Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

The Creator Writings - Tolerance

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The Creator Writings


Some of you view practicing tolerance as an insurmountable challenge when it is, indeed, the exact opposite. Tolerance is as simple as staying quiet and listening while another speaks their truth. This does not mean taking on their opinions, thoughts or feelings as your own,but the act of holding space for another human being to while they share. If you allow them and yourself the ‘wiggle room’, the free flow of energy is just that….a free flow. And that, my loving child, is exactly the way The Universe intended. ~ Creator

~ Laura Bruno ~ All Is Well In The Land Of Goshen – 18 November 2013

Eddie1177's picture

laura-of-the-rocksSeveral people have already contacted me, very concerned about how we’re doing in Goshen after 60 tornadoes plowed through Illinois and Indiana today. Thanks for your concern. We’re doing well here. I always tell people I cut deals with the Nature Spirits, and I’m really not kidding. Thor is the God of Thunder, associated with the THORN Rune of protection. I mentally draw that Rune all over our property every time I hear of or sense any sort of major storm. Synchronously, just as I sat down to post this announcement, Yahoo news flashed some story across my screen about THOR the movie. Yes, thunder and lightning and wind were very active today! But not so much right here.

I talk to the Nature Spirits like I talk to the bees who get mad at me for interrupting their meal while watering my bee friendly flowers: “Hey, don’t sting me. I planted these flowers, and I’m keeping them alive for you. Don’t sting the hand that feeds you. C’mon, live in harmony, eh?” and the bees let me do my thing without stinging me, just like the wasps when I remind them who planted the plants that house the insects the wasps eat. When storms come, I always request that the Nature Spirits protect our property, especially our home and gardens. I remind them that I can much more easily advocate for Nature if I have adequate living quarters and food. So far, so good. Although much of Goshen was tucked away in basements, I felt fine wandering around upstairs figuring what to wear for tonight’s outing. I just knew no storm would hit our house.

~ Natalie Glasson ~ Unravelling The Mysteries Of The Creator By Unicorn Ika

Eddie1177's picture

unicornIt is with the love of the Unicorn Kingdom and the spirit of the swan that I extend my energy and consciousness to you as a warm embrace to support you in your current spiritual journey. There is so much occurring within you as if thousands of light pathways are awakening, creating enormous shifts that move your perspective and consciousness from one reality to another.  Allow the love I share with you to surround you allowing each of these pathways to be created and achieved with tremendous ease. Your entire body and being is awakening, you could imagine that your entire being is making the transition of existing as a human to existing as a Unicorn, this demonstrates how large the shifts you are moving through are at this time, they are in truth life changing. You are already noticing the alteration and yet your journey is only just beginning.

~ Dana Mrkich ~ Comet ISON: The Arrow Effect

Eddie1177's picture

A Hubble Space Telescope image of Comet ISON hurtling towards the sun. The comet is traveling at 48,000 miles per hourIn other cosmic happenings, Comet ISON is rapidly approaching its expected pass by the Sun (Nov 28). Is it affecting us energetically? Well, my feeling is - the Sun is, solar flares are, planetary movements are, why not a comet that is releasing gigantic clouds of gas and dust, moving at 680,000 km an hour (425,000 miles) with "a tail that extends more than 8 million kilometers behind the comet's nucleus. For comparison, that's 21 times the distance between Earth and the Moon." (Space Weather). 

When I ask what ISON's energy might trigger in us: It feels like a clear, sharp arrow (representing Who are you...really?) focusing in on its target (calling you to ask yourself Where are you going?), as everything in the periphery falls away in a blur labelled 'the past' (What or who do you need to let go of in order to become who you really are and get where you really want to go?). While these are all basic questions to be answered by everyone over the course of their life journey, there is a 'quickening' happening. These questions are tapping on our shoulders, the answers are nudging our sides. 

~ Dana Mrkich ~ Why the Sun's Magnetic Field may take Weeks to be confirmed

Eddie1177's picture
If you've been following recent solar activities, and find yourself being affected emotionally, physically and energetically by whatever the sun is doing, you're likely on the edge of your seat waiting to hear that the Sun's magnetic field has finally flipped. 

According to scientists this will happen any day now, but it isn't something that they will be able to confirm on the day - it may take a few weeks to officially confirm it. Andrés Muñoz-Jaramillo, a researcher at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics who studies the Sun’s magnetic cycle explains by saying: “The strength of the polar field gradually gets very close to zero,” he says. “Some days, it’s slightly positive, and other days, it’s slightly negative. Then, eventually, you see that it’s consistently in one direction day after day, and you know the reversal has occurred.”

Read more:

The Creator Writings - You Are Celebrated

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The Creator Writings


As your loving increases, so does your vibration of light within. The Universe watches every step in your journey with great joy. It is not necessary for you to note the minute advancements, they are recognized and celebrated……yes, every single one. ~ Creator


The Event" Part 2 ~ From Suzanne Spooner and Ron Head of Speaking with Self

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November 17, 2013   Suzanne Spooner

Hi Everyone!

Ron and I had our 10th QHHT session this week for our Speaking with Self website this week. “The Event” YouTube clip that came from our 9th session has generated some interest, thank you for sharing the message!

So, as we began the 10th session, I knew we would touch base on that topic but of course, wasn’t sure where it would go. I, like a lot of you, want to know MORE! :) I kept asking questions. At one point I felt as if I was getting in God’s face wanting more details. God replies, “Do you want me to sum it up in one sentence?” YES!! Unless of course you would like to continue longer!! LOL.

So here is Part 2 of The Event! I don’t foresee this being a weekly update but we shall see. The topic of this weeks session was Portals, Imagination and Togetherness.

Owen K Waters ~ The Spiritual Age

Lia's picture

Spiritual Dynamics November 17 2013

autumnBeautyThe Spiritual Age is not just another age to be documented in the pages of history books.

The Spiritual Age is a quantum leap in the evolution of humankind.

There are 12 distinct stages in the evolution of human consciousness: six material stages followed by six spiritual stages. Once a person shifts from the material tier into the spiritual tier of evolution, everything changes. The old rules no longer apply, and the ways of the new reality have to be understood and acted upon.

Imagine the radical change that a butterfly goes through in its transformation from an earthbound, limited chrysalis to the joyous freedom of a butterfly. Likewise, a radical transformation occurs when humans move into the spiritual stages of their evolution.

When you enter the realms of spiritual consciousness through the gateway of the heart, you begin to understand that love is more important than money, power, fame, or any of the other entrapments of material life.


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