Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

Sirian Archangel Hermes ~

Lia's picture


Greetings fellow beings of light! I come to you now as we are approaching very closely in your linear timelines to a point of great celestial influences.

The comet that your earth scientists have labeled ISON, which is a clear and obvious clue to the adepts, is brightening and is now just moments away from either the end of its journey, or to emerge and begin another cycle. This will represent a shift in the linear timeline you are currently experiencing. Should the comet and your sun star merge, its energy will be projected through the solar disc and then transmitted to your solar system. If it emerges from around the sun, and begins a new cycle, it shall then make a close approach to earth, close enough to effect the planet and its inhabitants more than it has so far.

Journal Entry ~ Lot's Of Angels Watching Over You

Lia's picture


Journal Entry 11.23.2013

Energy in 3’s today/tomorrow!  Lots of angels watching o’er you.

I’ve been working through some ancient energies revolving around groups of late.  It all clicked for me last night when I couldn’t listen any longer to a certain teleconference presentation.  This is the third time it happened in the past month.  Sometimes it takes a while before I get the message.  Three times?  It is time to recognize that that particular venue is no longer mine.  Okay, already.  I’m ready to and have already moved on.

I’ve worked a lot with group energies during this lifetime, mostly groups that were very limited in their dynamics, containing a lot of disempowering energies while allegedly designed to empower the individual.  Ironic isn’t it, to belong to a group, any group in the old 3D energies, you had to give your power away to a leader.

The Council of Angels via Goldenlight: Transparency and Truth

Lia's picture


archangel-uriel-by-goldenlightThe Council of Angels: Transparency and Truth, channeled by Goldenlight, November 22, 2013 at |

Greetings we are the Council of Angels and Archangel Michael and we wish to speak to you today of transparency and truth. The subjects of transparency and truth that we speak of encompass many areas of your world as you know it, including your governments, your society, your members of society, and your relation to the spiritual world and higher dimensions, as well as your relationship to Source.

It includes a clear relationship between you as a spiritual being having a human experience and your relation to the All That Is. It includes the truth that the veil between dimensions is now thinning, as well as your access to information about the true history of earth, its peoples, and the human race.

Transformation and the New Earth ~ the butterfly effect

Lia's picture

The analogy of a caterpillar turning into a butterfly is an apt one for the weight of the old 3d earth frequencies kept the human race in a HEAVY vibration, unable to lift their eyes to the heavens and unable to fly. FLIGHT is a natural process and one that DOES apply to the human race, it is no co-incidence that man has tried to fly in various ways since he appeared on the planet’s surface.  As with everything on this planet, ALL is hidden in plain view.  The NEED to be able to soar high exists within each and every human vehicle that walks upon and within Mother Earth.  At this time many of you may FEEL as if you have reached a very deep, dark place, unable to see any light and the analogy that I would use is that you are within the cocoon stage of this your human life experience.

Hilarion ~November 24-30, 2013~ Waves of Change

Lia's picture


Beloved Ones,

As you move into the waves of change, energetically speaking, you are learning how to navigate and create end results and outcomes with more rapidity than ever before. This requires some contemplation within each of you in order for you to see and understand yourselves as creators of everything that takes place in your world. These times are glorious opportunities to bring into manifestation that which you have striven to accomplish in your individual and collective lives. This requires the letting go of limitations that have been holding you back from moving forward. Know that there are many of you who work together on the other dimensional planes of existence in order to bring about changes to your physical planet and within your personal worlds.

The Meaning of the Pineal Gland

Eddie1177's picture

The pineal gland, a pine-cone shaped gland of the endocrine system, is a highly essential part of the brain necessary to our survival. It is often associated with the third eye or the Ajna chakra, when activated, leads one to higher realms of consciousness. The third eye gives us perception of the universe around us through the five senses. Through our five senses we have self awareness and intelligence: sentience.

As a chakra, the third eye, the pineal gland represents the point at which the body receives energy from the universe that keeps our lives sustained; the main access point between the astral body and the physical body. Its function in the brain is essential to our very consciousness. Without awareness of the universe, you have no point of reference at which you have self awareness. Without self awareness, you have neither consciousness nor logical thought.

~ Marilyn Raffaele ~ The Arcturian group ~ November 24, 2013

Eddie1177's picture


Dear ones, once again it is that time on earth where the many are preparing to celebrate gratitude. It is therefore time that you understand gratitude in a more enlightened way, for gratitude is simply the other side of love--they work together. Gratitude is the flow of love returning to you and thus creating a circle of energy that flows out from and then flows back to you. It is spiritual living.

~ Dreamwalker ~ Adama and SaLuSa: On Progress

Eddie1177's picture


What is meant by the underpinnings being removed from the 3rd dimension? Well in practical terms what this means is that your ability to progress has been eased resulting in great benefits to humanity. You will find that historical writings of this nature involve several progressive steps and requirements from one level to another to reach the next goal, until ultimately the last goal is achieved. At the time these lessons were written it was necessary to progress through these steps, since the process was likened to trying to walk through thick syrup, and naturally hindered by the third dimension, and the duality that comes with it. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.


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