light of God , October 17, 2012

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Heavenletter #4345 In the Light of God , October 17, 2012 



God said: 


There is no owning, and, in truth, there is no owing. Everyone on Earth is a free Being. You are free to be glad for all you have been given. You are also free to be unhappy for what you have not been given. You do have all manner of free choice.

And, yet, you do not choose for yourself alone. You cannot keep what you choose to yourself. You choose for all.

Today someone is going to copy you. Be worth copying.

When you are appreciative, others will be too.

When you are disapproving, others will disapprove too.

This is how you have responsibility for more than yourself. This is how you have responsibility.

Gloria Wendroff – The Heaven Letters – Choose Sunshine – 15 October 2012

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Gloria Wendroff – The Heaven Letters – Choose Sunshine – 15 October 2012

God said:

Imagine a good-natured life. Imagine a life where you no longer keep long handles of fear, where concerns and upsets do not overrun you. The same events in life may happen, yet the clouds that may presently surround happenings no longer congregate around your heart.

Heavenletter #4342 New Delights, New Adventures, October 14, 2012

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Heavenletter #4342 New Delights, New Adventures, October 14, 2012 


God said: 


Do you remember the story of the little Dutch boy who put his finger in the dike and saved the town from flooding? It was a good thing the boy did.

In human life, your mind becomes like the dike that keeps back the tide. In this case, the tide is the past, and your mind is the dike that keeps the past from going where the past belongs.

Is not your mind flooded with memories? How much of the past can you hold onto? Save memories for when they are needed, when they serve a purpose, when you can not be flooded with them. Let the dike of the past go. Free your mind. Too much accumulation. Too much accumulation becomes clutter. Have a mind that is free and not dammed up.

Heavenletter #4341 And the Moon Is Made of Cheese, October 13, 2012

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Heavenletter #4341 And the Moon Is Made of Cheese, October 13, 2012 

God said: 


You long for miracles in your life, and you are surrounded by miracles. All of life is a miracle. It is all a wonder. You are living a miracle. Tell Me, what is not a miracle?

That you breathe is no less miraculous. That you are alive, you, yes, you. Sun, moon, and stars, all miracle. Rain and snow, miracles. Rivers, lakes, and oceans, miracles. That fish swim in water, and alligators live in water and on land. That you were water-born, and carry the sea in your bloodstream, miracle. There is not one thing in this Universe that is not a miracle. There is not one thing in this Universe that you can point to and say it is less than miraculous. Because miracles are rampant makes them no less than miraculous.


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