Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~ MADAD ~ SaLuSa 22.11 2013

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SaLuSa (1)

This time of your year was usually time when you started thinking of others with more loving way and you experienced less stressful moments until you again started new year with hopes and wishes that slowly vanished as the year passed by. This end of the year for many of you will not be the same, and we know that you already feel it. There is no desire within you to give usual gifts and to expect such gifts in return. You have realized that the greatest gift you can give to all of your current family members and all others is your Love, unconditionally flowing to their hearts and helping them on their own way. Many of you feel that there is no longer the need existing to attach to the old way of celebrating Light being present within and around you. Those who are ready will celebrate and express thanks in the new way with stepping into their higher realities and with sending even more Love to all that are ready to receive it, and they will open many more possibilities for others to choose from.


~ Karen Doonan ~ Transformation and the New Earth – the butterfly effect

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The analogy of a caterpillar turning into a butterfly is an apt one for the weight of the old 3d earth frequencies kept the human race in a HEAVY vibration, unable to lift their eyes to the heavens and unable to fly. FLIGHT is a natural process and one that DOES apply to the human race, it is no co-incidence that man has tried to fly in various ways since he appeared on the planet’s surface.  As with everything on this planet, ALL is hidden in plain view.  The NEED to be able to soar high exists within each and every human vehicle that walks upon and within Mother Earth.  At this time many of you may FEEL as if you have reached a very deep, dark place, unable to see any light and the analogy that I would use is that you are within the cocoon stage of this your human life experience.

~ Karen Doonan ~ Energy update for 21st November 2013 part 2

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To continue from my previous blog I wish to explain a bit further about ALL REALITIES and how they may appear to you at any moment, for often the human mind will jump in and try to rationalise before you can take a step back and become the observer.  Over the past 24/36 hours both myself and a dear friend of mine have experienced realities that are completely different to the one that we believed we shared. Showing TRUTH on new levels that REALITY IS PERSONAL and is created at WILL.

I have had a couple of experiences over the past 24/36 hours of appearing to interact with one reality whilst being shown and interacting with another. This is an overlay that I have only ever previously experienced in a meditative or half asleep/almost sleeping state. These are now happening in a WAKING conscious state and at first they may challenge the human logical mind. The human logical mind has been TAUGHT that everything it experiences is LINEAR and this is NOT TRUTH. As many of you have now ANKHORED the universe is holographic in nature, it is multi dimensional and the human vehicle as it moves through the transformation process (more info on whispering website) begins to change at cellular level from carbon based to CRYSTALLINE based in preparation for processing multi dimensionality.

~ Anrita Melchizedek ~ Aion Portal Alignment and Cosmic Heart Activation

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On November 23rd, 2013, we come together collectively as One Unified Cosmic Heart through the Aion Portal activation. At this Now moment, a heliocentric configuration takes place at the peak of the Uranus/Pluto square. This heliocentric configuration activates through Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto. As these planets form a six-pointed star mandala around the Sun, this configuration of the six-pointed star activates into the star-tetrahedronal shape and lifts all Life into a greater level of Cosmic Consciousness awareness. The star tetrahedron further activates through the heart chakra and simultaneously within the original Divine-Eight Blueprint, taking us deeper into our service work as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love. At the time of this activation, the Great Central Sun and Central Sun send an energy mini-pulse through the Sun and through the six-pointed star mandala of all planets to create a harmonic resonant wave of Solar Christ Consciousness to be experienced by all Life within this Solar System. 

~ Anna Merkaba ~ Archangel Metatron: ISON - What to expect ?!

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“As she soars through the skies of the second merger
She brings with her the wisdom of the ages to have come
As she merges with the Sun’s rays at the noon of the eternal waters
She brings forth the understanding of all that has gone by and has arrived
For she brings with her the eternal truth of The Source,
The eternal truth of the understanding of the key of life,
For she swirls within her very passion
In order to bring forth the mightiness of ONE.”
The ISON, the magnificent, and the magical and the all powerful and all encompassing comet, as she is known to your earthling selves, dwelling on GAIA at this very momentous splinter of time. Have you no clue as to the prowess that is about to unfold before your eyes?
We the ascended masters of the 33rd parallel, the 33rd decree and the 33rd dimension are here to quench the inquisitive minds of your human selves, for we look upon you with delight, for we look upon you with understanding and unconditional, unyielding and eternal love. For you all, are the children of the creation of the minds, that have come and gone before you, for you who dwell upon GAIA bring forth such awe within us, that we shall share the mightiness of the informational decree that is about to unfold on your GAIA.
And so, let us begin the venture of explaining to your minds the true history and the idea, and the informational powers, and the codices hidden within the one that you call ISON.

The Creator Writings - Coming Together

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The Creator Writings


There is always a coming together and cooperation between souls for learning and growth. Instead of worrying about being the best person you could be, know that you were/are the best person for learning and teaching the lessons you both agreed upon. Even though it may not appear that way on the surface, you are exactly who you need to be in any given moment. ~ Creator

~ Andrew Martin ~ Channel, changed.

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archangel-michael.jpgSeveral days ago, I awoke from a very intense dream where I was handed an 8 sided figure. It was made of some sort of stone or crystal that I had never seen before. The next night I dreamt that there was all of this stuff being pulled from my ears. It was yards and yards of cotton or fabric of some sort. I could literally feel the stuff being pulled out of my ears and I was watching as it came out. 

~ AdaptingToGrace ~ – Eileen Meyer – Beyond Words

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Beyond Words by Stephen Linsteadt
oil and mixed media on paper 2010
“The feminine is now calling from behind the veil of our senses and our thinking. She is attempting to go beyond words of mere lip service to how to solve the problems of our time. She urgently seeks positive action towards global unification and a sincere reconnection to what it means to be human: compassionate, tolerant, mindful, heartfull, and connected to the deeper wisdom of spirit.”





The one you knew

Hasn’t been visible of late

Because there are no matching words

Can you feel it?

We are beyond words

Don’t be afraid


And so are you

The dreamwork and downloads

Are stepping Her up

And the I AM

Is becoming more clear

More solid

More powerful

She is here!

The sky and the Earth

Are making Love

~ Terri Newlon ~ Djwhal Khul – Patterns Are Changing

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(Channeling begins)

DjwhalKhulDjwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. The patterns are changing again as always. In fact we’re in quite a state of fluctuation, generally speaking. We have the Sun entering Sagittarius, which is a nice fire sign. It can bring more focus or more drive and more energy into your life and I would say use focus: think of the archer aiming at the bull’s eye and achieving that goal.

So you want to zero in energetically on what is your most important bull’s eye at this point.  It might be your spiritual growth, it might be emotional balance, it might be a physical healing. Maybe a change in attitude. Maybe a very specific goal like just getting through the upcoming holiday, or whatever it is. So use that Sun in Sag for your focus.

Also starting to take note of the comet Ison a bit more because it is affecting the nature or the psyche to a fairly good degree now. We have some other reverberations going on in the galaxy that tend to irritate emotions or elevate mood swings.

So anything that you can do to calm your nervous system, it might be like a, I’m quite fond of the audios at – that’s brain s-y-n-c dot com, the work of Kelly Howell. And you can work with that or something similar where you just listen with your headphones on and your ear buds in to help balance the brain.


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