Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

The Creator Writings - You Knew

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The Creator Writings


You are not ordinary, typical or every day. When you were born, you knew this was the way it was going to be. The road may have been or may be rocky but, it is what you chose for the experiences. Enjoy it! ~ Creator

Gaze into our eyes. Ours is a silent revolution. From the inside out. From the ground up.

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November 15, 2013  


“It is time for me to reveal myself. I am an imbedded agent of a secret, undercover, clandestine, global operation. A spiritual conspiracy. You could pass by one of us on the street and not even notice.

We have sleeper cells in every nation on the planet . . .”

This video was posted in 2009, two years prior to Occupy in 2011. Imagine how many of us have joined the revolution since.


Love is the New Religion (The Spiritual Conspiracy) -Brian Piergrossi




Introduction to: Sirian Space-Ships ~ Hatonn through Marc Gamma ~ 15.11.2013

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Hatonn[Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary]

My beloved humans here, this is I, HATONN, speaking to you.

It is the first time that I speak to you through this very channel and certainly it won’t be the last time. As from now I shall return to you in regular intervals with some new and interesting message since I’ll be elaborating with this channel some very new and inexhaustible subject to be conveyed to you. We shall go on a journey to the spaceships of the Galactic Federation.

This my channel is a great lover of the famous series of Science Fiction and cinema films and always did he sucked in any information with all his possible attention desiring to be able to come on board of these ships.


I cannot fulfill this wish for the time being and neither am I able to do so for all of you since until now you have not evolved that far in order to make such experience. Still I want to mention hereby that many of you are resuming their place onboard of spaceships when their souls are journeying during their sleep at night. And this concerns many of you doing this repeatedly at night. Unfortunately, no-one of you is able to recall this experience but this fact too will change soon in due time.

~ Karen Doonan ~ Discernment and the New Earth - 15 November

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Many of you at this time are walking between worlds.  The discernment needed through ALL aspects of this YOUr human life experience will now begin to expand and to increase rapidly. For as you begin to anchor at a human conscious waking mind level the power of the LIGHT that YOU ARE in TRUTH and begin to consciously create your outer waking reality then the need to use discernment will become vital. I would highlight once more that EACH human vehicle upon and within this planet is having a different and completely unique human life experience.  This unique experience may seem to overlap with others experiences but cannot ever be the same due to the differences in the structure of said human vehicles.

As you begin to walk in the New Earth in TRUTH and begin to anchor that YOU CAN dream and CAN create the dream from within then the need to be able to anchor this and to hold your focus will become ever more vital. To begin with the New Earth will “support” fully your creations, it may be that you are placed in a sort of “safe” space whilst experiencing the smaller creations of your dreams but as you build up to anchoring and creating that which YOU came here to this planet to birth, the need to be able to hold your focus will grow.  This is due to YOUr SOULs need to show YOU at a human conscious waking mind level just how powerful YOU are in TRUTH.

KP Message 11-15-13 A Weekend for Light and the Star Families

Lia's picture



130304_new_hair_guy_P1000378_crop_240_23this weekend I am at a ranch in Texas with quite a number of Beings of various sizes, shapes, and colors. From all around this planet.

The presence of my Self at this gathering was rather “unexpected”, but clearly called for. So, here I Am.

Likely my posts will be limited this weekend (which sometime means that I’ll be posting a lot), but no matter what, it’s “the Energies”, particularly the Star Being type energies, that are calling all who are invited, by “the Energies”, to come here.

All I can say is, this is a major event.

Thank you all for Being the Light that you are, wherever you are, for this Event this weekend. We are all a part of it.

The Zone of Deserving ~ via Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

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imageThe Zone of Deserving, as received By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan, November, 2013 at:

The role of designer that you so seek to acquire lives deep within the cellular structure of your being. It is not housed in haphazard musing. It resides within all potential tapped and untapped under the multi-dimensional structure of you. When you sense a lack within your life, you immediately move your being into that point and you are re-united with that structured formation of lack – not as a punishment, but as a teaching.

When you place yourself in the zone of deserving, then you become magnetic to all possibilities that exist beyond the limitations of your dimensional surveillance. You seek what you know yourself to be. You seek to learn and in that expansion, all is served. You seek to become blessed. You seek to find love. And yet all of these qualities are inherent within your own creational field.

~ Terri Newlon ~ Djwhal Khul: Neptune and Chiron Direct

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DK(Channeling begins)

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. We’re in a very potent time period that requires quite a bit of self examination, specifically Neptune and Chiron both going direct in the psychic sign of Pisces.

In the specific way that I look at the esoteric realms, this is calling for inner healing, inner examination of one’s thoughts, where your distractions are in terms of the thought processes, and to really kind of hold yourself on task to be a better person, to be a better friend, to be maybe a better guardian of your pets, of the earth, etc.

So call upon your inward Self and your spiritual powers and all of the kindness and compassion that exists in Creation and be a channel for that. At the same time just recognizing perhaps “Oh! I want to change the way I think about a certain person or an issue or I want to improve my health in some manner or maybe even change the pet food so that it’s healthier, that sort of thing.

So this is a time of self-improvement and a very productive one. It’s also a time where issues around love and money are being revealed so if there’s some hidden source of money for example now it can come forth. If there’s some denial about lack of funds, that will come worth, etc. So truth revealed is where we are.

As always, thank you and my love to you.

Djwhal Khul

Channeled by Rev. Terri Newlon

~ MADAD ~ SaLuSa 15. 11. 2013

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The more you are getting yourselves ready for entering your higher reality, the more you are experiencing its powerful energies and letting go of time boundaries. Sometimes you might experience people and things moving faster than usual, when you are just awaken from sleep or deep meditation where you have connected to flow of time within the higher reality. This can give you a very good picture of how the life gently flows without rush and chase that you are so very much used to now and slowing down only when your busy day is finished. It is for you to show you that with entering “no time” zone of the higher realities you will naturally slow down and enjoy everything as long as you will wish to. There is no need to worry that you will be late for some other experience because the point of life is to deeply experience everything that you chose to and then enter another experience when you have fully completed the previous one. And the knowing that you simply cannot be late for your own life experiences is and will help you to adjust to this great change.


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