Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

KP's Mission~ A Meeting of Star Beings

Lia's picture

This is one reason I was drawn to come here to Thunder Ranch. Finally… meeting and BEing with Brian Kelly, and several others from the (former) OPPT, and on the current OPAL tour.

There is massive transformation occurring for all here, on many levels, for everyone, at this meeting of Star Beings.

The Higher Alignments are being brought in… Now… And that is the MAIN reason I was drawn here… for the Higher Alignments.

It is beyond the KP, beyond the OPAL, beyond even the Thunder Ranch.

This weekend has been, and IS… Huge…

The BIRTH of the NEW EARTH in TRUTH in human waking “reality”

Lia's picture

Author Karen Doonan

Many of you may have woken up this morning and FELT that something significant had occurred and yet be a little confused as to “what” as the world “appears” to look the same as when you went to bed. Except that it is no longer VIBRATIONALLY the same for the outer waking reality in which the human vehicle walks has now been moved into the UNIVERSE of 3 in TRUTH.  This statement may also appear initially to make little sense for surely the UNIVERSE of 3 is already around planet earth, so why would it take this “length of time” for the human life experience to “catch up”?

Those of you who work with energy will recognise that ALL is created and manifest in the higher dimensional timelines and spaces before “dripping” through into the physical reality that the human vehicle walks within. Imagine if you will how your plans are manifest, you get an idea, that idea is then manifest on the emotional and etheric planes, then as you pour more and more energy into the “idea” it begins to manifest in your physical reality. “Physical” at all times being part of the illusion of the human life experience on this planet for in TRUTH nothing is solid, all is a reflected form of energy that appears very solid for the human vehicle to walk within.

Sandra Walter ~ Full Moon Weekend: Release In Order To Receive ~

Lia's picture

 17 November 2013

SandraWalterThis is a powerful Full Moon weekend. Preparation for the November 23-29 gateway takes focus as these light waves amplify. Remember great Cosmic factors are aligning to accelerate the Shift.

Your participation is key – to receive the new energies from the Universe, you must release the old. Let’s take a look at what does not serve the higher path and do the work:

What can you release prior to the Full Moon tonight (7AM PT)?
What does not serve your highest intent any longer?
What activities, habits, beliefs, emotions, or thought forms can you surrender *right now* to assist your Ascension process?
What ceremony will you create to honor the release and show Gaia and the Higher Realms your commitment to becoming a pure conduit of Light? / link to original article

Marlene Swetlishoff ~ Hilarion ~ 17 November 2013 Many Hearts are to Be Transformed

Lia's picture


marlene1-1Beloved Ones,

As the weeks progress into the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere and the summer solstice in the southern hemisphere, there will be much movement within the hearts of humanity as they absorb the powerful rays of light from the cosmos and many hearts will be transformed by the vibrations and emanations of love within this multi-faceted white and other colored light. Through the weeks leading up to the solstice, it is important to hold steady the light within you and maintain balance and focus. You do this automatically as your multi-dimensional aspects lead you forward on your spiritual journey into ascension and your individual efforts help to create this opportunity to all of humanity.

As you walk your daily path, be mindful of the thoughts and feelings streaming into your consciousness as some of these may not be from your own lifestream but rather from those around you. It is important that you start each day by clearing your own energy field so that when you venture out into the activities of life upon your world you will know when strange thoughts and feelings enter your field and you can discern that it comes from others. At those moments, visualize the violet flame burning and purifying these thoughts and feelings and send them into the Great Central Sun for transmutation and recycling back into light. Many of you are much too sensitive to the energies of others and also the Earth’s energies and need to practice self protection and clearing on a consistent and persistent level.

~ The Proof is IN the Pudding, Love Is Really Awakening Humanity

Lia's picture

 Author: Gr8tful0ne

My wife's hometown in the Philippines was devastated last week. This weekend we decided to have a yard sale. The amount of Love that came pouring in today follows EXACTLY with this message. Its real! I have seen such generosity from my brothers and sisters in  our community; people came not only to purchase but so many items were brought and donated to sell on behalf of our family back in PI.

We still have another day and have already been able to make such a huge offering to those who lost so much. It is nothing short of faith restoring, humbling and a learning experience in Love. May this spread outward to all. Love & Light and Optimism! Our world is changing for the better! Thank you all personages!

The Creator Writings

Doreen Smith's picture


The Creator Writings


What is being real? It is being your true, authentic self regardless of what others think. It is embracing who you truly are, refusing to “wear a mask” to fit in or belittling yourself to make others feel better about themselves. Yes, you want to be accepted, but if you are not showing the world who you truly are….you are denying yourself the experiences for which you came. Trust that The Universe will send people that understand your vibration in the highest and best way. And remember; there is no one better than the real you you are right now. ~ Creator


The Light Collective: On Being Divinely Human

Lia's picture


We are the Light Collective, a group of light beings, angelic beings, galactic beings, elemental beings and you, the multidimensional collective of Humanity.

Why do we include you as a presenter this morning? We do because you are a part of us and we are a part of you. We do because so often you tend to undervalue what you are doing here, beloveds. Do you have any idea what you are accomplishing even as you apparently stumble through your day in a confused haze and physical exhaustion? You are tired because you have been working so hard, on so many levels that we cannot begin to express.

Only a portion of your multidimensional being is suffering bedazzlement from the latest influx of cosmic energies streaming through the center of your sun and radiating glory upon the earth. Your earth, your collective humanity and the entire ecosystem of the planet has fully entered fifth dimensional frequencies. Do you feel any different? Or are you still stuck attempting to define what you are experiencing in the Now based on what you were taught by your elders in the past?

~ Ann Albers ~ : Messages From Ann and the Angels – 16 November 2013

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My dear friends, we love you so very much.

Life just “is” and you get to choose how you experience and label it. You get to label life as “good” or “bad,” “right” or “wrong,” “desirable” or “deplorable.” Through the way you choose to interpret the simple facts of life, you get to create a happy or a sad experience of reality.

Most of your labels were programmed into you in early childhood. You can choose to change them. What if, for example, every time you spilled the milk, your parents said to you, “Oh how pretty! Look at all that white liquid running all over! I wonder if we can mop it up quickly! Here let us see who can clean this up faster! Ready, set, go!”

What if every time you made a so-called mistake, those around you said, “Congratulations! You made a mistake! You have taken a risk! You are learning! We are so proud of you!” What if everytime someone was angry at you, those around said to you, “Oh I’m so sorry that this person is hurting so much that they had to take their anger out on you. Let us join our hands and hearts and pray that they feel better soon.” We offer these suggestions, dear ones, to help you see that most of your interpretations of life were given to you in childhood. Now, you as adults, get to choose whether or not they make you happy.

Things in your life sorting themselves out ~ascension

Lia's picture


Hi everyone, This is the dragon. We talked in the past about this being the year of clearing. Time-wise, it's not as important since time is an illusion anyway, and we don't see it as you do.

A year, two. It will be different for each person. But what's important is we're talking about a time of approximately one year versus decades of your time.

This year, 2013, lends well to it. Next year will be much the same for some, whereas for others it will start to bring about higher forms of experience.

We also, for not just this channeling, but for all thought going forward, suggest you start thinking in your mind about the distinction of global vs local community vs individual clearing and ascension.

We tell you that, as you probably know, they are all connected as this is a global ascension you are going through in the grand scheme of things. However, the timelines will be different.

For those of you already seeking, the personal may clear a lot faster than the global. Global resolutions tend to take a mass paradigm shift, then they move fast after being stuck a while. Individual and community resolutions may seem like a more fluid process.

The “Super-Portal” will be effective to you now ~ Archangel Raphael through Marc Gamma

Lia's picture

AARaphael-II[Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary]

My beloved humans this is Archangel Raphael speaking to you. Another wonderful week of your timeline and dimension has passed by again and I am delighted to submit to you some new message here. As always we herewith recommend again to open up your inner space of heart consciously when receiving another message from us. Thus you will be able to obtain the full energy entailed in this message accordingly into your inner heart.


Enjoy here the presence of me and of our heavenly Father, our all Creator, as he will again accompany me here when submitting this message. If having the right kind of sensitivity you will become aware of this light-energy and all the rest of you not possessing such highly graded sensitiveness may feel this kind of energy too since it has reached a new level, some new quality and intensity. All those still feeling it difficult to sense these vibrations are being advised to take more time when preparing themselves for and while reading actually some message.


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