Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

David Wilcock ~ The Darkest Hour Is Before The Dawn ~ 25 November 2013

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Media control, widespread apathy and brainwashing is no longer enough to prevent a mass public awakening.

We are now seeing the ultimate example of a vast empire in decline. Its death rattles are becoming increasingly obvious to an emboldened, awake and aware mass public.

The world is “hitting bottom”, much like the process of how a drug addict realizes he needs to let go of the addiction in order to live a better life — or any life at all.

The phrase “the darkest hour is before the dawn” may sound like a cliche’, but it perfectly illustrates how the healing process actually works.

We may be seeing that “worldwide bottom” right now… with the promise of much happier times ahead.


Read the full article at : / link to original article

~ Eliza Ayres ~ Journal Entry 25.11.2013

Eddie1177's picture

Rooks Park 009Hmm, feeling pretty fierce right now.  Watched a tale about Boudica, the warrior queen of the Iceni.  One of my ancestors comes from the ancient lands of the Iceni, the fens in the NE of England.  And I had many lifetimes as a Briton and Pict.

Feeling better now.  Good homemade lentil soup will do that, vegetarian and nourishing.

It’s a short week at work; we have two days off for Thanksgiving.  Hopefully, I’ll get a lot of writing done.

~ Karen Doonan ~ Energetic interference and creation in the New Earth

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Events over the past few linear days have in many ways illuminated something very clearly for me that I have been taught under the old 3d earth paradigms to ignore and to filter out over and over again. I have written many blogs on the subject of creating within the New Earth and in particular on becoming more conscious of the frequencies that are used in order to manifest that which is within the HEART SPACE. Under the old 3d earth paradigms you were TAUGHT over and over again to give over your power to those around you. This appears in many forms within the outer waking life experience, from a parent stating to their child “I know better than you” to an employee having to do as they are told by someone who is in “charge and more senior”. All of the scenarios working to reinforce the teaching that others know better than you do.

The Creator Writings - The Universe Within

Doreen Smith's picture


The Creator Writings


Within you exists a small piece of The Universe that, once activated, cannot be turned off. Would you want to? It contains everything you will ever need, all of the power and infinitely more love than you have experienced thus far. It moves within you, it asks to be recognized and can never be removed for it is a part of you. To use it…..ask. ~ Creator


Preparing for 2014

Lia's picture
The Performance of Our Lives

Today we have the presence of a Kite in the heavens above us. Formed from a Grand Trine in Water, sensitivities and emotions may abound and we may find ourselves wondering quite what’s hit us! But formed of Chiron, Mercury and the Moon we can rest assured that there’s a healing message in there if we can find it. Grand Trines can be tough to deal with.

They create a closed circuit of energy from which it is hard to extricate oneself, and in water this energy is emotional and highly sensitive. Everything hurts, everything penetrates, we may feel we have no barrier or boundary between ourselves and the outside world. That said, if the emotion is pleasant and peaceful, we may just find hours gone by in a private reverie of our own to which no one else will ever be invited! Either way, the experience of a Grand Trine is a private one and not conducive to connecting with others.

~ Elizabeth Trutwin ~ Sananda: What Exactly is The Event?

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GFP Commentary:  We cannot confirm anything about NESARA. The True NESARA is Humanity's Awakening, which is Priceless.

Greetings! This is Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin. There is much confusion around what people are calling ‘The Event’. I would like to fill in all the details around ‘The Event.’ We all together began the Grand Experiment of Duality on Earth billions of years ago. We have gone through many Planetary Shifts, Continent changes and Aeons of Time since then. We are ending one cycle on Earth and entering the Golden Age. We have done all of these things before. This time is different because Duality is ending on Earth forever now. Because of that special detail certain considerations must be taken. Earth is a Planet of Free Will. The Prime Directive is in effect. Every Soul incarnated here has to make a choice. Another consideration which cannot be altered is when the Decloaking of trillions of Ships takes place then not One Soul may experience fear. Back before Harmonic Convergence in 1987 the Spiritual Hierarchy had decided the circumstances on Earth had become so dark that it may take special dispensations to bring in the Golden Age while upholding the Prime Directive and bringing in the necessary changes.


In earlier reports I, Sananda, had shared back in July Mother God, who is incarnate now on Earth was invited to speak with the Counsel of Gods. In that meeting She made a statement to the Counsel that any further delays in ‘The Event’ would be more harmful than helpful. There was nothing more to be done for Lightworkers to ‘be ready.’ Waiting more would have a negative effect. I, Sananda, shared that in August the stage had been set for Announcements in the Causal Realm and that prepared it to come into the Physical Realm. September and October brought the Cosmic changes needed with highly energetic Full Moons, Eclipses, the Equinox with large Solar Flares. I made several calls over the months for attention to be paid to continue cleansings and doing the Inner Work necessary for Ascension. Each of you has worked hard to integrate the Higher Energies.

The Adventure of Being Human by Owen K Waters

Lia's picture

November 24, 2013
Thousands of years ago, humanity made a decision; a decision to live with a sense of inner separation.
At that time, spirits had become tired of incarnating as fully-aware spirits-in-physicality. They wanted more challenge in life. They wanted to turn life into a mystery; a true, stand-alone human experience, not just an extension of spirit into matter.


Bear in mind that, in the natural state of spiritual living, as free spirits in the mental realms, there are very few limitations. People can manifest anything they need, relocate instantly in space, shift to a different position in time, all at the speed of thought. In the mental realms, people can visit friends or go along with them, exploring the universe, all through the power of thought. That's why they're called the mental realms.

To be more specific, the mental realms exist in fifth density consciousness and are the domain of your soul or inner being. Between third-density physicality and the fifth-density realm of your inner being lies the fourth-density spirit or astral realm, populated by people in the early to main stages of the afterlife. In the late stages of the afterlife, people move into fifth density to consider their options for further experience.


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