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Who Told You to Be A Martyr?

God said:

The world at large may dun you like a bill collector. The world at large may inundate you with orders and requests. Sometimes there are those in the world who may think you are up for grabs and that you are in debt to them. You don’t have to think this way.

Never are you to feel you are to be a martyr to the world’s demands. It isn’t for you to give all preference to others before yourself. You have say about your Life as well as anyone else.

For some of My Children, it’s tricky to over-devote yourself to others and still be responsible to yourself. We can say it’s a balancing act, yet when you regard yourself with inborn respect, you will spontaneously balance your needs and others’. You are entitled to your own space. Otherwise, rumblings of resentment start to encroach within you. You do no good for the world to feel overtaken and overburdened.

You can give away too much of yourself. Frankly, giving overly of yourself serves neither the so-called other nor the so-called you. You are not the commander of the world in the sense We are speaking now, nor is anyone else to commandeer you. You are not to be drafted into the army of another’s will.

Never are you meant to be a martyr. I say: Neither a mercenary nor a martyr be!

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The Song of Us

God said:

I heard you greet Me this morning. I heard you say:

“Good morning, Gah’-ahd.”

You echoed My Name in two syllables, and so you burst My Name out in song, as you might naturally sing out:

“Good morning, Sunshine…”

And so the Song of Us echoes rhythmically throughout the Universe much the way a remembered song that needs no introduction sings forth itself in daily Life. A song sings itself on time to the beat of the Universe in every language. All languages are equal. Each language is beloved. In every language and, in a myriad of music, the Universe sings out on the Waves of Life.

Hail to the Greetings of Oneness to Oneness. There is nothing but Oneness. There is nothing to greet but Immense Oneness of the One. I am the One, and you also are the One even as you disbelieve, yet, in fact, Oneness has nothing to do with belief.

You tend to live on a Voyage of Fiction embellished, fiction upon fiction something like the surface of the Waves of the Ocean, and so you surf. You may love to surf. You may also love to be a Deep Sea Diver even as you tremble at the idea. You may say to yourself:

“Better a Fate Known than Unknown.”

You may pull a curtain over your eyes and say:

“Better to live on a couch, watch others’ lives and sit out my own. Asked to dance, I say, ‘No thank you, I will sit this dance out.’”

How great is your fear to hear the Call of Life and volunteer yourself! You may prefer to hide under a mushroom.

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There Is Also a Life of No Thought

God said:

You live in more than one world. You live on Earth, no doubt about that. Earth is a dream world of its own.

When you sleep, you are somewhere out of the Earth world. There is the world of sleep dreams, and there is the world of sleep where it seems that for a while, you do not dream and you do not exist anywhere, yet, you are Somewhere.

There is the Life of Daydreams.

There is also the waking state when you do not dream and yet you are not clearly in the conscious world.

There is the Life of No Thought which is also yours. Hurray!

Between words, you are on pause. In the written word, you can see the empty space where there is no thought between words.

The True You lies in Infinity. You are no stranger to Infinity. You are someone who has great wealth and may not know you have a bank account filled with wonders. The bank account belongs to your just the same. You don’t have to be conscious of this for it to be so.

You are possessed of Great Intelligence, yet you may have no idea of the breadth and depth of your Intelligence. Or you may have an idea, yet a vague one. There is no question but that you underestimate yourself. You are good at underestimating yourself. You may even be proud of it. You are modest to the hilt, as if you would not be seen in Bright Sunlight, as if you would only stay hidden from yourself and everyone in the twilight. You prefer to stay in the shadows. And so, you hide yourself and consider yourself smart. You take great pride in your modesty.

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In a Different Light

God said:

I am your Maker, and you are My Most Beloved. This is how it is. In common parlance, We Love. You and I – We Love. We Love, We Love, We Love and Love some more. There is no shortage of Love. No one has to teach you Love. You don’t have to extract Love nor to be taught Love. Love is a Natural Gift given to you and to the world.

Dear Ones, even when you persuade yourself that you’ve been wronged by something Life delivers to you because it is not what your heart desires, even then don’t question My Love, not for one minute.

Of course, no one dances up and down in joy when a truly loved one of yours leaves Earth for greener pastures. No one is looking to say Farewell, any more than you long for illness. No matter how wrong Life may strike you, withhold your judgment. Hold back. Don’t give into false conclusions.

No matter how let down or betrayed you may feel, no matter how grieved and grievous your heart, no matter how unforgivable a situation may seem to you, no matter what, no exceptions, know that I do not break My Faith with you. Never do I shirk Love. No matter how hidden or contrary you may feel about what you see as what I have wrought, no matter how unthinkable, unbelievable, and how unbearable it may seem, don’t toss away Our Love. Keep it. Treasure it. Keep it Holy.

Dear Ones, I do not test you. I do not experiment with you.

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You Are a Rose in Bloom

God said:

Whither goest thou when you are Infinite and there is nowhere to go and only to be? There is nowhere and nothing. The individual circumference of you does not really exist as you believe it does and want it to. You throw yourself before the winds, and you insist on existing as if you, this personality of you, were True. In this case, dream a bigger Dream of you.

In every which way, you try hand over fist to convince yourself that you exist when you more than exist and yet you leave no footsteps in the sand. You are a thought in time. You try to memorialize yourself. You frame a portrait of yourself. You border yourself. Now, take yourself out of the frame and fly around the so-called world and begin to erase the gilded frame you wrapped yourself in. Disappear in order to reveal yourself to yourself. What seems like a disappearing act is the making of you.

3-D in color isn’t so spectacular as you may have thought. You had a thought of yourself and another and another. It is as if you smeared yourself across the Universe. You thought you were Big Man on Campus. You thought that your precise existence was everything when it is no great accomplishment at all, a mere repeated event to cover up your True Existence Which Is Mine.

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Life Is Just a Passerby

God said:

In effect, you sift through your Life. You sift with a sieve, Beloveds. There is a moral to the story here. Life once lived falls through the cracks. It is bye-bye.

You cannot hold onto everything or anything. How can you be sure that sifting through Life is a way for you to comprehend Life? Life will teach you without your trying to sort it out. Life already has occurred, and now you are in a new starting-off place.

If the past is the past, well, then, let it go. Verily, only Life Itself can teach Itself. It isn’t that Life is insoluble. It’s just that Life goes off the screen in the moment that it surfaces and happens, or, rather seems to happen. Life hops right along. Life doesn’t stay still. Life on Earth is not meant to be memorable. Life is in one moment, and then Life is off and running in the next.

Hail to Life. Greet it. Then Life swims away on to New Adventures. You know what? Life does not stand still, and nor are you to stand still.

You may feel you are off to the races! Rather, you are transported to the Present. To the best of your ability, you digest what just has occurred, though, at the same moment there is no whipping a past moment into shape. It is not for you to conjugate Life. A moment ago is not your bread and butter. It is a passing shadow you glimpse out of the corner of your eye. You don’t want to make too much of Life and so impede Life as it occurs. Life gives you a ride. Life contains you. Hmm, Life swerves ahead, and it is already passed. May your Life go beyond its past.

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Beyond Your Ken

God said:

In the whole world, you find yourself in the precise place you find yourself in. You live in a certain spot on the globe. You live on a certain street. You live at a certain numbered address. At this moment you are in a certain room in your house sitting in a certain chair, or you are perhaps shopping in a certain store in the Universe.

Isn’t this amazing? Of all the millions of people in the world, each person is somewhere specific. It must be that you are in an assigned place. It can’t be that you exist at random, no matter how it may seem so. Can it be you were just tossed up in the air and landed in the place you were meant to land in by chance and not certainty?

Tomorrow you could be somewhere else. Tomorrow you could be on a plane flying to a different destination for a visit with old friends or on a business trip in another place in the Universe. Can any of this be random, or is all of it planned by a Master Intelligence? Not planned as you know planned, not figured out, yet gloriously orchestrated. This is all beyond your ken.

Your Presence cannot be an accident. This has to have been all an appointment. Who made this appointment? Did you make it, or was it assigned to you, or both with mutual agreement or with none? How?

How uncanny or ordinary is all this?

You may live in a hut in the country or in a big palace in the city. Everyone on Earth is somewhere exactly at this moment and not somewhere else.

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You Can Change Your Mind

God said:

The dearest of My Children make assumptions. Of course, if you are to undertake any project in Life, you have to start somewhere. You can’t wait until you are infallible before you begin. You now begin with a premise. And a premise is not locked in stone. Your premise and assumptions and conceptions and misconceptions can bend and swerve and grow. You start somewhere, and your bases also change. This is a part of Life on Earth.

In the overall History of Life, once the Earth was considered flat, and now it is considered round. Ideas change. Man’s mind changes.

You know a lot. Certainly, you have learned a lot. And, yet, sometimes it can seem as though you have learned nothing at all. Often you are caught in your tracks. It may even be a good place to be to know that you don’t know all that you had hoped. Yes, Life surprises you often enough. It can be a surprise you love, or it can be a surprise that leaves your head spinning.

There is much delicacy in Life. You want to have confidence, yet you don’t want to be over-confident. God forbid that you be a know-it-all. You sure don’t want to be entrenched in one point of view when, in this world, there are all possibilities.

With this awareness, you would throw out all prejudices. How much more time and Love would you now have available? How easy living would be. How free. How enjoyable when nothing has to be designated as you may have thought it must.

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Like a Hyacinth in Spring

God said:

Devotion is an actuality. Devotion certainly isn’t something you let go by the wayside. You may wonder where it is, this devotion you are supposed to have which, so far, does not descend nor arise in your Heart. You are not opposed to having it. When is it your turn? When will the devotion that may be buried within you wake up?

You have gathered that love from you to God is to blossom within you somehow somewhere, that High Devotion will grab your wrist and swing you high. How long can this Ringing of Devotion elude you? What can it be that keeps devotion just out of your sight? Have you been skipped over? Maybe devotion isn’t in your bailiwick this time around. Maybe you are to let it go.

Beloveds, in terms of a Grand Devotion, even a large-scale devotion with capital letters, it will come to you. Look, there it will be like a hyacinth in your garden, one early day in spring, a bulb buried in the ground, as if by itself, will burst forth to say: “Here I am!”
Like Spring, Devotion will spring up, and it is yours. You don’t have to water a hyacinth.

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Daylight Savings Time

God said:

As much as you might like to, no one can be all things to all, do you agree?

However, you can be everything to Me. No, better than that, you are all things to Me. There is no shadow of a doubt. You are a dream of Mine come true. I cognized you. I created you. I did not create you for nothing. I created you in a physical body for greater than your physical body yet also for you to exist in the illusion of the physical for a little while.

I created birds to fly, fish to swim, lions to roar. I created you to soar. I created you to give what is yours to give. Not sometime, but now. Not later but sooner. Not tomorrow, but today. In Truth, only this moment between words exists.


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