Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

Depth of experience Vs old earth 3d CREATED reality

Lia's picture

As the New Earth now begins to birth in TRUTH across and within the planet earth and is anchored deep within the cellular structure of YOUr human vehicle YOU may be surprised by the experiences that arise within you, around you and through you. For the old 3d earth CREATED reality was CREATED from the lower dimensional frequencies in order to contain and suppress. Many of you may yawn at this point and think “here she goes again, I know this”.  I simply remind YOU to help jog YOUr memory at SOUL level for the reason for YOUr expanded experiences is in order to help YOU CREATE heaven upon earth in this YOUr human form.

Imagine if you will a pond, now imagine that life within the old 3d earth paradigms is akin to skimming across the TOP of this pond.  In order for you to have this image in your mind your human logical mind will create it in a linear time context, many of you may imagine a stone skimming across the top of the water of the pond,  or you may imagine yourself on a boat that is still sitting on the surface of said pond. In this image is a LINEAR CONSTRUCT that is created from the lower dimensional frequencies that were used to CREATE the old 3d earth reality.  That is you will imagine going from one side of the pond to the other, from point A to point B. Travelling from one point to a point in the distance. THIS IS NOT TRUTH.

~ Grandpaw Koyote ~ The Kooky Biz

Eddie1177's picture

All kindsa "business" going on these days... which has inspired ole Grandpaw Koyote to give you a lil of his "business" too... in the form of an experiential tale... Gather around, friends, as we find out where we'll be found... over here in this side of Town... where The Angels hang around... Ohhhhhh yeayahhhh!
Oh, and please excuse the few "woof-woofs" throughout this tale... Ole Oakley had to have his say too, ya see...

~ Meredith Murphy ~ Archangel Michael: The Indicators That Your Old Life Is Over

Eddie1177's picture

Dear Ones,


Within your heart is a new knowing. It is a remembering of the fullness of your being which is informed by the new relationship to time which is emerging. Your memories of your eternalness are surfacing and with this, your relationship to your local, human identity in this particular lifetime, is perceived in a very different context.

This knowing is different than an idea. It’s different than conceptualizing of re-incarnation or multidimensionality. It is a pure, clear, aha-moment arising within you, which needs no confirmation or validation. It’s simply clearly known. As you realize this knowing more and more you will find that your access to the new dimensions available on Earth begins to open up in astonishing ways.

Living in a multidimensional world is going to thrill you. It will truly give you the bliss and joy you have always felt would be the harvest of this experience of awakening. It expands the diversity of things you can create and experience in an enormous way. It creates a new, expanded set of possibilities that are mathematically even hard to describe. That’s how significant this is.

~ Dana Mrkich ~ This New Awareness Can Feel Depressing

Eddie1177's picture

Dana Colour Pic NewI can’t remember the last time the collective energy felt so heavy. An analogy came through a week or so ago that we were being ‘squeezified’ in order to become ‘juicified’, and the suggestion was to focus on the juice when you’re feeling emotionally and energetically squeezed. (that post is on my blog here) Well that suggestion applies a hundred fold today!!

You may feel like the walls are closing in on you – and on the world. Some may even feel like the ‘darkness’ is winning or that all your healing work has been for nothing. Yet really it is just that the ‘darkness’ is becoming more obvious, both within us and outside us – ‘darkness’ in this context is that which we have been unaware of.

More of us are becoming aware of the multiple ways in which we have been restricted as a humanity, and the ways in which we have been restricting ourselves personally. It feels like *@!# because life is not supposed to be restrictive. We are here to remember our truth, our power and what we are capable of creating. We are here to embody who we really are so that we can live free of beliefs, influences and systems that have kept us disempowered.

Today is a good day to remind yourself of how far you have come, of who you have become compared to years ago. It is a good day to remind yourself of how far the world has come, and how many people are truly awakening. It is easy to throw our hands up and say I give up, what’s the point? But then where will we be?

~ MADAD ~ SaLuSa 26.11.2013

Eddie1177's picture


GFP Commentary: The Mind is the Programming. Let go of all thoughts that don't bring you Joy, they come from the programming. Thoughts of Love come from the Heart. The Truth is always the same, Truth is Love, Love is simple. It's not "my truth" , "Your truth" . TRUTH JUST IS! LOVE IS! heart

We know that listening to your own heart is getting very comfortable for you, and in spite of some doubts in the beginning, the feeling of trust in these information is growing because every time you searched for some proof of any information received this way, you always got it. It is not that you as eternal Soul would need it, but your mind is requesting evident proof as it was programmed to do so. Your mind is releasing all old patterns that simply cannot keep up with the speed of Light that is circulating within you and flowing through the whole system of your body. Sometimes it might be not so easy to see through this illusion, but your feelings and Love that you are again connected to will not leave you in any doubts about the truth. Truth carries very mixed energy feeling for many of you because so many times you were listening to something that turned out to be the exact opposite.

Azena Ramanda... St Germain - Part 1 thru 4 - The Ascended Consciousness of Saint Germain

Doreen Smith's picture


November 25, 2013


These videos (1987) titled An Introduction to The Ascended Consciousness of Saint Germain includes an interview with Azena Ramanda who's essence leaves her body and allows Saint Germain to incarnate into it.

 Saint Germain addresses the following issues in this video: Freedom & Prosperity; Sexuality & Relationships; Fear & Prophecy. Contains moments of comedy/jokes 


The Creator Writings - Forgiveness

Doreen Smith's picture


The Creator Writings 



The Universe never has and never will ‘punish’ you for anything you have or have not done. That is not the way it works, my love! Please understand that I have always loved you and no amount of self-punishment can undo that love. Begin by forgiving yourself. Once that wheel starts turning, it will free up your energy and the forgiveness you have been longing for will appear. ~ Creator



Divine Light Within – Short Message from the Angelic Realm by Multidimensional Ocean – 25 Nov 2013

Doreen Smith's picture





Everybody feels the attraction for the intriguing, the fascinating, the mesmerising, the front of the brain, the doing, the over-thinking. Some of you enjoy reading about how beautiful souls you are, which is true indeed, but we all already know that, so why enjoying reading about it over and over again? What would help everybody is the realization that these are all automatic responses to attractions.

When one responds to attractions instinctively, one no longer sees what is, one enters the illusion fully. To see the illusion, one needs to be present. This means being present in your body, be linked to your spine and to the higher energies running throughout your body. To be linked to life itself, for you are these higher energies, you are made of Stars and of the God spark.


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