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A River of Love

God said:

You may feel you flounder in a maelstrom of lack on Earth. Despite how you may flounder, I tell you that you live in a maelstrom of Love.

It is Love that is hard for you to accept. This must be so because you want Love to prove itself to you. You want to be assured that you are Loved. You tend to be unassured of your Truth.

The Sea of Life may be deep and yet, you rock the boat. Even for one day, if you could accept the Bounty of Love that you are and that you merit, how different your Life would be. How different you would be. You would not falter.

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Rise to Your Own Life

God said:

Many of My Beloved Children have the idea that they have been cheated in Life. Granted, in your way of looking, this may be true. You may indeed not have received all that you desire and all that you deserve. This may be so in terms even of the entire relative world.

What I am saying to you is that, true or not, the idea of having been denied, gypped, overlooked, hamstrung, neglected is beside the point. Across the board, this isn’t a helpful premise for you to come from. This idea of being owed is a concept that keeps you mired.

You see this, don’t you? No longer keep yourself chained to believing you are owed something. True or not true, you don’t want to keep even one downward-spiraling thought one second longer.

From the worst of circumstances, Beauty arises. This is also true. There is no end to possibilities, Beloveds. There is no end to the possibilities for you.

What do you think it means to be boundless?

Let go of seeing yourself as neglected. Let go of seeing yourself as vanquished. In case you may never walk again, let’s say, you are here on Earth for more than walking. If you have been seeing yourself as downtrodden, then begin seeing yourself blessed. If you have to pull yourself up by your bootstraps, then pull yourself up by your bootstraps.

Here’s the thing: You are as you see yourself.

See yourself as victimized, then you are. See yourself as a Knight on a White Steed, then your Light will shine through, and you will be a new person.

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Like a Leaf on a Tree

God said:

You have a tendency to see yourself as a heavyweight on Earth, that is, with gravity. You may even see yourself as a boxer in the ring or identify yourself as being thrown to the lions as in olden days in Rome. To be fearful, you have to have something to fear. This is hardly My Dream for you. There is no resemblance.

Fear is heavy, beloveds. Come into the Light and no longer trod. Walk lightly. Dance on air! What you truly are weighs nothing at all. Take a load off your feet. Walk on air, why not? Take Life in your stride. Look High. Feel yourself lightly connected to the Earth as a Leaf on a Tree. Discover that you are not so attached and not so laden with fear. You are not to hold on to fear. Fear is but a shadow.

You are made for Light, not shadow.

No matter what the Season, there is Light, and there is My Will for you. You remain a Diamond in My Heart. I never lose sight of you. I am your Guiding Light. It is not for you to clasp and grasp shadows. There is no bogeyman.

Even if you are in the Army, be at ease, soldier!

No need to duel with Life.

Let your Life be a chariot-ride with Me. Be assured that your Life has Meaning. There is nothing you have to prove. Allow Life to be a Walk in the Park. Be considerate of Life. Let the Moving Force of Life be your Beloved Life. Take a stand via your Light on Earth.

You don’t have to be heavy-handed. Be Light of Heart instead. What else is worthy of a Child of God?

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Godwriting, an Intimacy of Oneness

God said:

I suppose you could consider the process of Godwriting as a surrender to Me. I look at this Intimacy of Oneness as My Offering to you. I have always offered Myself to you. This is not new or spectacular.

When have I not said, “Hear Me. O Hear Me, Beloveds.”

When have I not said: “I bequeath All to you, Who art the Exhalation of My Breath.”

When have I not said: “Our Hearts embrace. We are not twain, but One.”

When have I not said: “You are made in My Image.”

When have I not said: “Awaken!”

Beloveds, you are My Dream Come True. You are My Very Self.

What I give, I AM. You are My Heart. You are the Seeds I have flung to Earth as a Gift to Myself.

You Who art My Offspring are My Generation and My Blessing given and received. There is no other way.

You Who art in Heaven are My Light spread on the Soil of Earth. You are My Manna from Heaven.

You Who art in Heaven are My Thought Incarnate. I spread you out before Me. You are the Angelic Realm I gave and give to Earth as a Bouquet of Flowers.

Accept what I have bequeathed to you.

Hear Me, O hear Me, My First Words to you are: There are no Last Words.

We do not quite engage in Words. We engage in deeper than Words. From Wordlessness, you hear and feel the Vibration of My Love. From My Energy of Thought, you transfigure My Vibration into Words you know. For every Word you translate from the Vastness, We can say that you lightly press a key of music, for My Vibration is Music to your Soul and to Mine.

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Hear Me, O My Children, Hear Me

God said:

Godwriting is a process, a very innocent process, yet in the mundane world, it takes courage to Godwrite. Sometimes Great Courage, even All the Courage in the world, for you are easily embarrassed. How bizarre that something so enlivening and so simple takes courage.

Once upon a time My Children could hear the Beat of My Heart, and this was accepted hands down. It was not extraordinary. It was a good idea. In fact, the more the merrier. It quite rightly was conveyed in the world that in the old days it was hunky-dory for Me to be heard. Even Aaron, Moses’ brother who stuttered was to hear from Me and pass it on to the world even as Aaron himself did not feel qualified.

What I had to say mattered. There was no express list of qualifications, and it was acceptable to share My words. My Truth stood on its own.

Then, the world at large barred the idea of an ordinary person’s hearing Me. My Words fell into disrepute. The idea that just anyone could hear My Words and presume to repeat them – well, it became ingrained in the world at large that this was shoddy, even arrogant, and, well, not quite kosher.

By some decree, no ordinary person was considered capable of hearing from Me any more. If someone said he heard from God, he must be hallucinating, so, he was popped into the booby hatch. He had to be either cuckoo or a fraud.

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God’s Diamond

God said:

Sometimes, you drag your feet, and you are not exactly a willing Partner with Me. Beneath your intellect, however, lies your Heart of Gold. Do not kid yourself. You hold My Heart in yours. There are no ifs, ands, or buts. Even when you may be blindfolded, I know undeniably Who You are. There is too much you don’t see and don’t know. You brush off new ways of thinking as you would a piece of lint. Amazing, isn’t it, how you have the ability to fluff off awareness and delete your Self?

Think of My Heart as a Golden Sun. From the Light of My Rays, your Light shines. Of course, you are My Radiance. You are a Reflection of Me. And, in Truth, beyond that, nothing else exists but the One of Us.

I, Who created you, I ride with you. I, Who ride with you, am a Facet of you. You are My Diamond, and We, you and I, ride High.

If you have not yet already realized this, you certainly will. It is My Will that you will. You are My Will. I am in your DNA. I, the Creator, created you from the Throb of My Heart. You exist in the Beat of My Heart.

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Getting Closer

God said:

Believe in Me, and believe in you. Have I not said this before? How many times?

What does this mean – to know Who you are? It is many things. It is Everything.

To know Who you are is to put your shoulders back.

To know Who you are is to be rosy-cheeked.

To know Who you are is to breathe.

To know Who you are is to laugh at fear and jolly it.

To know Who You are is to laugh and smile.

To know Who you are is to not to be so devoted to what goes on around you. To know Who you are is to be devoted to rising High. This is not ego. This is knowing Who you are and not needing plaudits from the world. Ah, there is a big difference between needing and enjoying.

For God’s sakes, enjoy the diversity of the world! Beloveds, this is the least you can do. No more grumbling. This is what is meant by rising above the surface events of the world.

Enjoy being alive. Never mind about fixing the world. Enjoy the world, and the world will fix itself.

Be one of many Enjoyers. Overwhelm the world with Joy. Let the world copy you. As you rise, you take the world with you. Everyone wants to rise. Dear Ones, don’t lecture the world. No longer point out the errors of its ways. Lift up the world.

Free the world from the ties that bind. Undo the past that no longer exists anyway except in your mind. Change the focus of your mind, for your mind has been an errant lover.

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Be the Love You So Want

God said:

One of the hardest things in the world for you, My Dear human Beings, Beloveds of My Heart, is to let go.

In Heaven, there is no need to let go because there is no holding on in the first place.

From when you were newly born to Earth, your little fists would grab and hold on to anything in your grasp. Ah, this is the physical world for you.

As you grew, your doll or your toy fire engine became possessions to you. In effect, they possessed you. It has not been easy for many or most of My Children to detach themselves from their possessions including their ideas, for attachment is to the past and yet even more than attachment to the past. A possession symbolizes something. Likely, a possession represents Love to you, and, yes, meaning.

Beyond objects, Beloveds, you attach to people. It is not easy for you to know the difference between attachment and Love. You are to Love, and, at the same time, to let go of attachment. Attachment is having to have or to own when the fact is that Love is letting go of owning.

A need for control seems to accompany attachment. Now comes expectation, and now come demands. Now shoulds of one kind or another walk in because disappointments of one kind or another have hurt your feelings. Now, you are sure that the objects of your affections absolutely must change or they are unsatisfactory. This is how Freedom goes out the window.

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Your Heart is a Powerhouse

God said:

What seems to be on your mind today? What is heavy on your Heart today may not be what is on your mind. In fact you may even barrage your mind with concerns about trifles in order to keep your mind off the collected woes of your Heart. Tender tender is the Heart. If you get right down to it, your Heart is too often under siege. The very sensitivity of your Heart is the best thing about your Heart.

Your Heart is not meant to be a warrior nor is your Heart meant to be a spigot to be turned on or off. No, no, no, your Heart is meant to be turned on full-blast. Your Heart is meant to be clear and warm and aligned with friendliness and welcome. Your Heart is meant to be your harbor.

Your Heart is aimed right at the Sun, and your Heart is to be hospitable and share itself as if it could never go out of style. Your Heart is to be wide open and let the whole world in. You may have the idea that your Heart can be used up, and you want to preserve it. Uh-uh, your Heart isn’t designed for being saved up.

As it is, you may want to avoid your Heart as though it were not connected to your deepest Being, OR that it is too connected and, well, too powerless. Your Heart is the most powerful thing you have. Yes, there is a great part of you that doesn’t want to get down to your Heart. You would rather wrap it up in cotton than to reveal it. You may want to keep strangers out of your Heart. You might long for a sign you could hang that says No Admittance.

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The Story-Telling Arts

God said:

Within each heart on Earth am I. That’s it. This is what Life is. It is all My Self, yet you may well believe that you are someone else when All of Life is all about Me, the One of Us. You reflect Me in a fantasy you play at, this Make-Believe you like to think you are deeply into.

It’s like you play a piano that doesn’t exist, and yet you imagine that music comes from this piano that does not exist. You see the piano. Your fingers move over the made-up keys. Layers and layers of notes resound and continue to resound in the world, yet never in actuality is this piano to be seen or to be found. How bizarre.

Actually, you are a way-out Teller of tales and Believer in tales. You beat the author of Sherlock Holmes as a writer of mysteries. You are quite a Story-Maker and Storyteller. In your Life Story, you surpass the greatest poets, playwrights, novelists. The extent of your imagination cannot be imagined. You exceed in the Storytelling Arts.

You are a magician who performs his magic tricks, only you have hypnotized yourself into believing that your magic is not a trick but the stuff of which Life itself is made. The fact is that you don’t know Truth from fiction. You believe that what you see is what you get. This theory goes only so far as you can see and does not reach all the way to Truth.


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