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To See the World As God Does See the World

God said:

You may desire Peace within with all your might. Yet, again and again, you find yourself in havoc. You may find yourself terrorized, undermined, cut open, devastated, imprisoned in a sheath of panic. And you crave Peace. You would give anything for Peace, yet you don’t have it.

You cry out: “God, give me Peace. What I want most is Peace.”

It doesn’t seem to matter how much you crave, desire, demand, authorize, defend Peace, you seem to have scared it away. Peace seems to shy away from you. You get handed turmoil instead. Even as you understand that the turmoil that seems to surround you is of your making, you alight on it. You may have one hand out for Peace, yet your other hand reaches out further and touches torment.

The terror you face doesn’t even seem to be about death, but, oh, yes, it is about loss, yet not loss of your Life. Others’ deaths yes, yet your panic borne of terrors looms far greater to you than that.

Loss of limb may be greater to you than loss of Life. Loss of youth seems to be a great preventer of happiness. You know that you are greater than skin-deep, yet how you would treasure your lost youth back and firm skin with it.

You may say to yourself often enough:

“What is the matter with me? What on Earth is going on with me? If I desire Peace, why do I constantly find obstacles to it? It’s not like I don’t know better. I know better, yet I persist in sabotaging myself. Or do I kid myself? It can’t be that I would prefer the agony of struggle. Who in their right mind would?

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You Are Born to Be One with Me

God said:

What I ask of you is exactly what you have been seeking deeply for yourself. Be with Me. Stay with Me. We shall be as One and ask for nothing more. Oneness rules. Oneness takes the stage. Nothing surpasses Oneness. We call it Our Oneness. In Oneness, all is replete. Oneness is the most desirable of all. Next to Oneness, everything else palls.

Want to be energized? Know Oneness. Proclaim Oneness across the Land, and you will know Oneness as Only Oneness can be known. Hail, Beautiful Oneness.

Where shall We go today? How about right here where We are? There is no better Moment. This is it. This is what you are on fire for. This is the True Realization of My/your Dreams. You have all you desire right in the Palm of Our Hand. This is the Moment you were born to. Here is the culmination of all your desires and all My desires. Wish-fulfillment is at hand. When you reach all the way to Oneness, tell Me, what else is there? What else is there to dream of? There is nothing more. There can only be less.

You may have been darting around hither and yon. Come back and connect to Our Oneness. You will know what Oneness is. You will know what Lasting Joy is. Accept no substitute for this Ultimate Experience in Life. This Experience which is not exactly an Experience. Rather, Being is for you. It is meant for you. It is also Mine, and I, God, give it freely to you.

Feel Me. Feel the Beat of My Heart Wedded within the Beat of your Heart, your Heart and My Heart as One. There is nothing like it, this Oneness.

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Do Not Feed the Egos

God said:

Don’t feed the egos here on Earth. Don’t feed your own ego, and don’t feed others’ egos. This isn’t good for the planet.

Aha, yet what specifically do I mean when I say not to feed egos?

If someone is wearing a pretty dress, by all means tell the wearer of the pretty dress that she is lovely. Complimenting someone truthfully is not feeding anyone’s ego. You’re not feeding others’s egos, nor are you feeding your own. A genuine comment isn’t flattery. You don’t express a genuine comment in order to profit from it, perhaps to rise higher in your own estimation. Certainly, give others attention. Absolutely, put some Sunshine into others’ lives. Say something nice without getting carried away. Never is it to be your purpose to flatter someone.

When this same lady is wearing the same pretty dress, and you choose to compliment the lady in order to gain some kind of favor or advantage in Life, to possibly be using her in one way or another to boost your ego,, then refrain from giving her a compliment. Be true to Truth. Be True to your Self and not to aggrandizement. How much is aggrandizement worth anyhow?

There is a difference between giving someone some cheer, and your trying to win points.

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“There Is Nothing Else but Love, So Help Me, God.”

God said:

Life surrounds you around every corner. While you are on Earth, it seems like there is no getting around it -- your surrender to Earth. You may have capitulated. You are waiting to be picked up, although how this occurs, you are unsure.

You used to have bravado and can’t find a trace of it now. You used to be slick and wear cool sun glasses.

It feels to you that you got separated from yourself. Once you were one way, and now you are another. You may feel stolen from yourself.

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For All Who Live with You under the Sun

God said:

Time is an illusion and no matter how much you recognize the fallacy of time, you are nevertheless overburdened with time. There seems to be no stemming the tide of erroneous time. Time holds you in its vise. To your distress, you may well feel yourself rushing to keep up with time, unable to rid yourself of a sense of being late, a sense of being out of time, no time at all, a sense of not ever catching up.

Time is ruthless. Time does not have to be a carriage that stops for you or slows down for you. Relentless time may not stop for anyone. Time has its own Will and its own tempo. Time isn’t thinking about your sense of fulfillment. Time isn’t concerned about your satisfaction.

The same time that goads you to go faster may make you wait for a long-awaited time, and even deny the appearance of what you may be sure time guarantees to you. Time may even withdraw its appointments with you, leaving you unrequited. Time rushes you, yet time doesn’t concede to you. Time may never keep its dates with you, and there is nothing you can do about it.

At its own call, time may rush off, and time may run off laughing at your discomfort as well. Time may disregard you and leave you hanging, leave you holding the bag without a backward glance, while you stamp your foot as time doesn’t care one whit about you.

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Wandering in the Desert

God said:

I have heard you wandering in the desert.

Sometimes you do not feel affiliated with Earth at all. Somehow, you are here on Earth, and yet you feel nowhere. You feel connected not at all to Earth. You don’t know what to make of Life on Earth. You don’t know what to do with it. It is so unreal to you. If it is a dream, it heads the list of absurd dreams that you may feel far away from. Nothing adds up. How did you get here, and where are you going if anywhere, and where did you come from even as you don’t find any answers you can hold onto. You may feel that there is somewhere you will never pass again. Perhaps Life on Earth was a vague song you could almost hear, and yet not quite.

Then you may feel more bewildered when you hear Me say to you from a distance that Life on Earth is truly unreal. Compared to the Real Thing, Life on Earth is a blurry story, and none of it is real. Everyone may make the best of it, yet it may seem to you to be a half-hearted attempt, hardly worth squabbling over.

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“Let there be Light!”

God said:

When I said, Let there be Light, there was Light.

When I said, Let there be Stars, there were Stars, and the Stars are to this day, visible or not.

When I said, Let there be you, there was you. You arose. You appeared before Me all arisen. It took no effort whatsoever for you to appear before Me and the Whole Family of God to appear before Me. There was no impasse. There was no time that elapsed before you appeared. I called to you to arise, and you arose.

In effect, this is how Life appears before you.

Of course, you may say: “Hey, God, wait a minute. This isn’t how Life appears to me. Life appears to me like a struggle.”

I ask you why this is, and you may say:

“God, are you going to say that I struggle all on my own doing?”

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Only on Earth

God said:

What are We really, the so-called you and the so-called I? If We are One, where are you then? And what are you but My Self?

How you long to be I, and yet how you long to keep the remnants of your teeny-weeny outer self as well!! How precious are you to yourself!

Sometimes you wear royal robes, and sometimes you wear rags. I mean, of course, how you present yourself to the world and how the world and you may miss out on your Splendor. You are at sea a lot as you swim in multi-directions back and forth and very often float on your back. Thankfully, you have the sky to look up at.

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In the Heart, in the Heart

God said:

Unto you, I serve. I am for you. You are made for Me, and I am made for you. You are a fledgling. Our One Heart is at play. I, God, am One. Made of many Names in the world, I never stop Being. I am Eternal and Growing and made of many Names, and I also am known by your Name. As you come closer to the non-configuration of Me, am I the Flower and you the blossom?

Am I the Burst of Color of the Rose, and you the Shade of Color of Rose that I Am?

It is said that I am the Word. It could be that I am also the Language, and from the Language, a Word falls from Heaven at the moment you drop to Earth and from which you arise, and Words become an Expression of Life and Love and cries of Joy. Can Heaven be the antonym of Wilderness?

Is there something the matter with using the word Wilderness? Is it possible that Wilderness signifies unpopulated Nature that is sufficient unto itself without footsteps in the sand and snow?

Surely you know you are more than bones and gristle from which the World and you are known and made. Surely you are the Magnificence of Oneness.

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Welcome God

God said:

Sometimes you may wonder how I can carry so much on My Mind as I do, how I can assemble so much at one time, and how, unlike My dear Children, keep everything straight and in sight and calm and unhurried and unharried and never ruffled.

For one thing, the world resides in My Heart, and is not kept secularly in what you might emphasize as My Mind. My Heart and Mind are One. My Beloveds, I do not have to think and think about anything.

I am a free spirit, and all is organized for Me. Nothing is ever an effort for Me whatsoever. You order the world according to how you view it.

If you get tied up in knots, it is you who ties yourself up in knots. Never am I out to get you. Let Us take the High Road.

Here you are, Beloveds, seemingly torn between Free Will and Destiny.

You may see the world as computerized, as if your feelings are not taken into account.

I already create miracles every day. All I have created is verily a miracle and, perhaps, despite your objections, your Choice of Destiny.

I, God, work in subtle ways. It cannot truthfully be said that I work. I AM. I AM Being. I AM a God-Being. Effort is unknown to Me.

The Energy of Sun IS. The Sun shines. This is the Sun’s Being. The Sun reflects My Light via its Bright Yellow Light and Warmth. The Sun shines its Natural Light of Life on all alike.

And so does My Love radiate. So do the Stars. And so are the Stars reflected on the Ocean Bright.


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