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Follow Your Own Star

God said:

Look to your success.

Just as your mother might have told you: "Don't walk in the mud on your way to school. Don't play in the mud on your way home", I tell you to stay out of the mud of your thoughts. Don't bog yourself down. Don't muddy the water of your thoughts.

Stay away from downtrodden thoughts. Look to success. Don't give credence to all the reasons why a project of yours could fail. Failure isn't your business. Don't discourage yourself from what you desire. Don't dally in the world's advice. Don't listen to accounts of how many people have failed. Don’t listen to statistics. Don't listen to all the realism in the world. Forswear being realistic as the world defines realistic. The world seems to desire to keep you down on the farm.

How many times did Christopher Columbus hear No? He did not take to heart all the refusals the Queen gave him before she said yes, she will finance his trip to prove that the Earth is round! Columbus set sail for India. He did not reach India, yet he discovered the Americas and thereby, he revealed that the Earth was round.

If you desire success, listen to the success stories. If you don't desire success, or you don't even really want to go for success, then you would do well to listen to all the non-success stories. There is an overflow.

Watch the company you keep.

Inevitably, dawn rises every morning. All night, dawn does not come. A minute before the dawn comes, there is no dawn. Then, there, before your eyes, an inkling of the sun appears.

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You Want Life to Be What You Say

God said:

Life is a breeze. However, you fantasize Life as arduous. You set up parameters for Life and tell Life that it can go so far and no farther. You put fences up and assault Life for being what it is when you don't like Life's stepping outside the borders you like to decide. You may think that Life hassles you. You are the forbidder. You would like to rule Life, make Life a prisoner of your likes and dislikes. You would like to order Life around and tell it what it may or may not do.

Life is not unforgiving. You do not like Life to do its thing. You think Life is out of bounds. You would like to restrict Life. There are dances you favor, and dances you don't. If you had your say, Life would not be Life. You think you would improve it.

You may assert that Life has no business being Life. You may feel that Life has no right to pick you up and ask you to dance and take you off your feet. You want Life to dance to your tune. You want to dance the dances of your choice. You want Life to be a restaurant where you make up the menu according to your desires and even your whims at a given moment.

You fight Life. You resist. You want to prevent Life. You don't mind birth, yet you refuse death. You would outlaw death, as you arm yourself with righteousness.

Wake up. In Life or in the misnomer named death, you are in My arms. Your mind and heart are fraught with ideas of danger. You tie yourself up in knots and blame Life for imposing on you, yet you forget that I am with you.

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You Are the Conjunction of the Stars

God said:

Your heart beats. Your heart beats the beat of the Universe. There is a rhythm to life. You are the pulse of the Universe. You are in tune with the Universe. You are the heartbeat of the Universe, and you are the Song of the Universe. You are the drumbeat of the Universe, and you are the Music of the Soul.

And you are the Meaning. You are the Subject in Truth, and you are the Object as you perceive. You are the Writer of Lyrics, the Composer, and the Singer. You are also the Listener and the Echoer. You are in Conjunction with Love. Therefore, you are in Conjunction with Me.

You are the Conjunction of the Stars. You are at no distance. Nothing is at a distance from you. You are the Tom-Tom of Love.

Even when you are at rest, your heart beats. When your heart stops beating, and your breath stops breathing, you remain Soul, and you are Greatness. Alive or dead, on one so-called side of Life or another, you ARE and I AM. There are no two ways about it.

We are One. Nothing has happened. A big to-do is made when you are born, and a big to-do is made when you cross the bridge from one side to the other, back and forth, yet nothing has happened.

There is no distance, and separation is not. You are Being.

This is only Life, this fantasy you get blurred in. Hail to you for gracing Earth, and hail to you for gracing Heaven. Hail to the Grace of God Who assembles you here. You are a hail-fellow-well-met if you but knew.

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Write Your Life Now with Golden Ink

God said:

You write your own story. Write your life now with golden ink. No more spilt milk. No longer rue. Leave regrets behind, can you? Simply, no longer take regrets with you. Thoughts are to enliven you and expand you. Your thoughts are powerful. Whether for joy or hurt, thoughts are powerful, and yours are very powerful.

Just as you might redo your house, rebuild your sense of self. You are not a mere human being. You are a human being, Beloved of God. That you are a human being, does not make you small. Grow your vision. Yes, do get ahead of yourself. Redo your photo. Take a new snapshot. Arise.

No longer keep riding the old rails of yourself.

Let's recall that you are made in My image. It isn't for you to let the world sculpt you. It is for you to make the world. What were you thinking?

Be mother and father unto yourself.

Everyone is Self-made. Unto your Self be true. You are under the Sun. Warm yourself under the Sun. The Sun was made for you. Bright Sun was made for you. Life tempers you, not into steel but into gold.

You are more than under the Sun. You are under the Light of God. In fact, you are not under God. You shine in the Light of God. You shine in My Light. You deserve My Light. You are My Light. Grab a clue as to your worth. Dare to. Reflect Me on Earth. Forego old worn-out thinking.

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The Beauty Within

God said:

Nothing is forgotten. Everything is remembered. Everything you live, you have lived before. It is not new to you. You are reliving it. Parts of the past have been covered up, hidden, put out of sight, forbidden, unacknowledged, most especially to yourself. It is as if Light were something that would endanger you, and, so, you protect yourself from your very Presence.

Of course, brought into the Light, this cover-up will scatter to the winds and be gone, yet there seems to be a mechanism hovering within you tells you that you would do better keep this awareness from the Light.

Revealing hidden terrains and getting past them would indeed free you.

Better to see what is holding you back. Then you can face up to it, shoo away what blocks you, and rise uncluttered. Face up to what ails you, and then you are free to start over in freedom. Every day you can start over.

Odds are that you do carry unnecessary baggage. The baggage of the past slows you down. It trips you up. By ignoring the past, you may like to think you have written it out of your life, yet you repeat yourself, again and again. You refuse to let go of the Voice of the Past that haunts you.

Something may have seemed so awful you couldn't look at it then, and you don't want to look at it now. You fear it would be too much for you, so you collect unwanted emotion and push it down. As you ignore deep feelings, they build their muscle. To the detriment of your joy in life, the Past has made you at its mercy.

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Ten Understandings God Has

God said:

In every moment, I whisper to you oh so softly. At the same time I suggest to you that you gravitate to the Depths of Silence where you can hear Me for yourself.

Let Me express some of my Understandings to you. You may have different understandings. These are some of Mine regarding your ability to actually hear Me:

1. You don't have to be a certain way before you can hear Me. It takes desire to know Me for yourself. There are some of your ideas that may get in your way.

2. There is nothing in life that has to be as you predicate it. Not everything has to be WONDERFUL as you see it. Who says that Life has to be a whiz-bang model experience? Not I.

3. Going into a deeper Silence isn't about control. It is about allowing. A deeper State of Silence belongs to you. You do not make it happen. You let go of control. You allow yourself to hear Me. Be surprised when you hear Me. You don't instruct Me in how you will come to hear Me.

4. Start with an intention. You choose an intention. You do not try to enforce an intention. You cannot force an intention, for then you no longer have an intention -- you have an effort for a desired result. You can call that which you insist upon as an anticipated rule or a law. Straining for Great Silence is not relaxation. For Heaven's sakes, know better than to strain on purpose. There is no need to try hard. Trying hard gets in your way.

5. If I were to outline a commandment, it would be: Let go!

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What the World Looks Like to You

God said:

Beloveds, to go along in life according to My Will would be as easy as pie if only you knew and accepted My Will. You are not sure. The thing is that you question a lot. You may turn over in your mind what you hear, and you may take a dim view of life as it is spread out before you.

You may second-guess Me. The idea of this is a bit amusing, isn't it? You may sit there sure that you know better than God! I mean, isn't this a wee bit laughable? Surely your lips turn up with beginning of a smile. I don't know how you can keep from laughing.

The fact is that you may not hear Me at all. I don't mean that you have not heard plenty regarding Me. You have heard plenty about Me second-hand. You have heard others' interpretations of Me and My Words. No matter how well-intended, what you have heard bruited about Me may well be misunderstood. It may well miss the entire point. You may miss the point. What you hear may be more like last Sunday's supper warmed up for tonight.

Why listen to second-hand thoughts when you can hear for yourself from the Source of All Thought? Do you think I do not speak, and speak to you? Do you think I don't want you to hear Me directly? Balderdash, of course, it is My desire that you hear Me. It is My desire that you hear My Words and feel My love for you and all mankind.

Let's talk about the Ten Commandments.

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Day-to-Day Happiness

God said:

You long for something you know-not-what, yet you long for something more than what you see in your Life right now. In the beating of your heart, you say:

"God, I do feel growth, as though I am getting somewhere, and yet, and yet, there remains an ache in my heart, well, a pondering, a yearning for… something. It is like I am happy or happy enough, and then I fall into a trap of not being happy enough, feeling more on the sad side and that I am missing out on something I have long longed to realize."

Well, dear ones, I say, it's not so bad to be sad. It is not a horror story to feel a longing for something you may not be able to put your finger on. The kind of happiness you long for is not an emergency. Despite the wanting you feel when you think about it, more and more you recognize a general happiness, not exceeding happiness, yet, you know what? Who says that day-to-day happiness isn't okay? Surely, it's permissible to go down a quiet road in the country as well as a busy street in the big city.

Sometimes you interrupt your ease of happiness with dampening thoughts poured out from your intellect. You are aware that thinking so much about your degree of happiness detracts from your happiness. Your life is not exactly meant to be an exhibit.

When you are immersed in where you are and what you are doing, you do not ask yourself the question: "Am I happy?" It is not a question to ask. There is no questionnaire in life that you have to fill out and answer the way the world might suggest.

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God Sure Loves You!

God said:

I whisper to you. I whisper, "You are My beloved."

Would that you hear Me and you know that it is to you I speak. If you do not hear Me now, you will hear Me. To barely hear Me is still to hear Me. I do not boom as I speak. I speak quietly so I will awaken you yet not jar you. When you do hear Me, you will hear Me from inside yourself.

Inside yourself is the wilderness you cry out from until you do hear My Voice. Perhaps it is My Voice alone that you must hear. Perhaps My Voice means more than My Words. In any case, hear Me. I am stationed within you.

If you feel a faint longing for Me from within you, it is My longing you feel, for I long for you to receive Me, for I am integral to you. The cry you hear in your heart is My cry to you. "Hear Me."

Is this a lot to ask? It is little, yet it is everything. It is the Open Sesame.

I knock on your door. "Let Me in," I say. You may not hear me. When you do not hear Me, you do not hear your own longing for Me.

Your life does not have to be everything there is, yet your life does require My Presence. You have My Presence. It means something to know you have a fortune within you.

I am not a stuck-up kind of God. I am a down-home kind of God. I am a Family God. I am whole-heartedly yours. You may have held Me in abeyance for a long time. Any amount of time holding Me in abeyance is too long.

I am not a Gatekeeper. I am a Door-Opener. I am the open door through which you walk right up the Stairway to Heaven.

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Forevermore and Nevermore

God said:

Forever. Forevermore. Timelessness could be seen as stretching out longer than forevermore.

Quoth the Raven, Nevermore. Quoth the Raven, as if there is loss, and that's it.

In one sense, loss cannot exist ever because, in Truth, there is nothing held, nothing owned, nothing real to tug at at all. How can there be loss when nothing was? Yet, of course, there is much that is held as true when it isn't even partially true. It is well-imagined, however.

Mirages are believed in. There are pyres of mirages in life that go up in smoke.

I made hands for holding, even as there is nothing for hands to hold onto. It is the mind that grasps. It is the heart that lets go.

All this is seen as tragic because of ideas held onto.

My children believe that the life in the world is true. You, My children, believe the world is concrete and very real. You, My children, give allegiance to the world. You may say you do not love life on Earth, and yet you want to keep it forever. You would like to ride the rails of life forevermore. You dis-favor Nevermore.

Life is forever, nevertheless. There is no duration to life. Life on another plane is still life.

Life is Infinite. Life is Eternal. Yet the word forevermore speaks of time. The word Nevermore speaks of absence of time which supports the idea of time. The word timelessness attempts to speak of time's nonexistence, yet how can words defray that which never was?


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