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Above the World

God said:

Beloved, the physical body integrates itself fully into the Universe. Every part of a human body connects to every other. The ear is connected to your balance! Sound and sight and taste and smell and touch connect you to the outside world.

Furthermore, you are connected to the trees and the stones and humanity as a whole. You can look at yourself as a branch on a tree and know that blossoms plucked from you also serve a purpose. You exist for good reason, yet everything exists beyond ordinary reckoning. You exist as a blessing.

Each body on Earth connects to water and air and to the well-being of the entire Earth and children born or yet unborn. Everything influences everything else in the world from here and there and all-around the mulberry bush. If the body can be unified so, imagine how Souls unify in Holiness.

Oneness is all at once and eternal.

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Will Wonders Never Cease?

God said:

Beloved, here We are again with a dawning Heavenletter. Heavenletters pop up as they do, and something wonderful is at hand. Every day dawns and every day a Heavenletter or more emerges. I might even say Heavenletters are born or transcribed from the Magnificent Silence and burst into view and give you peeks of Truth without cease. We are dealing with great material, the materials, so to speak, that miracles are born of. Hmm, when a miracle happens every day, can it still be called a miracle?

Yes, I would say so. I have said so!

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Amazing Oneness

God said:

Beloved, herein lies My heart as I give it to you in words – as if I express My heart in words taken from Heaven and typed on a computer.

Beloved, there are matters of significance that cannot be expressed fully in words, not even in the Word God, as it is avowed to be in so many varied sound waves. Varied names are attested to from wherever you happen to hail from. Yes, of course, I answer to My Names in joy no matter how far-flung they are across the Universe and noted all over the world and known to represent Me. It isn’t solely by what exact name you call me that matters. That you call Me is what matters. If sound did not exist, you would still have a knowingness of Me and be enriched.

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Up and Away in My Beautiful, My Beautiful Balloon

God said:

Beloved, it has long been bruited that today comes once and is not always waiting in the wings for you. Today is now or never. Make hay while the sun shines. So long as time is believed in, haste makes waste. Haste is life on the move, and haste gets the day started. Gather ye rosebuds while ye may. Oil the gears, and rev up the motor.

You are on the crossbows today. Make today happen. Sleepy day or wide awake day, it is yours to do with as you will.

Start today off on the right foot. There is no better time than the present. This is a totally new day, and today is yours for the asking. That is, it arrives for you today to get it going. Up and away!

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A Leaf Would Still Fall

God said:

Beloved, I invite One and All to join Me in the fullness of love. We are not even a hop, skip, and jump away. We already are One, once and for All in Infinity. This is the true state of affairs. Oneness is, and Oneness never was not. This has to be clarified only because of the insistence on the illusion of time in the extant world. Otherwise, the concept of fleeting would not exist. Time is rather roughshod in the world, and yet, as it is, the world depends upon time. The world even runs on tick-tock tick-tock.

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Truth in Dreams

God said:

Beloved, you have heard Me say that life in the world is all a fantasy. You wouldn’t mind this idea at all if the fantasy you live in could be made of a real-live fairy tale fantasy. You wouldn’t mind a life of Fairy Godmothers and Princes with golden coaches and dreams of the highest, and where you regularly get swept off your feet in a world where dreams, of course, come true before your very eyes.

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Be Happy to Run Around the Block with Me

God said:

You always have had the option to Godwrite. Sometimes your internal attraction to Godwriting is so strong and fervent, you don’t have any choice about it. Your goose is cooked! Welcome! Welcome!

Of course, never do I stand over you and say like a drill leader: “You MUST Godwrite or else!”

I am not a militant kind of God. The theme of Free Will runs through Me and runs through you.

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The First Moment You Godwrite

God said:

In terms of Godwriting, you begin to get down to Godwriting the moment you write the two words God said. This affirms your place in the scheme of things. Of course, with Godwriting, there is no scheme of things whatsoever. Nothing is planned. You are open to what comes, whether you see where it’s going or not. This is the extent to which you, as a Godwriter, go.

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Bird Song

God said:

All aboard! Beloved, today is about to begin. We are taking off for Heaven today. Today is a day secured with blessings. A blessing here, a blessing there, blessing, blessing, blessing everywhere. Sweet blessings all day long. What else but blessings? Blessings are Manna from Heaven, and Manna from Heaven is for you. I leave a trail for you of Manna from Heaven to bring you to follow Me today. Manna from Heaven replaces bread crumbs. Follow Me. Sing a Manna from Heaven song.

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What Wondrousness Will Today Bring?

God said:

Beloved, is it possible that you, a Child of God, wake up each morning, and the first thing you ask yourself is:

“What is the biggest difficulty I face today?”

If you answer, “Yes, God, this is true.” – you well know I will tell you to cut that out.

Reverse your early morning strategy. Wake up and think more along these lines:

“What is the most wonderful thing that could befall me today?”


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