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Ego Unveiled

God said:

Beloved, My Beloved, on occasion, you may hold out belief in something to refuel your Soul. In all innocence, you may be mixing up ego with Soul. Ego presence may give you a temporary boost, yet ego will inevitably leave you high and dry. Ego is not your foundation. You cannot rely on ego. You must know by now that ego is a fair-weather friend. Actually, ego isn’t any kind of friend at all. Ego is a con artist. Ego is a spoof. Ego promises to marry you, yet you can be sure that ego won’t show up on time. In this, you can rely on ego. This is the way of ego. Sooner or later, ego will not deliver. Ego is good at disappointing you. Ego may enjoy having the last laugh. Ego is talented in making promises. Even if ego could fulfill his promises, he chooses to pull the rug out from under you. There is no way that ego leads you anywhere but to knock you off your perch.

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Following God's Will

God said:

Beloved, live your own life at the same time as you follow My Will. That you follow My Will means your wings and Mine as One spread far and wide. Be assured when you follow Me, you embrace the world yet do not put any semblance of world success before divine service. Serve God, serve the world. This is another way I, God, say to you in all humility:

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The Eleventh Commandment

God said:

Beloved, I will give advice that consists of two magical words, two simple daily words to assure your happiness. Your happiness is of significance to the world at large as well as to you personally. And this is not even to mention My investment in you.

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The Word is with God

God said:

Beloved, you may see that life is meant to be your Knight in Silver Armor. Or, in the heyday of Rome, your Centurion.

No matter, consider God, your Initiator, as your very strength. Nothing surpasses Our connection. Nothing. For what is Our connection but love, and love is all there is. You do not need an army or high walls to protect you. I am enough. There is no need of great protection. You have God who erases the concept of need. I am ever at your service. I am your true shield. That is, love and light are your shield, and, of course, your Guiding Light.

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Gardens Renew Themselves Each Spring

God said:

There are times when good friends part ways. How can this be in the world I have given, yet this appears plentiful on Earth. This seems absurd, doesn’t it? It is not only in marriages that hearts go down different paths. Don't take asunder that which I brought together. The breaking up may have been done before you knew it, or Oneness may never have been the true story from the beginning.

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Great Horizons

God said:

Beloved, you cry out: "Heaven Help Me!"

Beloved, often, I hear you cry out: “Heaven help me.”

Please know that I, as a representative of Heaven, hear you loud and clear. I hear you with all My heart. I hear you, and I reply to you. Simply, My listening to you alone uplifts you. Hear Me speak, and you are uplifted.

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Let Us Mingle on Earth

God said:

Beloved, would that the world, the so-called world made of you – who are My representative of the world on Earth, who are also My child born from Heaven – would that you regard everyone with the common courtesy and respect due the one Child of God, and with the generosity of one brother or sister who gives love in full bloom to all?

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You Are a High-Rising Star

God said:

Beloved, you are a high-rising star who hasn’t quite caught onto the idea that you are a star already risen high in the sky. You have been a high-rising star while you imagined you were planted deep into the soil on Earth.

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All Along

God said:

Beloved, there is something about bowing down your head that is more about awakening than submitting. There is something about recognition. There is something about finding your way clear, something about seeing doors opening in preference to doors closing. A light bulb goes on for you. You begin to rise to behold your Self as a Beautiful Soul and so, My heart brightens within you.


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