Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

The Creator Writings - YOU Make You Feel….

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The Creator Writings


No one can make you feel ANY certain way, only you can. In creating the paradigm of “you do not care about me so I am not going care about you”, you are locking yourself in a self-imposed prison. Once you release the expectation of others taking care of your emotional self, you will have more room to explore who you really are. ~ Creator

~ Taryn Crimi ~ Angelic Guides: First Responders

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first-responderAngelic Guides: First Responders, channeled through Taryn Crimi, November 13, 2013 at

Today we would like to share with those of you who have been specifically drawn to this message. To those who will read this message when it is first shared, and to the many many of you who will find this message when you are ready to do so, this message is specifically for you.

This great time of change can feel so challenging that you doubt in your ability to continue on. You have found yourself doubting if you will be able to shine your light as you had agreed so many eons ago. There have been many names given to those of you who have chosen to lead the way, to awaken while everyone else still lays encased within the dream. You have been called way showers, light bearers, light workers but we will share with you how we perceive you.

There are those on your world who are referred to as the “first responders”; those who run to save others while everyone else runs away from the danger. They are the first to go in to the dangerous and challenging situations and yet they are the last to leave. Only when they are sure that there is no one else to be saved, no one else who is in need of assistance, no soul left who is in need of being rescued do they finally leave the scene. You are the spiritual “first responders” in this momentous time of ascension.

~ Grandpaw Peter Koyote ~ TUNING IN - 14 November

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A Gift that I am sharing with you... A Way back to The Heart, right there inside you... which then brings you calmly and Consciously into the Higher View; an awakening into the Truthful realm that Lives Within... Seeing this, being in This Experience, one begins to live on the level of the miraculous, undoing all the traumatic and other effects that may be holding one back... Step into this Experience daily... more often, when there's time... It is indeed The Key to awakening...
With Grandpaw Peter Koyote and Friends...

~ Shanta Gabriel ~ Archangel Gabriel – Living Life In Thanksgiving – 14 November 2013

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Dear Ones,

It is nearly Thanksgiving in the U.S. marking the official beginning of the holiday season. Know that in this unique time of the year there is an awakening in you of the spirit of Gratitude. It is the true essence of Thanksgiving. When you can immerse yourself in the flow of pure Gratitude, it catalyzes new abundance in every area of your life. Gratitude can provide a new containment field for your heart to open into. It is a true gift for yourself when you live in Gratitude. The power of giving thanks can help to lift you above the appearance of disharmony so that a new life emerges within you, opening doors to amazing possibilities you never imagined.

Your deepest dreams are being awakened now and your heart is being offered an opportunity to create manifestation of your deepest Soul’s longings. When you open to these desires that have the potential to fulfill you in massive way, an energy begins to work in you that you have never experienced. It is like the unlocking of the gateway to a new dimension with thanksgiving as the key.

~ Sandra Walter ~ November Waves And Responsible Creation – 14 November 2013

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The intense photonic waves of light which will increase and continue through the end of December 2013 are un-creating the illusion. The Maya dissipates in the light of truth, the light of love, the light of the galactic rewrite we are experiencing right now. Today.

Guardians of the New Light take heed

The current light waves are of a substance which past Masters and Galactics have not experienced in a physical body on a planet going through a dimensional shift. This is the point where we – the grounded awakened and ascending collective – must be very clear about our choices and our Ascension process.

In order to stay focused on the Ascension timeline, you must hold firm to your heartstream. The activations available now are continuous, powerful and purposeful.

Source-point of the Heart-Stream

The Heart-Stream is centered at a Source-point of light within the Heart Center. It centers your lifestream (all expressions of you) around a stream of Source consciousness right in the heart. Like a flow within a flow. I see my Source-point as a tiny version of my light signature shining within each of my expressions, connecting us all with Source. This Source-point is an aspect of the lifestream which connects all the expressions of Self. It was activated last year during the liquid light God-drop activation (October 2012). AS ALWAYS, when several of the ascending collective take on a new aspect of the process, such as the God-drop, it becomes available to all of the collective through their focused intent to receive and activate it.

A heartstream flowing in the Light, geometry and magnetics of the higher dimensional expressions of the 5D you and the 5D Gaia is your key to the gateway through this passage. LOCK ONTO IT. The stream-lock is created by you; you must choose to lock onto the the intelligence of the Source-spark within your heart. It is a palpable, strong stream of lovelight intelligence. You will FEEL this energetic stream flowing upwards and around your body – from the heart itself – like a pillar of light connecting you, the ascended Self, and the ascended planet. It is PURE Source light; very powerful and very pure.

~ Tom Lescher ~ Astrology Forecast for The Week - November 13, 2013

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Like an insect trapped in a spider's web
I only have so much time.
The value and meaning of my life,
Death urges me to find.
You don't know what you can do until you do it. You don't know how much you can give until you give it. The list goes on and on. This full Moon coming up in Taurus will give us all a chance to see just how great we are by opening, surrendering, giving, and receiving on and from the deepest places in ourselves. The stakes are high and the rewards can be great..... I remember an old boss of mine once said, "We are going to spend a lot of money, and we are going to make a lot of money." This is a time to place as much of yourself as you dare into the game of Life on Earth. Don't hold back and if you are others will help you discover why haha!

~ Saint Germain ~ One Heart and One Truth - 14 November

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Dear Beloved Friends,
Have you noticed that life has appeared even more confusing for you in  recent days? Perhaps this may seem surprising to you given all you have  learned about the Light and how you can achieve more clarity in your  life by focusing solely upon the Light.
And focusing on the Light can, indeed, bring more clarity. But it can also  bring with it a desire to believe that your life should now be as you  expect it to be given what you have learned regarding the Light.

~ Selacia ~ Tips For Using Green Light Energy – Moving Your Life Forward After Mercury Retrograde – 14 November 2013

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The last couple of months have been a wild ride of erratic energies, likely catalyzing some turmoil in your life. If you’ve been wondering when things would calm down and you could breathe easier, that time is now!

Why? Planetary energies, including 2 eclipses and a 3-week mercury retrograde, are now behind us. And with mercury going direct this week, the energies are supporting more green lights for your projects and forward momentum. This includes things of a more personal nature like relationships and your home front. It also includes work and how you express your life purpose in the world.
If you’ve been feeling emotional ripples, or perhaps a tidal wave, in recent times, you’re not alone. It is part of this current energy cycle to have these ups and downs. Some things – especially those involving communications and technology impacted by the mercury retrograde – can now dissipate with mercury having gone direct. Breathe and stay positive to move into a new flow.

Meredith Murphy – Message For All Lightworkers: The Awakening Of Love – Message From Ashira – 13 November 2013

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The awakening of love is within you. You have met love and you are organizing now as love. You as an energy field are allowing love to create you, to awaken all the life in your cells, to lift up everything in your being, to clarify all that has been cloudy and heavy. To make everything light.

~ Karen Doonan ~ Energetic update for 14th November 2013

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As many of you may now be experiencing the New Earth energies are once more increasing rapidly. The energies combined with the FULL MOON are working to help pull all that needs to be dissolved from within you to the surface. At all times it is YOUr choice as to whether you interact with these frequencies or you detach, allow yourself to become the observer and allow them to be released.  It is to be recognised that the old 3d earth frequencies will also try to pull at your energy signature and again YOU have a choice as to whether to interact or RE-FOCUS your energies.


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