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You Shall Be Greatness

God said:

Yes, I have told you to counteract a negative thought by turning it into a positive thought. This is a step you can take. I know you strongly want to be above the low-consciousness thoughts that too often have invaded your mind.

Never underestimate the power of intention and desire. You desire to get past negativity, and so you will. You desire to get away from spiteful thoughts, and, so, it is a given that you will be free of thoughts you don't want to keep.

Thoughts do seem to come out of nowhere, yet most of your thoughts are derived from you. They come from judgments you make. You find people guilty of not appreciating you, and you condemn them. You condemn them to your remembrance of their offense. In a small way, you wreak revenge upon them. You pay them back in kind by snide thoughts that you hold against them.

Your negative thoughts based on hostile feelings are like small doses of poison you take. You take small doses, yet they are, nevertheless, poison. These small doses are not good for you. You also poison those you blame for your thoughts. Your thoughts reach them awkwardly, yet it is your thoughts that poison you most of all.

I know you want to remove such unwieldy thoughts from your mind. You want to be greater than a petty reactor. You want to be above pettiness. You want such thoughts out of your mind. Truly, you do not want to be a small thinker. You want to be a credit to yourself, and you want to be a credit to Me.

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There Is No Loss

God said:

You don't want to make too much of what you may call signs. Let's say you lost a story you wrote or you lost a chord of music you heard playing inside you.

Is a loss meant to be lost for some unknown reason? Was the story meant not to see the light of day? Was the chord never to be heard? And then come the why questions, and you ponder more.

Dear Ones, you don't want to second-guess Life. You don’t need all the answers. It's perfectly fine to be without all the answers.

Signs can become a preoccupation. You begin to wonder around the clock. So busy are you listening to signs from above that you divert yourself from living life right here on Earth. Or, it could be said, you live life predominantly from a perspective of analysis which is hardly the point of life. Why analyze your life away?

In a sense, your life is what you think of it. What you think of your life is what you make of it.

Oh, My goodness, there is no end to speculating on life and wondering what this means and that means or what this could mean and what that could mean. With analysis, you wear yourself down to the ground. You may well make too much of that which does not bear making much of at all.

In the instance of the lost story or a lost chord, the point is that it got lost, and you are to live life. You know, the best you can do is to take one step after another. With a story lost, you are left with other choices than when the written story is still available to you. There are always new chords left for you to discover.

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Raising Your Estimation of Yourself

God said:

My children cannot perform only one way in terms of Life on Earth. This is the thing about Life in the World – it is a mix. You yourself are a mix. All the opposites whirl around in the world. While you are on Earth, you yourself may include all the opposites.

In terms of the world, you are imperfect. Therefore, I ask you to be gentle and generous with yourself – and, yes, others.

It is not for you to dwell on moments of your imperfection. This is also not for you to dwell on your moments of perfection ad infinitum in order to pump your ego.

However, if you must dwell on one or the other, then I tell you to dwell on your moments of perfection. In any case, look for them.

Look, I tell you that you are perfect as you are. Even with all your perceived imperfections, I tell you that you are a perfect human being. Let not your life be a race between imperfection and perfection. Where would that get you? Instead, make a truce.

At school, it's important that you pass a test. Perhaps it is even important for you to get an A on the test. I ask you: Is getting an A, as heartwarming as it may be, really the purpose of your schooling?

Do you see how desiring an A lacks the oomph of desiring to learn? An A is a distraction. It is a detour. It is a lapse.

Put not your emphasis on grades.

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The Fluidity of the Soul

God said:

Throughout the ages, I have heard you ask Me to give you boons. I hear you. Today I heard you say:

"Beloved God, I want to ask of You to please banish stress, worry, fear from my life and heart. God, as I say this, I realize it would be better for me to ask You:

"Beloved God, please banish stress, worry, fear from everyone's life once and for all."

What do you think I'm working on, dear One?

I might word your question differently. I might say very simply:

God, please bring peace to this Earth. Beloved God, teach us to know love and trust and let go of uncertainty which is another name for lack of trust.

Now I say to you:

Beloveds, My whole attention is already on this – we can call it a project. It is a Peace Project. It is a Love Project.

I, too, wonder why all Our desires have not yet materialized. Then I remind Myself that there is a great rush of love and a great demand for peace.

I could also phrase this differently. Do not be offended at what I say:

Be not swallowers of negativity. Be not sheep who follow other sheep as though you were blind. Use your own heart as a bell that tolls Truth. Your heart is to ring true. When your heart rings fear, you can know you are misleading yourself.

You might say, if your house is burning down, that fear is good because it tells you to get out of the house right now. This is so, no argument there.

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The God O' Oneness

God said:

I hear you, beloveds, as you sing from the mountaintops. You sing:

"Beloved God, I just want to say: God, My God, My God of Love. God, God, God. There are times I feel a rush through My bloodstream, and this rush, this energy I feel, is Your Love pulsing through me. I can't quite put my finger on You, yet You are resoundingly God dancing and singing so silently and happily in my heart.

"At these times, I am a blob of Silent Joy, All-Powerful Joy, Joy like Glory in Excelsis Deo. At these times, I feel -- yet not comprehend -- that I am You and You are I, and there is no wilderness between. There is nothing but You, God. There is nothing and no One but You, and You are all there is. Is this Truth coming from my mouth in song, God?"

Beloved, yes, I God do tell you, Yes, this is Truth coming from your mouth. Do you hear your Self -- what you sing? Yes, you sing nothing but Truth, the Truth without words, the Truth of Existence. There is nothing but the Oneness of Us where We exist solely as the Oneness of Love.

All the details fade. At heart, We are One. In Heaven or on Earth, We are One until there is nothing but Oneness, and it is Our Oneness, and there are no two ways about it. There is no possibility of separation. There is no such concept as Two-ness. There is no such thought. There is no such possibility.

The concept of anything but Oneness is too far-fetched. This is a total reversal of the whole incongruity of everything existing except Oneness.

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A Tulip Bulb

God said:

You are always on time. Do you hear what I am saying? I am saying that, despite what the world says, you are never late.

Now, don't think I am saying that you are to delay other people by showing up at a later time for your convenience and to another's inconvenience. I do not encourage you to lack consideration for others, not at all. It is not My intention to give you an excuse for being late in the world.

On the other hand, looking from another angle of life, everything in life follows its own schedule. A tulip bulb from the Earth comes up at the right time. From this view, We can say that when you miss a train, the later train you take is just the right one for you. In this sense, you are on time.

You are born when you are born, and this is perfect. And, also, beloveds, when the body dies when it does, this is also perfect. And if your body had died at a different time, that, too, would be the exact right time.

How can this be otherwise when time is a manufactured illusory element on Earth? Time is believed in, and time is an extreme force in the world, yet it is pure fiction. In this way, whenever an event occurs, late, early, We can say that it is the right time. In truth, if time is non-existent, how can time be wrong?

If you are very logical, then you might say that time can't be right either. However, also logically, if time is not wrong, then it must be right! At the time something occurs is at the time it occurs. Who can say this is wrong? In another sense, there is no right, and there is no wrong.

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The Beauty of Everyday Life

God said:

You may think you need guidance in handling sharp remarks or dark looks extended to you by others or perhaps the fact of your being overlooked altogether. You may think you need guidance in many matters pertaining to courage and managing to get through the pitfalls of life in the world.

What you really need to gain is familiarity with feeling calm and, therefore resulting in calm, forthright and calmer still.

How many times do you later think of what you wish you had said instead of what you did say, or you didn't say and didn't think of at the time? What you may need protection from is your being defensive. Defensive, you escalate situations that don’t need escalating. Be the cooling waters. Have one less confrontation to regret.

You may feel that it is incumbent upon you to make sure that you are not taken advantage of. You have far greater to prevent than your being taken advantage of, dear ones.

You may want to prevent your hasty responses. Your red-hot responses may be one of the main areas of life for you to curtail.

Remind yourself that silence is all right. Silence is a balm. You may need time to remind yourself that there can be blank places that do not need to be filled. In this way, you will create more peace in the world. Not a false truce. A true one.

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Keep God by Your Side

God said:

A great part of being yourself in all your glory is to love all those you come across or who come across you.

There are no accidental meetings. You already know that.

There is a shared history. There is a shared past, and there is a shared present. At the very least, you are passing images. All those you cross paths with – whether physically or more subtly – you are on your way to Enlightenment together.

You don't have to know your past history or the meaning of a current meeting. You can know that there is purpose. If you really want to get on a fast path to Enlightenment, remind yourself that you are meeting everyone you come across with a Divine Purpose on Earth as it is in Heaven.

No one meets by accident, no matter how accidental or incidental or insignificant a meeting may seem. There is a purpose. Be glad you are meeting again. There is something for you to see, to do, or not to do, and to elevate. A meeting today no matter how by chance-seeming, no matter if for half a moment, perhaps holding a door open, perhaps someone who asks you where the library is – it doesn't matter -- you can know this is a great moment. Chance-seeming meetings today are meetings of friends to enjoy, or friends to make, or maybe meetings for repairs. Whether you meet once and never again, or whether it is your one-hundredth meeting, the purpose is to elevate each other.

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God, Teach Me How to Be Love.

God said:

You have begged Me to help you be the love that I tell you that you are. Again and again you ask Me to help you be love. You plead to Me that you carry non-love, that you are filled with dislike more than you are filled with love. You, My children, may beg:

"God, tell me how to love. Tell me until I can see love flowing from me. You tell us how to love, yet what you say runs through my fingers. Once and for all, teach me how to feel love and to be love. I am tired of the bitterness and ill-feeling in my heart."

Dear Unseeing Children, your love is inviolable regardless of what you think and what you yearn for. It is like you wrap a rubber band tightly around your heart. You keep your heart tightly wound.

No matter what you seem to feel, no matter what you say and what you do, your heart is full of love. You tie knots in your recognition of love. You hammer nails into your Heart of Love, yet I maintain that you are love. Without exception, you are love.

Your perception is misguided. It is almost as if you are bound and determined to affirm that you are not love. You are certain that you star in being unloving, as if being unloving is some kind of perverse bonus. You are blinded. You focus on irritation.

I tell you that you don't know what you are talking about. You are the Son or Daughter of the King of Heaven. You deny that which has been bestowed upon you from the very moment I first thought of you.

Here's the thing to do: Accept that I have freely given you My Heart of Love.

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What Would You Like Your Life to Be?

God said:

Let go of that whole idea of tit for tat, for this gets you nowhere.

Of course, if someone is wonderful to you, you want to reciprocate in kind. Loving is a goal you set for yourself yet not for anyone else. Be the love you long to receive. In love, you do not take offense.

If someone offends you, there is no need for you to give back in kind. You retaliate only when you feel resentment or outright anger.

The question to ask yourself is what do you gain from this anger? Smugness, perhaps. The last word, perhaps. An impasse, perhaps. What would you want those for?

What do you want your life this round to offer you?

If you would like expansion, expand.

If you would like friendship, be a friend.

If you would like respect, be respectful.

If you would like good manners, give good manners.

If you would like to be loved, then love yourself first.

If you would like to be begrudged, then begrudge others.

If you would like to be nagged, then nag.

If you would like to be unappreciated, then don't appreciate.

If you would like to be discounted, then discount others.

If you would like an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth, count offenses. There is no need for you to specialize in being offended. It is not recommended.

Live that which you desire.

By and large, you give what you get. With exceptions, of course. And here's the thing:


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