Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~ Kata ~ Adama : The Power Of Your Smile – 24 November 2013

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You have entered to the final phase of this historical year. Take a moment to look back. Realize how these great achievements were born out of the seemingly chaotic reality you experienced just recently. Does it seem challenging? Did you need all your effort to get out of its turbulence? Just take a deep breath. And open your heart to the clarity which brings all the explanations for these not so ordinary experiences.

Planetary happenings are reflected back into your own personal stage of reality. It takes a huge amount of self-centered balance and conscious attitude to be able to see through its smoggy uncertainty.

There are tools to help you in your efforts to understand. First allow yourself to remain in the center of your own life. Whatever challenges arise to test your readiness, just greet them with all your love, gratitude and acceptance. A peaceful attitude is a must for you to be able to invoke your eternal wisdom. This wisdom brings all the explanations for you to see the big picture on the canvas of your earthly experiences. This wisdom connects you back to your ‘multidimensional self’, and to your divine task, in this very embodiment, and in this very moment of planetary history.

There are those beautiful souls who can stay tuned to this level of consciousness constantly. In every single earthly minute of their lives they can keep this ‘multidimensional self’ approach. If you are reading this letter, then you have this very same attribute buried deep in your DNA. It is ready to be awakened NOW.

~ Marlene Swetlishoff ~ HILARION'S WEEKLY MESSAGE 2013 November 24-30, 2013

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Beloved Ones,

As you move into the waves of change, energetically speaking, you are learning how to navigate and create end results and outcomes with more rapidity than ever before. This requires some contemplation within each of you in order for you to see and understand yourselves as creators of everything that takes place in your world. These times are glorious opportunities to bring into manifestation that which you have striven to accomplish in your individual and collective lives. This requires the letting go of limitations that have been holding you back from moving forward. Know that there are many of you who work together on the other dimensional planes of existence in order to bring about changes to your physical planet and within your personal worlds.

All that is in place requires your participation in order to manifest it upon the Earth. Your diligence is requested from this point on. We understand that so many of you have been feeling the effects of the increased energies and that it is difficult to rise above them and we stress the importance of maintaining your focus whilst coming into balance between the divine feminine and divine masculine polarities. Many strands of personal destiny are coming into fruition and many are in completion. Look around you and see who it is who is still with you and know that these ones are able to work in unity with you in the increased energies. Their role in your lives is important or they would not still be with you.

An answer to your question – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn November 23, 2013

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(Translated from original language german)

Actually, I had not planned to give another message through my scribe. She is very tired and exhausted and her body is close to give up. She ascended so many times and came back to Earth to help further; out of love to my children. Her own energy work in her country does the rest. Her body has difficulties to process the frequency differences and the density on earth anymore.

This morning however, she received only half awake the cry of my children. She heard telepathically the question of so many of you :

“Why are we on earth, oh Mother of all mothers of all mothers?”

I will be glad to answer you, my child.

The Creator Writings - The Ascending Soul

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The Creator Writings


You are one of the brave, advanced souls that has come from Everything to experience a linear existence, a rainbow of emotions and grow.  When it is time, you will return to Everything carrying all you have learned.  Never underestimate the beauty of that experience. 



~ Suzanne Ward ~ Message from Matthew - Nov. 22, 2013

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With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. First we shall speak about a matter that has touched hearts everywhere. Typhoon Haiyan is profoundly tragic for everyone who lost dear family and friends, homes and businesses—they don’t know that at soul level they agreed to be part of this major act of planetary cleansing. Because releasing accruing negativity was essential to keep Earth progressing toward balance, all the people whose physical lives ended and the millions who are struggling in the storm’s aftermath embraced the opportunity to evolve by participating as they did.


This kind of enthusiastic mass agreement doesn’t seem even possible in your concept of time, but in the eternal life of the soul and the timelessness of the continuum, opportunities to leap forward in soul growth are eagerly sought, and universe-wide they happen with some frequency. 


~ Karen Doonan ~ Cocoon to Butterfly

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The movement from cocoon to butterfly (see yesterdays blog post) is one that is not without some “pain”.  This pain is SELF CREATED and is a residue, an echo if you will of the old 3d earth frequencies.  YOU have been TAUGHT that in human terms your life here on planet earth must follow a set of “rules”, these rules are frequencies, generated to keep you walking blind in a world that is gaining in brightness each moment to each moment.  Many of you at this time may FEEL that you have reached BREAKING POINT, this breaking point is but the shell of the cocoon beginning to break open. It is not possible to emerge from a cocoon that is sealed, the “sealing” of the cocoon the SAFE SPACE that is created by YOUr SOUL in order for you to undergo the transformation from one BEing to another, for in TRUTH you are morphing from CONTAINED human BEing to FREE human BEing,  (caterpillar to butterfly) the frequency change vast and the cocoon needed in order for the tranformation to take place.

~ Grandpaw Peter Koyote ~ NOT THE SAME

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But gettin There... as we work through the cycles of awakening... rockin our way on through...Join in, as Grandpaw Koyote shares this magical lil update.. Enjoy!

~ Ann Alber ~ Messages From Ann And The Angels – 23 November 2013

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My dear friends, we love you so very much.

Celebrate! There is great light coming into your planet now. The veils between the heavens and earth are thinner, there is great opportunity for manifestation, healing, and stepping into an even deeper awareness of who you really are. And yet, with great light always comes a great stirring up of the darkness that has been dormant for quite some time.

Think of it this way. Imagine you have moved into a very large and lovely old home. In this house, there is a room in your home that has been sealed off for decades. The windows and curtains have been closed. The contents are shrouded in darkness and the dust and cobwebs have gathered. The air is stagnant and unmoving. Suddenly, you open that door that has been shut for so long. You fling open the windows, draw back the curtains and allow fresh air and light to stream in. Suddenly there is a great influx of light, but along with it, a stirring up of the dust, cobwebs, and stale air. As the new comes in, the old must go, and for a short time, you may cough, sneeze, and even say to yourself, “My goodness! What a mess!” However, when the dust settles, the light streams into the room and you have an opportunity to clean out the old, this room is filled with new life, new hope, and perhaps even new decor that better suits the life you are living now.

~ Sandra Walter ~ Gateway of the Heart Center

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The Light Wave of the November 23rd Aion alignment (a merkaba forms around the Sun) is already pouring in as I write this. The gateway of November 23 – 29 is upon us and I AM excited for this passage as these dates have presented to me for a while.

We have intense photonic-magnetic light hitting our beloved star, the Sun, which contains transformative rays for those on the Christed path, and the gift of awakening for others. Many wayshowers and light servers have been in deep release of 3D/4D systems, programs, and structures for weeks. Some have released soul and family monad structures and wounds; consciously taking one for the team. This work is necessary if you have dischord in your lineage; it can tether you to collective belief systems. You’ll feel the release in the physical (pain, aches, illness) as it detaches. Since the physical is trying to keep up with the photonic demands for freedom and harmony, it is best to do this work now.

Releasing has been purposeful and the light will continue to push the envelope for initiates. As you consciously and willfully surrender to the changes within, the external world will begin to look very different. As you lift your own veils – the barriers between you and your true Self – there is clarity and a deep sense of wisdom. Hold your heart and breathe yourself back to that Source Point in the Heart Center as often as needed.


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