Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

The Synchronicity and Meditation Connection

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Tuesday 19th November 2013 at 09:43 By DAVID ICKE


Dr. Robert Puff, Ph.D., Meditation for Health
Waking Times

You’re talking to a friend and there’s a pause in the conversation. You break the silence by saying what just popped in your mind. Your friend responds with, “No way! I was thinking the exact same thing.”

You stumble upon a friend’s number in your address book; you decide to give her a ring to see how she is. She picks up the phone and shares that her grandmother just died, and she really needed your support. You reached out to her at the precise moment that she was seeking comfort.

The Spiritual Power Of The Full Moon

Lia's picture

Ok ladies – and those men whose feminine side is affected by the full
moon – next time you find yourself unable to sleep, or feeling over
passionate, irrational, emotional, and teary for what will seem later,
no apparent reason – here’s a little something to shed some light on


Some people say the full moon brings out the worst in us if we have
suppressed violence and anger or unfinished business.
I say it is an opportunity to go in and sort out our stuff.

Scientists do tell us however, that brain activity associated with
deep sleep decreases around the full moon, saying that it has
something to do with the gravitational pull – which has the power to
affect our feelings and behavior, but they don’t really understand how
it affects us on a deeper level; Just that it does.

~ Karen Doonan ~ “Winter” symbolism and the human vehicle

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For many of you in Scotland, this morning may have been a surprise, often the “weather forecast” is an attempt at trying to create even more fear with the weather never reported as anything other than challenging.  The temperature dipped dramatically here over night and at times the hail battering off the windows was intense, this morning snow with a sky that is showing no signs of stopping the big white flakes that are falling.  As usual many people are reacting with surprise but this is November.  Now you may be asking yourself at this point why on earth I am blogging about the weather but there is a reason and it is to do with the release of the old 3d earth paradigms.  Many of you may have been very conscious of the FULL MOON but then disconnected from this as the “date” for the FULL MOON passed.

This way of looking at life, a “date” on a page is a containing and suppressing creation of the old 3d earth.  For ALL is in flow and the FULL MOON energies do not suddenly stop flowing because it is no longer the exact “date” on a calendar.  Human life is taught to the human race as a series of words and numbers written on a page. How many of you reading this blog have diaries whether they be physical ones or the ones on mobile phones?  how many of you live your life by what is placed in these diaries?  How many of you are able to stick to what you have “planned” for the day “ahead”.   I place these words in inverted commas for a reason for the only moment that you have in TRUTH is NOW.

~ Judith Dagley ~ Emergence Emergency- The Perfect Storm – 19 November 2013

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What a weekend of unprecedented intensity this is! Not news to most of you, I’m sure– not by this point within it, anyway. As this particular Taurus moon reaches fullness, it is accompanied by a celestial Grand Cross that is designed to propel us into expansion in any way possible. Thus, we are being catapulted into the unknown, and “planted” by the grounding energy of Taurus in a whole NEW territory–IF we allow it, that is.

Whether we do or not, it will  have its way with us somehow, for it is, indeed, “the perfect storm,” and bound to feel like an unprecedentedly radical one, at that. In our Grand Cross, we have the revolutionary energies of Jupiter fueling the evolutionary influence of Uranus, while ruthless Pluto brings all of our pre-conceived limitations right into our faces. What does that look like?  Like “shit hitting the fan,” you might say… But we have Venus in the cross, as well, which puts the “perfect” right into the center of what might otherwise seem to many as a relentless “hurricane of poop.”

Laura Bruno ~Timothy Glenn: Uranus Square Pluto Part 4.5 : The Heliocentric Square ~

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Tim promised me this article was on its way, and now, here it is, with a bit of inner preparation time to spare before the big Heliocentric Square on November 23, 2013. Wild times this November! I always enjoy Tim’s wisdom, peppered with musical references and humor.

Uranus Square Pluto Part 4.5
The Heliocentric Square
By Timothy Glenn

Let’s begin with a thumbnail sketch on Heliocentric Astrology. Here on Earth, we almost always use Geocentric (or Earth-centered) Astrology. The reason is quite simple: this is the planet we are living on, and so we experience our lives from this perspective.

Heliocentric (or Sun-centered) Astrology nonetheless has an impact on the entire solar system of which Earth constitutes a tiny part. When it comes right down to it, the Sun is boss.

As soon as we watch the planetary orbits from the perspective of the Sun, we notice a fun phenomenon: retrograde motion does not exist. Indeed, the Sun has never had to deal with a Mercury retrograde. All the planets orbit the Sun in continuously smooth motion. As a result, each aspect formed between any two planets will only occur one time from the perspective of the Sun.

~ Andy Bojarski ~ My Release Experience During Another’s Energy Healing – 19 November 2013

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AndyBojarski-my-latest-aura-pictureHello everyone.  I wanted to share with you another fantastic release experience that happened to me in my conscious state.  This one was amazing.  This happened to me while I was doing an energy healing on someone else.  I am sorry if the post is a bit long.  However, I tried to make it entertaining.

But first a little background on how this all came about.  Some of you may know that I have cataract in my right eye.  It is in a bad state.  I was told by a doctor I need surgery to exchange the lens.  I cannot focus and really do not see that well at all with my right eye.  Everything is blurry white.  I will need an eye patch.  Arrrr.

I have been trying to heal the eye for a while but it does not seem to be working.  It has to do with suppressed anger and forgiveness and release that I still need to let go of regarding my family from past lifetimes (and some from this lifetime).

In any event, the other night I got a bit frustrated and asked Arch Angel Metatron, my main guide at this time, how to fix this eye.  I asked, what do I need to do to fix this eye, what karma do I still have, what am I not seeing.  I basically said I give up, please help me and show me a sign and how to move forward and I completely surrendered.  Then I went to bed.

~ Ute Posegga-Rudel ~ Messages From The Realms Of Light – From The Andromeda Galaxy: Use The Wings Of Beauty!

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Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013

Beloved friends,
The messages I  receive, tend to be silent transmissions of a truly timeless and motionless Divine Reality. To put the Ecstatic Paradox into words of time is almost impossible. Still I try. Enjoy!

VIDEO (recommended!)


Dear Ones!

~ Timothy Glenn ~ Uranus Square Pluto Part 4.5: The Heliocentric Square

Eddie1177's picture

Let’s begin with a thumbnail sketch on Heliocentric Astrology. Here on Earth, we almost always use Geocentric (or Earth-centered) Astrology. The reason is quite simple: this is the planet we are living on, and so we experience our lives from this perspective.

Heliocentric (or Sun-centered) Astrology nonetheless has an impact on the entire solar system of which Earth constitutes a tiny part. When it comes right down to it, the Sun is boss.

As soon as we watch the planetary orbits from the perspective of the Sun, we notice a fun phenomenon: retrograde motion does not exist. Indeed, the Sun has never had to deal with a Mercury retrograde. All the planets orbit the Sun in continuously smooth motion. As a result, each aspect formed between any two planets will only occur one time from the perspective of the Sun.

In our Geocentric Astrology, Uranus and Pluto will exactly square each other seven times over the course of nearly three years, from June 24 of 2012 through March 16 of 2015. At the beginning of this month of November 2013, we experienced the fourth of the seven Geocentric squares.

November 23 is closing in on us, bringing the one and only Heliocentric square of these planets of evolution and revolution. The end result will trigger revelation for those of us with a spark of awareness. This marks a time of Apocalypse, which does not denote catastrophe. An apocalypse indicates an unveiling. The etymology of Calypso concerns covering or hiding something, so the Apocalypse will remove the veils, and we will see Reality from a profoundly more expanded perspective.


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