Message from the Earth Allie: Friendship and illusion

In a world of separation friendship has been often considered a gift. Being with a friend made people feel less separated, less lonely, but frienship as it was is part of the same illusion as all that pertains to the 3d reality.
A friend implies a note of "someone special", someone you love more than others, someone you put somewhere up there in your personal sphere...
and often fell down and "outch".
It's time to let go this idea of "specials".
For if you look at frienship they came and went as anything else inside this dream. You moved, you changed, you grew, and friends changed as you changed your dream into the next stage.
Sometimes they helped, sometimes they made you cry, sometimes they left... has been part of the play, though if you truly want to make the one step more...
there's no such thing.
At least not in the sense it was done so far.