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Like Leaping to Heaven

God said:

It is not that you feel responsibility at all the way you ever knew responsibility before. Now it is like responsibility is a parachute that carries you gently wherever you want to go!

Now nothing hangs over you. You don't have to remind yourself or keep a list or kick yourself for forgetting something now. Responsibility now is like sipping on a delicious milkshake as much and as often as you like. You wouldn't miss it for anything in the world. Responsibility is the whole world to you now. Responsibility of this dimension is like your wildest dream come true. What a lovely place in the Universe you occupy, for the Universe treasures you.

Responsibility now is your key lime pie that you eat for dessert whenever you want. It is yummy. You look forward to it. Perpetual dessert is yours.

It is like getting a drink of cool water at the peak of the midday Sun.

It is like swimming in the Ocean as if you were a dolphin at home in the Ocean.

It is like getting a good night's sleep and you wake up with luxurious surprise.

It is like having pleasant dreams, one after the other, all swirling together, one beauty after another.

It is like receiving a bonus when you already had one.

It is like opening an envelope with contents you would never dream of. Now you go wild, and every time now the contents exceed your expectations.

It is like winning the lottery regularly.

It is like manna from Heaven.

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What Can the Sun Do but Shine?

God said:

Constant awareness isn't a technique. Constant awareness isn't something you do. Consider it more like a candle you light that keeps burning brightly. The candle simply stays lit longer. It is a long-lasting candle without your having to keep reminding yourself. You can keep benefiting from constant awareness without having to re-strike a match.

Your desire deepens. Desire, not need, deepens. It is a good thing to desire. And your purposes in desiring are also instrumental. Certainly, you desire awareness of all that is beautiful. Of course, you desire deeper and constant awareness of Me for yourself, yet there is something more than desire for yourself.

It is an inevitable choice you make for awareness. Your choice goes above and beyond your personal desire. It is your personal desire made for the good of the Universe whether you are aware of this or not.

You come across a desire for the well-being of the world and deeper yet for all the beating hearts in the world who also desire what you desire. No longer can you desire good just for yourself, or your family, or your country. Consciously, or unconsciously, you relish the good of all, and you relish your desire also as it serves on My behalf.

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Divine Children of God

God said:

You don't owe Me anything. You are My Divine Child. I ask that you not make recriminations to yourself. Be fine with yourself. Live your life. Whether you are attentive to Me or not, I love you as you are. My love for you does not hinge on what you say to Me, ask Me, or do for Me. I love. I cannot do anything less than love.

This is hard for you to believe that I love you just as you are. Dear Ones, you do not have to lay down your life for Me. You do not have to bow down to Me. You do not owe Me. By your very Being, you fulfill Me.

When you are happy, I am extra happy. When you are sad, I am not sad. In My existence, there can be no loss. I do not weep. I am well-content. I am happy, and I love across the board.

I do not say that you are all done now, the way a cake in the oven is done. In the deepest Truth, this is the case, yet this is not what you see while you perambulate and stumble around in the world. It is hard for you to be accepting of yourself. You see shadows on your surface the way you see shadows on the Moon. You see dinginess on yourself the way you may see gray on your windows.

Dear Ones, in this moment that seems to exist within Oneness, you are perfect. Of course, in terms of the world, you are still in the oven being cooked until you are fully transformed into pure gold. At the same time, you already are pure gold. You, in your perfection, are like the Americas before Christopher Columbus discovered them.

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For the Sake of Learning

God said:

Learning is the point of learning. Education is not. Learning comes from inside. Education may be imposed. Learning arises from a sense of joy. It is joy to gain insights. Everyone loves it when a light goes on.

The intent of education may not go well with learning. No matter how well someone may score on a test, a high score does not mean that learning took place. Learning is what matters.

Learning is naturally joy. Teaching that leaves out the heart of the child is misplaced. Learning without joy is a hardship.

A system may look good on paper. It's someone's best guess as to what is a good way to learn, and one way may flourish for some, yet not all. Remember the child.

If learners do not have joy, perhaps the educators do, yet educators are not the reason for schools. Uppermost belongs the joy of learners. The rewards are to be interior to the learner. Each learner has a heart and soul and his own style or styles of learning.

Some teachers have the ability to make learning desirable for every learner. Hail to them.

Tell Me, what one-year old does not want to reach out and learn? Why is it that at some point a learner may begin to slouch? Where did the joy of learning go? To what gain?

Making learners learn what someone says they must learn does not always amount to learning. There is more than the mind that takes place in learning. There is more than grouping children together for economy in learning. There is heart and soul to learning. And, yes, I will say love.

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Whom Are You Serving?

God said:

Come closer to Me. Let Our closeness occur to you and now you live it. Desire to come closer to Me. Invite Our closeness. Anticipate My Presence close to you. Meet Me more than half-way, dear friend. Don't think that I have to make Our closeness happen. The fact is that We are indelibly close. I do not elude you. You could have a blind spot. We cannot miss where I am.

For instance, you have had the experience where you cannot find a pen to write with. Then you look again, and there the pen is, right under your nose.

To come closer, you can't stay at a distance. Do not look for Me and anticipate your age-old disappointment. Don't say to yourself:

"I've been anticipating God for five minutes, and He has not shown Himself."

Don't say to yourself:

"I have been anticipating God all my life, and He has not yet shown Himself."

You have every good reason to wait for Me, and no good reason not to be on the look-out for Me.

Understandably, you are impatient. Impatience is okay, yet when you look for proof that I am far away, it's too easy to get a picture of the proof you are looking for. You could be looking for the wrong clues. What satisfaction can you possibly have in finding evidence that you are correct? I'm hidden away somewhere? Why would you think that? Are you your friend or your foe?

Forget about disappointment. Disappointment is not what you want to anticipate. You don't want even an inkling of disappointment. Do not be looking for Me to fail to reach.

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To Every Dream, There Is a Purpose

God said:

Believe in your dreams. Believing in your dreams helps to bring your dreams into existence.

Generally speaking, you don't just sit there and wait for your dreams to come true. At the same time, first, you build your dreams through your dreaming of them. First there is the dream. Then there is desire for the dream that grows within you. Let your desire continue to blossom within you. Follow your dreams. You dream your dreams for a reason.

There may be years before your desire to achieve the dream rises beyond your dreaming of it. Your dream may well be a desire planted that takes many years before it begins to blossom and it moves beyond your dreaming of it.

Sometimes you might forget your dream, yet it was planted, and the dream starts to rise of its own accord. It is like your dream has a mind of its own. You might not even be able to say you asked for your dream. It came.

It is like you are meant to have that dream, and it is through you that the dream comes to fruition. Bear in mind that a dream originates from deeper than your thought. We might even call dreams, bidden or unbidden, your Destiny showing up.

So long as a dream continues to stir within you, nourish it. You don't have to talk yourself into a dream anymore than you have to talk yourself out of it. Have your dreams while you have them. Dreams come from somewhere.

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Befriend the Universe and Your Self

God said:

Sometimes, once in a while, you step on your own heart. You assail yourself. You may call yourself names. At these times, you are not doing right by yourself. Oh, yes, the world may rail at you, yet you are to respect yourself. It's not right for you or the world to put yourself down at the same time as what the world says about you is not your concern.

You, above all, know how hard you try. What is so terrible about your not already having all wisdom in the world? Under no circumstances, are you to be unkind to yourself. Call yourself names, and you are less than kind. Be impatient with yourself, and you are less than I say you are. What is the point of your telling yourself you are less? No no, no name-calling yourself. No derisive adjectives. Always be gracious to yourself.

You are to be a good friend to yourself. Be it.

If you already knew everything to say and do ahead of time and were, in your eyes, fool-proof, why would you be living on Earth? I do not tell you to make mistakes on Earth. By virtue of your being a human being, you are learning, and learn you will. There are many ways to learn. Making mistakes is one of them.

Did you ever think you would hear Me say that you are not supposed to make mistakes on Earth? Your perfection arises from a deeper layer of existence than you find yourself in the world at large. This is just how it is in the relative world which declares opposites. By definition, if you are capable of great acts of love and wisdom here on Earth, you are also capable of flubbing up.

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A New Light on Life

God said:

Have you perhaps been bemoaning your life? Have you chosen to complain about Life rather than to move on with it?

Beloveds, if you give thanks for Life every day when you awaken in the morning and every night when you go to bed, how might your Life take on a new light?

Agreed, Life on Earth is not always a walk in the park. Agreed, Life on Earth is not always what you would like or expect, yet Life is Life, and there is more to Life and your Life than meets the eye.

Beloveds, whatever you do, do not feel sorry for yourself. What an indictment self-pity is. Feel sorry for yourself, and you sentence yourself to unhappiness. What a lazy thing to do. In lieu of self-pity, get on your horse and sally forth.

Think in the direction of what you could be glad for. If not glad, think in the direction of what of Life you can be even a little grateful for. It is not for you to poke holes at your Life.

Pause in the midst of complaint to give credit for the Gift of Life. "Hey, God, thanks for this Life You gave me." Beloveds, receive in good grace what you have been given.

Whatever you have been given or whatever you have not been given, there is great opportunity before you. You are alive for far greater than just hanging around and finding fault. What is the corollary of finding fault but lack of gratitude? No longer devalue your God-given Life. Perhaps now is the time to think of Life as a gift given to you, seemingly out of the blue.

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In Eternity, There Is No Sequence

God said:

Did you grow up hearing dutiful refrains running through your ears, such as:

"First eat your vegetables. Then, after, have your dessert. Not before."

"Get your work done first. Then you can go out and play."

"Frivolity is frivolous. Idle hands get you into trouble."

"Hold on to your money. Don't waste your time nor money on foolishness."

Did you grow up with the idea that joy best comes later? Did you grow up with the idea that joy of all kinds is to be denied you until a vague later time yet to be announced? When exactly you don't know. Just later some time. And so your joy has been pinched, and you may still restrict joy until some day, and some day may never come.

My children are not meant to be in harness and trudge along heavy-footed. Be light of heart and light of foot. May joy be your password into work or play. Why not?

It's possible that children have the right idea. Joy first. Joy is a forerunner to everything. Restricting yourself may take away joy and sadden your dreams.

Instruct yourself in the idea that joy is your winning number. Deferring joy is not a virtue.

The difficulty with being heavy-handed about life is that you get stuck in seriousness. Sometimes it seems that you believe too much in the concept that, before you can have joy, you have to suffer. The idea has been expressed that you must suffer before you can be beautiful.

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Your Own Happiness Isn't Payment Due from Others

God said:

Be good to yourself. You are to nourish yourself. That you take care of your own well-being doesn’t mean you are being selfish. It means you are being true to yourself. In this way you are also helping other people to be true to themselves. You are free, and they are free. All are free to be true to themselves.

The point is that you are not to be a beggar for love. You don't need hand-outs from others. You are not so dependent upon others.

No one owes you. You are the only person who has to love you. Love yourself. Then see what may happen.

You don't need the world thronging to you. Yes, you need love. You have My love. Others do not have to love you. When you are less dependent upon love from the outside, you will receive more love reaching you.  You won't HAVE to have it.

By the same token, you will feel friendlier to others. Your own happiness depends upon you. Your own happiness isn't payment from others. Let others just be.

Be assured of your own love for yourself. Find every opportunity to welcome yourself. When it is in your heart to uplift and inspire someone else for his or her sake, do it.

I am your Best Friend. Know it.

Here's the thing. You and I are One. Our love is dependent upon -- nothing. A bird sings. The sun shines. And I love you the same natural way. It is easy for Me to love. I can do nothing but love.


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