Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~ TheOne-DreamDreamer ~ The Silence Of LOVE – 22 November 2013

Eddie1177's picture

The best distinction I can think of that describes LOVE vs ego is the Silence the first one brings and the noise the second one creates.

LOVE is Silent! And so is anything done out of LOVE, or with LOVE, or In LOVE. For LOVE does not need explanations, it needs no one to validate it or believe in it and is not done out of expectations as LOVE IS. It needs no one to congratulate or to write about it, nor does it talk about itself. It IS. And that for LOVE is ALL that counts. To BE.  And let all that is LOVE BE!

It prays for you and you will never know it. And you will pray for others and never tell them. It knows it IS the substance of all that IS and needs nothing more than itSELF. It already communicates with all of CREATION. That is why it needs no validation. And no explanation. It IS ONE with GOD.

If someone takes hours of his or her time trying to explain how good he or she is, if someone needs you to validate his or her state of being, living, talking or behaving… LOVE them silently and ask GOD to help them see their own way. They are traveling their path. And that is the way it is.

Hopi Prophecies

Doreen Smith's picture


November 21, 2013

Hopi Elders pass warnings and prophecies from generation to generation
through oral traditions and reference to ancient rock pictographs and tablets.



Hopi Blue Star or Blue Kachina Prophecy

An ancient Hopi Indian prophecy states, "When the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge". This will be the Day of Purification. The Hopi name for the star Sirius is Blue Star Kachina. It will come when the Saquasohuh (Blue Star) Kachina dances in the plaza and removes its mask.

According to Ancient Alien Theory The Blue Kachinas are aliens.



The Creator Writings - It Just Doesn’t Matter

Doreen Smith's picture


The Creator Writings



What is keeping you from expressing your creativity…..your whole self? The odd looks, the voices of disdain or is it just you? Just for today, put what you FEEL others are thinking about you aside. Sing out loud, dance if you like, and express your true self! Ignore those small negative things your mind is saying….because it does not matter. I will say that again, “IT DOES NOT MATTER!” The only thing that does matter is that you feel at peace and comfortable in your own skin, the miracle of your human body and your soul. Remember; The Universe does not make mistakes, it creates opportunity for growth, joy and love! ~ Creator

ISON is a Sophisticated Comet—Not Just a Space Rock

Doreen Smith's picture



2012 The Big Picture

Thanks to for sharing.

People are seeing and intuiting all sorts of fascinating things with respect to the incoming ISON—which will “kumbaya” or come by here, on Thanksgiving Day in the USA; Nov 28th, 2013.

What do you think?

And then there is this exciting missive from the “group” Steve Rother communicates with. It sounds like ISON will have a profound impact on us and our world here on Earth—no accident.

COBRA did say there would be a “celestial event”—and perhaps more than that pulse from Galactic Central Sun when The Event takes place.


Lia's picture


Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Once again my partner steps aside. We've described channelling before as a process that honors the Human Being. It uses a multidimensional, biological portal called the pineal, and it allows that which is the creative source inside you to expand. This is channelling. Channelling is available to humanity and always has been. In this new energy, however, it is available for very new information, new thought, and new processes that are coming your way

Before we begin the message or anything that is going to be taught, I wish to ask a question: Is it possible that there is an intelligent source in your Universe, in your galaxy, that has helped put together what you see here today? Is it possible that there is a plan that is benevolent for the Human Being because the Human is part of that creative source? Is it possible that you are never alone? Is it possible that the family is a little different than you think? Maybe it's even larger than you think? Is it possible that the entire message I'm about to give you is accurate, true, and real and from a source that is outside of your body and outside of your reality?

~ Karen Doonan ~ SELF worth and manifestation in the New Earth

Eddie1177's picture

There are numerous articles and books written about “manifestation”, the various techniques and the various ways that YOU can work to manifest everything from a partner to a million pounds in your life and the old 3d earth pushes these constantly.  How many of you reading this blog have read these books, tried the exercises and ended up MORE frustrated than before you read them?  This is a deliberate construct of the old 3d earth paradigms, created in order to further contain and suppress you.

~Denise Le Fay ~ Cut Down To The Cry

Eddie1177's picture

I’ve been pretty quiet since 9-21-13 only because I’ve been going through some rather difficult times of big inner change. No, my arms and legs haven’t fallen off and no, my house hasn’t burned down, and no my life looks like it did last week and last month and the month before that, but man-oh-man am I changing! Some of you will relate completely with this while others will come into it when they come into it.

I was waiting to write something after the Sun exits Scorpio and enters Sagittarius (on Nov. 21st), take a good look-see around and have an honest, deep-level feel and after that write about my findings. I might still do that, but for now I wanted to write a little something about what’s been going on–from my perspective–and talk a bit about how it’s been affecting me.

Over the past few years I’ve written articles at TRANSITIONS about what I’ve called The Princess and the Pea symptoms of feeling things, anything, all things like they’re amplified beyond belief. Like the Princess trying to sleep on top of twenty-five mattresses, she still can feel that little pea under the bottom mattress and it’s so freaking amplified to her that she can’t get comfortable or sleep.

~ Blossom Goodchild ~ The Galactic Federation of Light - 21 November

Eddie1177's picture

What ho chaps! Back again! I have been RIDICULOUSLY tired these last few weeks ... anything to do with what's going on, or is it just 'normal life'?

We would send cheering greetings back to you and as always it is exciting and endearing to be within your company once again. The tiredness you are experiencing ... and indeed many ... is far more than the average day- to- day exhaustion! The energies that ARE to enter are of such magnitude that even as 'they are on their way' ... they are causing many to have this side effect ... of the sudden and overwhelming desire to sleep. Within that sleep there is much downloading taking place for one is 'almost' aware that they are not asleep yet deeply 'elsewhere'.

ALL THIS is preparation for the EVENTS that are to come.

I notice you say EVENTS ... plural ... obviously intended.

Indeed for we have stated that after the first major precursor ... there shall be an 'onslaught' of following occurrences that shall 'wow' the senses to an extent that one cannot at this stage imagine.

We ask you dearest ones to 'keep one's pecker up' as we believe you humans would say ... For in doing so ... the vibration shall remain strong and allow that which is to proceed ... to do so in the most fitting manner possible.

The Creator Writings - Under Construction

Doreen Smith's picture


The Creator Writings


You are undergoing a reconstruction. Do not think, for one moment you have been left hanging and blowing in the wind. This is important for you to know. In the progress of your processes (as painful as they seem at the moment) great growth and love await you. Not to worry, my love, The Universe is with you every step of the way. ~ Creator


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