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Dreams Godwrite Themselves

God said:

Beloved, here, take your pick of dreams. Exchange your dreams as you wish. Dreams are for you to dream. Go in the direction of your dreams, yet allow your dreams to take their own sweet time. Certainly, you may work hard at something you know, yet dreams are something you are to take a good look at and let go of. Dreams are not obligated to appear before you. You cannot demand them. By all means, let your dreams be free to fly. Allow your dreams the time they want to take to come true.

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The Return to Truth

God said:

Beloved, everything in the world is relative. This is how the world is. One thing exists contrary to something else. One thing is opposed to one thing or another, and also, dependent upon another for its very own existence. Cold and hot are respective of one another. The world says there is good, and there is bad, and that’s that. The world says that everything comes in pairs in the world opposed to one another. There is no one way about it, but two or more. Instead of Oneness, there is complexity. Thus, the world complicates.

The result is that My children look outside themselves for solutions. In Oneness, there is nothing to solve. In Oneness, there are no opposites that require resolution. In Oneness, difficulties don’t exist because solely Oneness is. Nothing is left out of Oneness. Oneness takes the cake. Oneness is total love. There are no discrepancies. There is no them nor is there a We. In Oneness, I, God, can only be nodding to Myself. There is no other.

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A Gift for You

God said:

To each his own. It is said that what life hands to you is what you are handed.

I say: “Beloved, make of life what you and I will.”

Instead of disturbance or perturbance, take another look at life. Give life a chance. Life contains more than one ingredient. Take a second look at the ingredients you see. Give a shot at rearranging the ingredients. See what a variety of delicious pies you can make from the very same ingredients. Many choices of pies are also possible! Hey, instead of being disgruntled, find joy right in front of you.

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Herewith Oneness Speaks

God said:

Yes, it is to you I speak. When your eye happens to fall on this page, you can believe I am eager to speak with you with all the love in My heart. I do not order you to hear Me, yet, of course, I do invite you. This is an open-ended invitation. Oh, yes, I would like you to breeze into My heart. Hear Me. Find Me. Know Me. Engage with Me. This is My overture to you. I seek you as clearly as the day seeks the Sun. You can believe that I yearn for you. Let’s read the Book of Love together as One.

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Once Upon a Time, Love Was True

God said:

Beloved, you think of a loved one from long ago who left the Earth plane more years ago than you care to remember. You gasp at the long-held longing you feel even when before your friend's death, he had long forgotten you. Once upon a time, you were the nearest and dearest. Now thoughts of the good years wreak havoc with you.

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So Can You

God said:

Beloved, today, let’s go beyond the argument that says: “Without suffering, joy would not be known.”

We could just turn this around, get past this and say: “Without joy, there would not be suffering.”

I do believe there can be enough joy for everyone to know joy well. In Heaven, this must be so. Surely, in Heaven there is no need to throw in suffering as an add-on. In Heaven, joy is firmly beheld. No dangers exist in Heaven. No fear. Without sense of danger and presumed fear, what remains is unremitting joy. All things are possible. Who needs fears, even tiny ones? Alas, the fear of loss on Earth has had a stranglehold on the world.

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God Bless the Little Children

God said:

Beloved, life may indeed seem mixed up to you, as if life is one log-jam after another, or pages mis-numbered, or life fallen through the cracks. As hard as it may be for you to really see this, life as it appears, does come down the chute as it is meant to. As you may see it, this is easy to say yet not always believable.

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Claim God!

God said:

Beloved, Yes, I am the Doer, yet My interest is in you and in loving you. It is not My desire to circumvent you. What would I want control for? I am attuned to freedom. I offer Myself to you and have no desire to present boundaries to you or confine you in any way. I offer My love to you and not force. Yes, I am God Supreme. I urge you to take the bright golden brick road. I am first and foremost about your fulfillment along the lines of Self-realization. I ring the bells of freedom. To you I offer ultimate freedom. You have freedom to make choices.

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Love All

God said:

Beloved, in you, yes, you, I put My Faith and Love. I receive you in My Heart. What I create, I love. Once I create, this is it! What I love, I do not rescind, not even for one minute. Once Mine, you are Mine unto Infinity. When I shake hands, there are no second thoughts. I do not change My mind. The deed is done. You may have second thoughts, yet not I ever.

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Awaken to Your Own Merit

God said:

Beloved, to thine own self be true. This isn’t self-centeredness – not at all. This is awareness. You have choices. Awaken to your own merit. Your own merit goes far beyond vanity. You might as well recognize the truth of yourself. Age and such are not the truth of you by a long shot. You are far more mighty than your age, your looks, your I.Q., or the orbit of the world. I expect you don’t yet begin to know the extent of the meaning of your presence in the world. You are not your work. You are not your pretensions. You need no pretensions in the first place. It isn’t possible for you to exaggerate the extent to which you are a remarkable blessing all the way around. Your tendency and the tendency of the world seem to cut you down to make you average when you are far beyond what is considered average. You are beyond anything you might say about yourself. Naturally, you are far above your grade point average. GPA is not at all the reach of you. I swear to you, by Jove, that you extend far beyond the world. You are galaxies ahead of the world. You are already in the thrall of Heaven.


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