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Be a Gracious Host

God said:

It is a worthy idea for you to desire peace and leave happiness to arrive on its own accord. That is, without effort, or great effort. Have I suggested this to you before?

With effort, you may struggle to unstring yourself and unbind happiness from a net you might have cast to imprison it?

You could be so intent on being happy that it is as though happiness is a debt owed to you, so much so that you perhaps scare off happiness, as though happiness becomes an assignment, something obligatory, and perhaps you resent Life that let you down, and/or you are dissatisfied with yourself for not achieving a desired result.

When you try to force happiness, you are also forcing yourself. I don't think happiness has the capability to come to you by force. If, by deserving happiness, you mean that happiness HAS to come and stay with you, you are detaching yourself from happiness. No matter how worthy you are, happiness does not owe you a red cent. Happiness cannot be squeezed or blackmailed or extorted from life for you. Happiness chooses to come to you, and you are to choose it.

It would seem that happiness is not something achieved. Happiness and its counterpart, unhappiness, are on a scale, and it's unlikely you are to associate your value according to how you rate on your happiness scale. When Life rewards you, you are happy. When Life doesn't reward you as you as you wish it would, you may feel that Life is punishing you, and you become unhappy and sad and full of disappointment.

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The Empire of Human Beings

God said:

Now I will tell you what freedom is from. It is freedom from a sense of conscience. Is this a surprise to you?

You don't need conscience to show you the way. Conscience is a guilt-trip. My children are not to bear guilt. Guilt comes from the false past.

Conscience is not a necessary thing at all. Don't believe one minute longer that you need long-suffering conscience.

Freedom is freedom from judgment. Judgment is not a holy thing. Judgment is the precursor to conscience. Be done with judgment and conscience. They both hold you to the past.

If you did not keep to the past, you would not regret the past. You would live right now, and that would be it. You would not be tethered to the past. You would not recriminate against yourself. You would not remind yourself of all your failings. You would not throw shrapnel at yourself or at anyone. What for? There never was a point to it but to enslave yourself to less than the Truth of who you really are.

The predominance of your humanness appears wayward to you. In Reality, you are more Divine than human. It is just that you are attached to your humanness.

Humanity is not quite the same as humanness. Believe in love for Humanity's sake more than you believe in human capacity for error. What a thing to believe in – error! Find greater to believe in. Why roll around in what you perceive as mud! There is a big difference between mud and the Earth you live on.

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Climbing to Greater Heights

God said:

Of course, you would like joy and happiness to be a constant, just the way you would like to have a full tank of gas all the time without having to stop at a gas station and fill up.

How you would love happiness to be a constant. Of course, happiness is not a benefactor from outside you. It certainly seems that life just shows up. Nonetheless, happiness is something you allow. As in a dance, by necessity, you go forward and back, this way and that, or there would be no dance.

You keep climbing a ladder. You are happy on a particular rung of the ladder, and then you want to climb higher and note new sights along the way. Nothing wrong with this. By all means, desire greater happiness.

Climbing to Greater Heights is not the same as being disgruntled with what you have or thinking you are owed a reward. You may think so. There is a part of you that wants to break previous records of happiness. Naturally you desire consistent elevating happiness, and you have had times of it, perhaps years of it, and then you hit a slump as a stock market purchase you are sure has declined in value. You are insatiable for more and more happiness.

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A Sense of Lightness

God said:

I say you worry too much. Be. Before life, there is Being. You are obliged to Be, not to worry.

Now you are looking to free yourself from the past. No longer do you want to play the roles you assumed in the past.

You see now that too many people do not view you as you wish, as you are and, and as I see you, and as you deserve. So what that they are mistaken? Now you can relinquish others' hold on you. Now you begin to see that you are aligned with Me. It is good that you are beginning to see this.

A Sense of Lightness will come back as you feel less duty-bound to hurts of the past. Freedom spurs energy forward. It is freedom you are lacking. What keeps you back from freeing yourself from the bondage of the past? What prevents anyone?

You might call it inertia, yet it is not so much absence of energy as it is a stranglehold you hold on yourself.

You haven't freed yourself. You have objections to the past that you hold on to. You still stir an old soup. You were done with it a long time ago, yet the aroma lingers.

There is no one from the past who holds you back except you. You are the one. Others might like to keep you where they once put you as a habit, you understand. Some declare a status, and they hold onto it.

How is it that you can be carrying My light and yet blind yourself to your own God-given Self-Worth? You are so fearful of ego that you would ignore your worth. Okay, forget about your worth. Remember Mine.

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Tip Your Hat to the Past

God said:

I ask you:

What holds your Life back from being a celebration of itself?

With all the opportunities of various kinds that Life provides, why aren't My children very very happy, exceedingly happy rather than down in the mouth? What is all this about --wanting something and not wanting something and fussing about it? There is so much picking and choosing, so much sorting and classifying.

You may say that Life gives you suffering, and you are fed up with suffering and lesser heartaches as well.

In fact, you are very good at being dissatisfied. We could call dissatisfaction a hat you wear pulled down over your eyes. Consider lifting up that cap and beginning to see what you have not heretofore seen.

If you find yourself longing for the past, the long ago past, can you not just simply love the past instead of aching for the past and the ideal parts of the past? If there was someone in your life that you miss now with all your heart, if there were those in your life that you would now find more gracious ways to respond to, be glad for right now, this very morsel of time as your heart is opening. How about relishing the gladness and forgoing the sadness?

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The Wheel of Puzzlement

God said:

Deep within you lies all knowledge. It always has. All awareness is contained within you. We speak now of what you could call the Unknowable. The Unknowable is Knowable, yet this is not at all facts and figures that I speak of. This is True Knowledge I speak of. I speak of the Truth that goes beyond all the borders of the world. I speak of All Truth that you know in the palm of your hand, in the core of your heart. Somewhere with you, you know all Truth.

All else you purport to know is a role you play. Somehow you got that part. The part you play is all an act. It is a put-on, and you put it on.

You found a costume somewhere. You figured that this is who you are, and you play this role to the hilt. There was no stopping you from playing this role. Certainly, you take part in a drama. You are exquisite in your ability to play the role you adopt as if it were made for you.

Of course, this role is not you at all. It is just a role. It's like you got on a bus, so to speak, and you don't quite acknowledge that you can get off the bus. All the while, you are searching for yourself. What do you think you are searching for when you search for Me? Of course, you are trying to find yourself and get off the Wheel of Puzzlement.

You play your role with brilliance. Your performance is incredible. It is as if you invent yourself as you go along. You are a consummate artiste.

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Thank You for Arising

God said:

How lovely is a day with God. How lovely is a day simply wanting to be with God. How lovely is a day full with God and Service to God and Service to the Universe. How lovely is a day when I, God, am your Prime Mover, a day when you do not even think of yourself, a day when you are One with the Creativity of Life and the Beauty of Being One with God and One with Everything.

This is a day when the Whole Universe is knowingly contained within you. You are the Universe. Nothing is outside of you. No longer do you appear to be a small dot on the horizon. Now, you are the horizon and beyond the horizon. You are not contained within the Universe and all the Galaxies. You are not a portion. You are Infinity Entire. All of Infinity is your Identity.

No longer are you this or that. No longer are you filled with varying emotions or a preponderance of thoughts and memories and activities. You are vibrant. You are the herald of all energy and all light. There is nothing outside you. Nothing exists outside you. There is no wrapping. You are all that exists. All is contained within you. There is nothing that is not within you. Divine are you.

You are the Union of the Universe. You are Oneness, and there is nothing that is not Oneness. In one step, you cover Heaven and Earth. Nothing exists apart from you. You are Existence Itself.

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Peace Precedes Accomplishment

God said:

Peace comes first. Make peace your priority, and not so much getting things done. Getting things done is not more important than peace. Getting things done does not begin to be as important as peace. Through peace, you strengthen yourself through. Through emphasis on getting things done, you weaken yourself.

Truly, I understand that you have obligations. I support you to fulfill obligations. You also have a responsibility to create peace. You are a responsibility of your own. Become responsible for settling yourself. Calm down.

You are responsible for peace-gathering. You will accomplish more in your life and work-life when you keep peace close by.

Keep peace near you, and you will fritter away less time and energy. Your focus on accomplishing results without peace stresses you out.

Start thinking that you are at peace. In peace, you will accomplish more. You will contribute more. Your prime project to focus on is peace. This is your responsibility.

Peace is the basis of accomplishing. How much do you accomplish when you are caught up in anxiety? That way you accomplish anxiety. Anxiety accomplishes anxiety. Anxiety doesn't serve you well. Anxiety does not serve you well at all.

Anxiety is not your by-word. Get away from anxiety-producing thoughts. When you focus on anxiety, you distract yourself from your very accomplishment. You go faster and better without anxiety. What does anxiety do but add non-essential anxiety to your shoulders.

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All the Elements of Earth

God said:

The Universe is calling to you. Do you think that it isn't? Your impulses come from somewhere. While you are on Earth, you are on call, beloveds.

There is not a moment that I am not with you. I am always embracing you. The Universe longs for you as well.

Stars do indeed blink at you. Winds do brush past you. Birds sing, and birds do sing to you. Hearts call out to you. All the elements of Earth connect to you. You connect to all the elements. No one on Earth is separate.

Oneness can be referred to in many ways. Nature is naturally sustainable. Nature sustains you, and you sustain nature. All is reciprocal. The air you breathe encircles the world. There is nothing that is not connected. Souls, yes, of course, and the physical and all dimensions, known and unknown, as well.

Water flows. The water you drink comes from many aspects and thousands of miles away. Millenniums of miles away. Oh, yes, Earth is your planet, and it is fueled by the stars, and it is fueled by other planets, and plants as well. Interrelated is everything. There are no exceptions.

You are made of essences from everyone, and everyone is also made of essences of you. You trade atoms and molecules with everyone else, past and present.

No man is an island transcends many meanings.

You are Vastness. And you are Infinity. Yes, hearts touch. All levels of existence touch.

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Increase the Odds of Producing a Good Crop

God said:

Stay out of the mud, dear ones. Be glad what life and individuals offer you. Never mind about what life and individuals do not offer you.

Lists of complaints are easy to find. Let it be just as easy to find lists that brighten your day. Start out your day with happiness. Start out all your days with what makes you happy.

What possesses you, dear ones, to make lists of why life is likely to be hard for you? What is this, your insistence in pointing out the likelihood why your life will be a struggle? Why would you ever want to frame Life in difficulties when you could frame life in ease?

The stock market is down. Employment is down. Costs are up. Times are hard. Opportunities are few and far between. Hmm. It seems to be that you exalt all the obstacles you can think of. Why on Earth would you want to exalt obstacles?

Something perverse in you may want to defend the cause of difficulties. What are you thinking of, beloveds, and why would you?

Why buy a lottery ticket and be sure to tell yourself that you will never win it? Why play the lottery and portray an inability to win it? Better to give yourself a good race for your money.

Why abet yourself in defeat? Why hammer nails into your own coffin?

Why not give yourself all the possible reasons for success?

It must be that you do not perceive how you hold yourself back or, at the least, slow yourself down.


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