Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

A Vision For The Love Progression

Doreen Smith's picture



18 November 2013   Spirit Of Light


The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for the Love Progression

We see a world where we are all learning to love; where we understand that this Earth is the perfect training ground for learning to love; and that we all came here in order to learn to express our love for the plants, the animals, and the people around us. Accordingly, we see humanity having understood that there is a natural progression to follow, and that it's wise for those who have not been very good at loving others to begin by taking care of plants. After all, if we cannot keep a petunia alive, then we cannot honestly expect to be able to take very good care of people.

So we start with plants because they are the easiest to love: they hold still and reflect the love we share with them very quickly by greening, glowing, and growing. All successful farmers and gardeners know this.

We Are the Trees ~ The Trees Speak through Goldenlight

Doreen Smith's picture


November 18, 2013   


Dear Friends,

I had a pleasant walk today at a nearby cranberry bog and came upon a large tree with deep roots and I could tell it was an ancient tree. I sat on one of the tree limbs and climbed on part of the trunk, feeling the energy of the tree. The tree began to speak to me. This is what it said.  ~ Love, Goldenlight


~Animal Consciousness: The Benevolent Nature of Cats & Dogs~

Eddie1177's picture

The Sacred Felidae

[Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn]



Greetings Masters ! I am Metatron Lord of Light, and I embrace you in this moment. With me are the energies and presence of the Angelic Realm, the Ascended Masters of the Cosmic Council of Light, and those benevolent Beings of the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance. We welcome you, each of you here, in a 'Now' moment of unconditional love.

Dear Ones, with the understanding that you are here for learning, we tell you that the 'University of Polarity Earth' is specifically designed for the evolution of the human soul. The curriculum and venue of Polarity Earth, of the educational process is in fact a version of the Omni-Earth that is created and co created in Divine Intelligence. It is a purposed illusion, it is created by purposed thought, and cannot be destroyed. Consider that. That does not mean you do not have responsibilities in the care of Earth and its supporting Kingdoms, for indeed that is part of the learning process.

The purpose of the EarthPlane is your soul evolution. The Earth supports that mission, by Divine plan, by agreement, and all of the Kingdoms of Earth are part of that. Accordingly we tell you that there are versions of other Beings that are of Divine Intelligence that are here to support you in your purpose here.

~ Caroline Aguiar ~ Clearing Our Energy Fields

Eddie1177's picture


Last week, Hilarion’s message, channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff of the Rainbow Scribe blog site, really grabbed my attention because it centered around the importance of clearing our energy fields, and this is something that I feel I must do every single day.

Many of us are becoming quite sensitive to the energies around us.  We feel a heightened sensitivity to other people’s energy, earth energy, or even the residual energies of places such as rooms, buildings, public places like shopping malls, hospitals, and so on.

I must admit, during the last full moon, I believe it was Friday November 15th, the moon was not full yet, but I was driving home at night, with a long two-hour drive ahead of me, but I was not alone, as the moon traveled along with me, and I felt her strong energies shining down upon the earth, and perhaps my car as I sped along. Never before had I felt such intensity coming from the full moon, and I was quite literally overwhelmed with feelings of femininity, strength, clarity, and love.

I felt an urge to break into song, so I sang a little, which further opened my heart to the captivating life force, in what I felt was a connection with the divine feminine, and all life.

My eyes were mesmerized with the moon’s beauty, and brightness which literally lit up the highway, and me. This also proved to be a little dangerous, as I really needed to focus on keeping my eyes on winding road ahead of me.

~ Marc Gamma ~ Archangel Michael: Portals of Ascension are approaching and you have to make your very own decision NOW !

Eddie1177's picture

[Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary]

My beloved humans, this is your Archangel Michael speaking to you. I’m coming with another message to you and just alike Raphael before I shall be accompanied by our heavenly Father.

As from now on our heavenly Father will accompany me with all my messages and transfer to you his energy, his knowledge of ascension to you too.

Beloved humans I am aware of the fact that for the time being it is not at all easy for you to build up these huge energies flaring down on you. This channel has sensed himself what does it mean to digest these energies after accepting and assimilating them.


In fact it is the matter of very powerful energies which are being accumulated the opening of which were triggered by the last Full Moon. And these energies are flowing now towards Earth to you. And thus with each new day a bit more and more until eventually reaching their maximum amount.

And moreover: they will carry some sort of new pattern, some kind of potential of change and love hitherto unseen and unknown at all.

Ashtar: The Portal is Wide Open to the Golden Age!

Lia's picture
Ashtar On The Road Teleconference - November 12, 2013

"Greetings Beloved Family, and welcome to the Bridge of The New Jerusalem!  We stand here - the Mentors and I, Ashtar, and all of this Grand Company who come from the Light to be with you and the Light that You Are!  And it is indeed so joyful that we are ecstatic, absolutely ecstatic, in our Joy at your coming!!!


"We share with you the momentous news of the moment that you have brought yourselves to - this moment in your time, in what you call your history/herstory of Planet Earth, which is so on the very edge of the ending of all of the trials and the traumas and the tribulations that Planet Earth and, yes, you, Beloved Ones, have volunteered to experience, in order to bring yourselves to this very moment!


~ Space Weather Update~ X-CLASS SOLAR FLARE (UPDATED)

Lia's picture

LEONID METEOR SHOWER: Today, Nov. 19th, Earth is passing through a narrow stream of debris from Comet Tempel-Tuttle, source of the annual Leonid meteor shower. "The Leonids are showing up nicely in our data from the Canadian Meteor Orbit Radar (CMOR)," reports Peter Brown of the University of Western Ontario. "Rates are only about 10 per hour, but the shower is definitely active, if muted due to moonlight this year!" Listen to Space Weather Radio for live Leonid echoes.

X-CLASS SOLAR FLARE (UPDATED): Departing sunspot AR1893 (not AR1897 as previously reported) erupted on Nov. 19th (10:26 UT), producing an X1-class solar flare. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the explosion's extreme ultraviolet flash:

Christ Consciousness Returning

Lia's picture


We love to look for signs. I do :)  

In the sky, in clouds, in animal behavior,  in music lyrics, in a whole lot of synchronicities … There are plenty of “winks from Heaven“, as I call them !

Yet, maybe we are so busy with our little ones, our personal set o’ signs, that we are not seeing the BIG one displayed just … about NOW in our skies. We are again entrenched in the world’s brouhaha of daily dramas, the murmur or many things expected, our daily personal roller-coasters, and we fail to see a beautiful gift we are given. 

Let me go back a bit… say about … 2000 years back .

We all know the story. 3 Mages followed a Star to a humble barn, where a Christ was born.  We celebrate this every year, on a fixed date. This is our Christmas. 

And what do we get this special year, that many of us call year One ?  What could possibly herald something magnificent, and be also a “sign” that would be familiar to us all ?  

SaLuSa 19. 11. 2013 by MADAD~ Are You ready?

Lia's picture

SaLuSa (1)

Are you ready to be immersed into deeper feeling of Love that will immediately surround your being when you step into your higher reality. This Love energy is changing you now, and the more you let it in the more you will be attracted to your new experiences. Letting in Love means to look at yourself the way you truly are and accept all that is creating whole being with understanding that the love for yourself and others is giving you. Every part of your body, every memory and thought are creating unity with your Soul, your consciousness that have wished for the physical form and situations to experience during this life to perfectly lead you into the point of where you are now. This Love is giving you deeper insight of your experiences and gaining more wisdom of them and when this understanding comes, you can let the though experiences with corresponding memories and thoughts let go and free yourself completely for The New.



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