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How the World Began

God said:

Beloved, a thought of separation from the Creator and Creation never had a foothold. There were no second thoughts nor revisions made to Creation. You hold the original Creation in your hand, as it were, and the world is holy. Life is in the midst of Holiness. There isn’t all that much you can make of Creation other than how it appears. You are in the same realm as skies being blue, grass being green, and stars being starry. When you come down to it, how simple is life, even as it holds you in its thrall.

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Hallowed Be Thy Name

God said:

Beloved, you are vital to Me. You are My integral gift to Me, you Who art also My Self. You are true to My heart. You are a blessing I cannot keep to Myself. I never wish to keep you a secret. You are for sharing, and so I share you. I share My Self with you. Since We are One, and there is I, the One, then there is yourself, also My One Self. I share you in Oneness. There is naught else I can do. When I say: “Hallowed be thy name,” this is exactly what I mean to say.

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You Are Getting Somewhere

God said:

Beloved, you are not standing still. You are moving forward. You certainly are getting somewhere. You may not be going as fast as you would like. Of course, Rome wasn't built in a day.

Now, for those who have been reading My Words for a while, you know that I also say strongly that time is not. Time is an apparition. You can’t go by it, for, in truth, there is no time at all. Many heads on Earth got together, and something called time was mutually agreed upon even as it is observable that time fluctuates. Time isn’t stable. It is a will o’ the wisp. Time calls its own shots. Time is like sparkling water that bubbles up. Time disappears the moment it appears. There is no catching up to it. No one knows where time goes. The minute time pops up, it is gone. There is no holding on to it. The effervescence of time goes flat.

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A Blaze of Glory We Are

God said:

Beloved, a moment can take an Eternity. And, at any moment in time, an Eternity may also span a brief moment.

How you, My offspring, no matter how far flung you may feel, how your heart yearns to grasp all the mysteries of life and nature, to know full well how to find for yourself the patterns of existence and to see yourself as the true knower of reality that you yearn to be – realize now how your desire keeps your mind young and keeps you coherent as if you are truly the wholeness of mind and heart at play that I say you are, much in the same way as a forest is a congregation of trees. Regardless, you can explore a tree and a forest both as One. There is more to everything than you presently acknowledge.

In truth, you are well aware of everything all at once. You can see! You can see! You do know!

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We Are Going to Make Great Music Together

God said:

Beloved, no matter how much and how deep down you desire wealth, you can't quite believe that you are meant to receive greater than this. You will not be denied. Here’s how it is: Wealth can’t light a candle to the music that you and I are going to make together. Sit up. Get ready. Let’s go!

Your life is about to turn upside down. Do you begin to feel wonderfulness on its way to you? Know this. Feel this.

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Wonderfulness is on Its Way to You

God said:

Beloved, welcome to life and all the treasures that wait for you as you wait for them. You have many dreams yet before you ready to arrive in this lifetime. To think of it! More than you know. I mean dreams made to come true in this lifetime. Royal dreams. Dreams that long have been awaiting you. Now the time is at hand. Be eager. Be ready. Fill your heart with readiness now. Make room for what has long been yours to make room for.

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Godwriting, the Real Goods III

God said:

Beloved, Godwriting is so simple, so easy, that it can escape you. Godwriting is like love – nice and easy when it volunteers itself. Godwriting can come to you, yet you cannot make Godwriting happen. You can’t achieve it. You don't force feed it, nor can you necessarily bear to stop it. It’s a mutually agreed upon process, and you have fallen in love. Which comes first? I suppose My thoughts come first, yet My desire for your Godwriting keeps pace.

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Godwriting, the Real Goods II

God said:

Beloved, Godwriting is about impulse.

First, somewhere within you, a desire to Godwrite propels you.

Then, as you find yourself open to Godwriting, an impulse pulses. You are not sure that you are Godwriting. You may even be sure you are not. You don’t feel the Divinity you had your heart set on. You may feel sure you are not good enough to Godwrite at all when it takes no talent to Godwrite – only innocence.

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Godwriting, the Real Goods I

God said:

Beloved, Godwriting is a fluid event. You aren’t in charge of Godwriting. Hands down, I am the Godwriter. We can say you are an observer, something of a participant in the background, hardly aware, more as if your fingers move to a tune you almost hear. You are not the discerner of guidelines. You simply Godwrite and take it as it comes.

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Caught Up in God

God said:

Beloved, there is a certain something about life that intrigues you. It’s like life has you over a barrel. Life on Earth likes to have you all sewed up, going at a fast pace, keeping you on edge, faster and faster, keeping you running uphill and downhill, hurtling you through space, seemingly keeping you off-balance, hardly touching base, feeling far afield as if peace and silence are illusion instead of the real deal. You want the real deal.


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