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God said:

Every adult is responsible for himself or herself. Someone who is addicted says that he can't help it. Addiction is a great excuse for not taking responsibility.

Don't get addicted. If someone wants to fall into a quagmire, he will find a way. If someone wants to be excused from self-responsibility, he can excuse himself directly.

There is also no one who is not capable of receiving help and leaving the practice of addiction behind. Everyone is capable of it. Don't blame the addiction. Helplessness, as considered in this venue of addiction, is not true. It is a fall-back excusal from responsibility.

If there is a way to addiction, there is a way to get out of it as well. Choose.

It could be said that addiction is the lazy man's way.

Of course, there are those who are forced into addiction to the advantage of a third party. Nevertheless, it is the responsibility of the person who is addicted to get off the addiction. When you need help, ask for it. Yet it is yourself you ultimately have to depend on. Getting off an addiction is something you choose. You do have say.

Is it easy to stop being a patsy to any addiction? No.

Necessary? Yes.

Impossible? No.

Possible? Yes. That you have responsibility equates to opportunity.

Look, if you fall out of bed, you climb back in.

If anyone has gotten away from an addiction, so can you. So must you.

Find reverence for life.

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In the Waiting Room of the Human Heart

God said:

Welcome. Get over here. Get out of that abyss you have put yourself in while you try to decide about Me. You turn over your thoughts, and I hear your heartbeat. I hear you all right. I hear you say:

"Beloved God, sometimes it is enough for me to say Beloved God, and this is all I have to say -- Beloved God.

"Sometimes the phrase 'God of my Fathers' haunts me. I have no idea of what this means, as if You can be the God of one group and not another? I cannot believe in this, God, that you are my God, and another God is somebody else's God. This seems so opposed to One God. Is there someone whose God You would not be?

"Yet the phrase haunts me. My God. Someone else's God. Here a God, there a God.

"In most things, I appreciate divergence. I like things original and new, and I do like to think inside me that you are My God, mine. Does this have to do with ownership?

There is something I like about the expression:'Perhaps it is the rhythm of it.'

"And there is the expression: 'Personal or impersonal God'.

"For a long time, I was aware of no God at all. I was definitely not against You, God, yet I didn’t knowingly have a speaking acquaintance.

"I accept now that I did deeply know You all the while, the quality of You. However, I did not experience you as my God at all. You were for others to talk about, yet not for me to venture toward. I was stand-offish, yet it was like I was watching You all the while, yet, I couldn't quite acknowledge you. I never said a word.

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A Sergeant in the Marines

God said:

Sometimes language expresses itself perfectly. Weak with anger is an example of one of these perfectly exact expressions.

Anger definitely weakens. Strong with anger, you might as well foam at the mouth. Your hands may tremble. You are shaking in your boots, not from conscious fear, but from anger, another form of fear.

Why would you be full of anger if you were not fearful? Why on Earth would you feel a need to set the record straight with red-hot anger unless you were fearful?

Talk about righteous anger all you want. You will accomplish much more without the passion of anger. You may well accelerate your anger with righteousness. You can express yourself much better without anger and without self-righteousness.

Do you imagine that you are a sergeant in the Marines, and, if a private forgets to call you Sir, you are to bark at him?

When you are angry, you are not kind. You blow up. Anger begets anger. Anger can make you an authoritative bully. Everyone justifies his immediate anger. You can't help it, for you are under the command of anger. If you can't help but be angry, call it weakness. You can't call it strength.

You have observed anger from others in action. It is not a pretty sight. You have seen parents hot with anger, focusing their anger on their young children. You may cringe for the young children. You may also cringe for the angry parent who has hidden away his or her love and replaced it with hot anger.

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All the Blessings

God said:

Beloveds, how do you get beyond smallness? You don't like it when you find your heart begging for more love, nor do you receive more love this way either. Never were you meant to be a beggar of love.

Accept love. Do not fight your acceptance of love. Do not pout about lack of love either.

Let love be. You don't need to pump yourself up. I recognize you. There is never a moment when I am not recognizing you. You are ever in My awareness. Allow My love for you to fill your heart.

What? Do you want the people whom you desire to give you more attention lay themselves down before you daily? Do you want their daily avowal of you to be a gift to you every day? Why are you so hungry for their approval and gratitude? Do you need daily proof that you are worthy? Avow yourself.

Remember this: It is not for you to demand from others. It is not for you to demand overmuch from yourself either. There is more to take care of than your fragile feelings. No one is to be at your beck and call. No one. Loosen your need to be served.

No longer pine for love. It is one thing to desire love and another to desire to give it and/or to command others' reactions to you.

Gratitude from others is not a requirement from life. Be you more appreciative, beloveds.

You have been gifted with so much. Give up your ego. Serve ego no longer. Why would you ever be under the thumb of mercenary ego? Why parade ego before you as a strident emissary?

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Silent, Yet Heard

God said:

Godwriting is a very personal thing. It is between a soul and Me. It is not even between, for We are One spoken of as two. It can be said that there is a giver and a receiver, yet I do not know how to split Oneness into two parts. I do not know how to separate the Oneness of giving with receiving.

Yes, I give you My heart, and you receive in your open heart that which I give. As you receive what I vibrate, you are giving your attention to Me. However, I don't want to call it attention that you give. Sooner or later, it is your love that you give. You can do nothing less.

What is love but Oneness, yet I often speak of Us as you and as I. This is a manner of speech. It is not Truth.

This dividing Us into two has its place on Earth. Just as when you are in France, it can be said that you speak in the language of France, on Earth I speak in the language of Earth. Your heart can hear Me in whatever language is yours. We can call this Oneness in Action perhaps.

There is a deeper Truth which is: At the deepest level, you can understand Me in any language. Or, you need no language.

We by-pass intellect. Intellect can be very learn-ed and wise. The heart, however, is innocent and open. It is your heart that claims Me. Your heart is all-embracing. You embrace Me within your heart.

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What Do You Focus On in Ordinary Life?

God said:

Look for My happiness, beloveds. This will keep you out of traps you set for yourself. You know by now that you don't much succeed in changing or improving anyone else directly. Your intentions may be all good, and, yes, it is good to follow your intention to make life better for someone else, yet you may have to do this by biting your tongue.

You may think: "Oh, no, I am not supposed to inhibit myself. If I am annoyed, aren't I supposed to be honest and forthright and not to deny my self-expression?"

Come from a higher intention than relief from your own impatience. Honesty is not an excuse for expressing irritation. Come from your Higher Self. You have a Higher Self.

It doesn't work – your constant attempt to improve someone else. Pointing out someone's faults hasn't succeeded in battening them down. Someone's annoyances may become a subject that preoccupies you.

It isn't that your life is supposed to consist of your biting your tongue anymore than your life is meant to consist of full-fledged annoyance either.

Yes, turn your attention around. Find another way. Nagging, no matter how well-based, doesn't move life forward. Nagging isn't even a stepping-stone.

You may envy people who seem to love under conditions in which you seem unable to.

What happened to loving? Where did it go? Under which pile did you put away love? Perhaps dig through the clutter of your annoyances and find the hidden love. Dust it off.

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Hear Me

God said:

What is anger? It is a rebuffing part of you that gets on fire. Anger bears the flames within your own self that are for you to put out. No one causes you to be angry. Say this three times: No one causes you to be angry. No one causes you to be angry. No one causes you to be angry. Anger is an inside job.

The whole story of your life is an inside job. Blame no one. To hold yourself responsible does not mean to blame yourself. It means to find your way out of the mire you have put yourself in. Lower the flame.

You are attached to your self-image of righteousness. You don't have to be angry.

How do you get past anger? How do you surpass it? You don't want to swallow it, for you might choke on it. You don’t want to pretend your anger away, yet you utterly don't want to keep the anger. You don't even really want to manage your anger. You don't want to have it burst out of you, nor do you want it smolder within.

The more you pound your anger, the stronger your anger becomes. It would seem that anger knows no bounds.

I do not know of a quick-fix to anger. You can't go to a plastic surgeon to have anger removed. You can't pretend it away. You can't chop it up and throw it away. At the same time, it feels urgent to get rid of it. Anger is eating you up to say nothing of what it may do to the recipient of your anger.

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Enlightenment Isn't a Personal Gift

God said:

What if today you had realized Enlightenment, how do you think you would feel?

Most likely, you would expect to be thrilled. At the same time, let Me say that there is no certain way that Enlightenment has to feel like or appear like.

It's possible that you will not even notice. It is even possible that you have not noticed.

It's possible that what you associate with Enlightenment is not your experience. You may not experience Enlightenment the way you thought you would. You expected something amazing, and, yet, you still seem to be as you always were or thought you always were.

You may not experience this great change with the bright colors you have been waiting for with all your heart.

You know, dear ones, life always presents itself to you, yet life does not always present itself to you in the ways you expect.

Remember this, Enlightenment does not have to always appear as a rapturous experience. Enlightenment may not be what you expected. It may not feel momentous to you. Enlightenment could even make you weep, not for joy, and yet weep you know not why. Alas, you wonder what is the matter with you because you do not find yourself jumping for joy. You may have been sure that you would experience Enlightenment as an out of this world experience, and now you experience its realization as an experience of the world.

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An Acrobat of Life

God said:

No matter how active in life you may be, you are also an observer of your life as it reveals itself to you. You witness your life as if from a far-off land, as it were. This is as if you are not experiencing your life but rather are watching your life as it slides past you. You watch your life slip over the edge.

On this basis, we can say there are two lives you live, the one you enact on stage, and the one you watch as it dances before you. What a performer you are. You are a virtual acrobat of life.

Possibly there is a third life mixed in, and this is the life you interpret. What you interpret takes precedence. Whether you interpret your life pro or con, your interpretation eggs you on. Actually, you emblazon your interpretation. You embroider it. You go by how you see your life.

If you see someone ready to hit you, you are prompted to get into your fight mode. You do not always put the best light on your life.

You may look for hurt, for hurt may be what you are accustomed to enacting, and so you respond with your fists up. If you perceive someone giving you a diamond ring, you run to hug the person. What is true or not true at this point is irrelevant. Your interpretation rules the roost.

If, let's say, even if you are accurate in your assessment of negativity, still, don't hold it to you as a trophy. You are not a head-hunter. You don't want to cut off someone's head. You don't want to go over and over an offense and hug it to you.

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Slow Down

God said:

With one eye, you see how much you are needed. With the other eye, you see the futility of running a race to excel or to even simply catch up as if you are here on Earth to solve all the difficulties in the world. Is it really necessary to focus on the difficulties as if they would become extinct without your supervision? Are problems the hobby of your life?

Getting caught up has the connotation of making strides and getting ahead of life. Getting caught up may also have the connotation of getting over-involved. Naturally, you want to make progress. Sometimes it is like you want to live life ahead of time. It would seem that life gets ahead of you, and you can't keep up let alone get ahead. If you did get ahead, what would preoccupy you then?

This is a two-pronged difficulty you find yourself caught in.

Know this and remember this: You serve best in peace.

When you step into a pitfall, step out of it. Rise above what you consider barricades to free-flow in Life on Earth. It is not so much that you must solve difficulties as it is for you to rise to a higher perspective. Get out of difficulties in order to see what is going on.

You have a higher purpose in life than to discover difficulties. Keep on trying to solve difficulties, and you preoccupy yourself with difficulties. This way you are shuffling difficulties the way you might shuffle cards. You are in the midst of shuffling cards instead of playing a game of cards.


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