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You Come Shining Through

God said:

Beloved, it’s perfectly okay to let go of the reins. There is no need to hold on tight. With or without your preoccupation on how life is going to turn out, life is going to turn out.

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Battles and Peace Are Both Your Doing or Undoing

God said:

Beloved, no longer be overly concerned with what other people may or may not make of you. What is so all-important about what anyone thinks that makes you feel disheveled with yourself no matter how unkind and unjustified another's random thoughts may be? You alone are responsible for the thoughts you think – no matter how rude another’s thoughts may be and no matter how isolated you may feel. Rather than to keep processing another’s thoughts, do whatever you have to do to remove such thoughts from the face of the Earth.

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Represent God Now!

God said:

Beloved, come now, sit near Me. Please set aside the grim conclusions you persist in. Let go of the idea that you are going through a hard time. You seem to have an inclination to declare hard times are here again. Think! Reinvent yourself. Sing a new song.

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A Visitor's Visa on Earth

God said:

Beloved, I, God in Heaven, host you to life on Earth. You are here at My behest. You are My Dear Guest on Earth. You are My Oneness wrapped up in One. You join Me as One in Word and Deed and Love, My Dear Friend, the Most Dear One of One, dear friend to Me you are.

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You Have Every Choice

God said:

Beloved, good morning! In the world at large, there are choices open to you and many ways to go and doors to open and to walk through. When you get down to it, there are, by far, more unending embracing ways of life left open to you beyond the tightly drawn tale of The Lady or the Tiger.

God is more than two ways. God has resources up His sleeves. God knows no limits. Nor do I want you setting up limits either.

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Heavenletters Can Lead to New Realms

God said:

Beloved, when I say you are My One and Only – Myself – you may discover yourself quite happy to be One of a throng.

Well-done! Be content that the bond of One equals God Almighty and the Soul of Human Beings. This is Oneness in its Highest! Oneness is supreme enough for all of Eternity.

Do you begin to feel the strength and freeingness that Oneness is? Within the Oneness of One, Oneness bursts wide open. Did you think that Oneness might be confining? Oneness does not convey the idea of being sent to your room and being told to stay there. Nor does Oneness suggest that you go to a cave. Coming from Me, Oneness looks more like this:

“Hello, My Friend, I hug you Who Art Myself, and I say to you Who art Myself – Come, Myself, expand with Me. There are no boundaries in Oneness. There is full expansion and no limits. None. Oneness is a great place to be with Me, and, don’t forget what a great place Oneness is for Me to be with you. We do not have to tell the One of Us apart from the other."

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Many-Splendored You!

God said:

Beloved, yes, there are times in life when you do well to stand up front and take the podium. This isn’t the picture you had of yourself. You may have appeared to yourself and to others like mild-mannered Clark Kent and not at all like Superman. You don’t have to be Superman, yet you may have to come into your own even when independence isn’t your favorite thing.

How I see you, however, is, of course, closer to the truth of you. Will you grant Me this? If I say you are powerful, even all powerful, will you think about what I say?

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What Matters to You When the Sun Sets?

God said:

Beloved, what you say and what you mean are to be a matched set. Speak truth. Say what you mean or not say it. You are not to wiggle-waggle out of what you say. Be clear with yourself, and be clear with others. Be certain that all on Earth are able to take you at your word and not be taken aback. Believe yourself. Make every word you say have a foundation, or don’t say it. Hear Me.

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Virtue or Folly?

God said:

Within you lie your own answers. All knowledge lies within you. Somewhere within your pocket lies a ticket stub. Reach into your pocket for it. When you see a-blur, you are not quite able to see what your choices are, your good choices, that is.

If you knew how, if only you could, you would reach in and turn on the lights.

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Who is the Godwriter?

God said:

Beloved, rest assured, Godwriting is not a statement that your individuality puts together. Godwriting consists as a statement lightly pumped into you, the individual you appear to be. My Words slip out from you of themselves, and then you are dubbed as a Godwriter, a God-receiver, a God-blessing, as well as One Who blesses God Himself. What is a servant of God but a blessing? What is God but a servant?

To Godwrite, all you have to do is to lightly pick up a sense of My thoughts or utterances. Sometimes, My thoughts may also just burst out from you with nothing getting in the way, as if there is nothing in between My thoughts and your receiving them.


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