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Signs of Consciousness, Sentience and Intelligence in Nature Demand Our Respect

Sofia Adamson, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Part of our lot as human beings on planet earth is dominion over the plant and animal kingdoms, and as a by-product of our economic and cultural heritage, we have largely become indifferent to the suffering of animals. An indicator of the cruelest aspects of our nature.

This systemic disrespect for nature and her creatures is part of, or symptomatic of, a larger problem with modern society, the institutionalized perception that we are separate and independent of our environment. This dualism is part of the division of consciousness that is often noted in ancient texts as well as contemporary discussions of the characteristics of human consciousness.

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Full Moon In Scorpio: Acting On Our Passions and Desires

by Carmen Di Luccio, Collective Evolution

We are having a Full Moon in Scorpio on May 10th or 11th, depending on your location. Full Moons are the climax of the Moon cycle, and its energies become noticeable in the days leading up to it and also strongly influence how the proceeding two weeks, until the next New Moon, play out.

Mercury finished its retrograde on May 3rd/4th and we are now moving forward based on realizations and developments that have transpired over the previous month. Venus will be finishing up its post-retrograde phase on May 18th. For some people this upcoming week (until the 18th) will play host to any remaining Venus-themed conclusions that need to occur in relation to what has been playing out since February. This could be connected to our relationships, love, money, values, beauty, and worth.

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Two of the heaviest sentences in the world; “You owe me” and “You are responsible”.  You must come to the realization that no one owes you anything. It is up to you to make the best You that you can. You also know that you are responsible for yourself; putting that on someone else does nothing except create separation.  What lesson do you wish to learn today? ~ Creator


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Awesome Underclothes Display The 4th Amendment When X-Rayed By TSA - TruthTheory

By Eden Marie Truth Theory

Are you tired of the TSA conducting invasive screenings and X-ray scans before you’re allowed to wait for your flight at the airport? If so, we’ve found the perfect undergarments for you.

4th Amendment Wear is the perfect travel attire, especially for those who are aware of their rights and would like to inform nosy airport personnel of the same. Using metallic ink, the unique clothing literally prints the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution onto t-shirts and underwear for men and women. The text “read the 4th amendment perverts” is also printed on underwear for children to remind the TSA they’ve gone too far.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday May 10, 2017

Dear Ones, every single time you allow yourself to expand through experience, you are able to see further into what your future potentials and what would like to create from there. Experience gives you information, which allows you to decide what matches you, what doesn’t, and what direction you would like to try next. Your expansion is always a gift for it allows you to glimpse beyond, which is how you become open to new potentials. Experience is truly what being in the body is all about – it is how pioneers forge new trails, how you evolve, and how you will continue to drive the shift on your planet. ~Archangel Gabriel


GFP Newsletter - 5/9/2017

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In traffic, in a crowd, you don't look at faces, you don't feel people; you simply feel a mess all around you. In a crowd others are things, not people. Have you watched it? If you are travelling in a crowded train, many people around you touching from everywhere; even if you are a woman and somebody is touching your body, you don't feel bothered. Why not? Because he is not a person; they are not people - it is just a crowd. If you are standing alone under a tree and the same man comes and rubs against you then you will become angry. Now he is a person.

In a crowd nobody has personality. It is just a crowd - with whom can you be angry? - and you shrink into yourself. In a crowded bus, in a crowded train, you shrink inside; you are not available on the surface of the skin, so if somebody touches you it is okay. It is not a touch, it is a dead thing. But alone with a single person, then it's different.

And the same happens within. You have lived in a crowd of thoughts, a mad crowd. You have never looked at a single thought. Thoughts are people, and they are beautiful. When you can see a single thought against the sky, with a personality, its own being, its own energy, then that thought will ask you something. The mind has never asked you anything because you are so identified. When the identification breaks, by and by, even the mind starts asking you many things.


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Where Is the Fervor of Yesteryear?

God said:

How you would love your old fire back. Once upon a time you were lit up, and you leaped ahead in Life, running to keep up with your heart. At present, you may feel that your heart is lagging.

This realization holds great sorrow for you. It is as if you are left hanging out, as if your heart had resigned, and you are left without any heart, a cold stone, as if your heart will no longer bounce up again, as if your heart has backed out of Life and broken a contract. Your heart cannot abandon you this way. Your heart can’t leave you in the lurch. No, not your heart.

Without your heart regaled in full mettle, you feel desolate. You can hardly swallow. You hadn’t realized how important zest in your heart is and how dependent upon it you are.

You are speaking of this speeded-up enthusiasm that you once rushed to keep up with. Now it’s like your heart lay itself down on the track and won’t rally itself up. Now your heart seems to abandoning you for what? Where is the fervor of yesteryear? Can it be that your heart doesn’t want to get up any more? That in terms of revitalizing itself, your heart wants to excuse itself? You never thought your heart would lie down as if out of steam. This is your own True Heart you are talking about.

You remember well how you used to have to prance to keep up with your heart’s desires, and, now, sadly, your heart has retired and gone to pasture? This cannot be.

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The Ultimate Guide to Intermittent Fasting - Jen Reviews

by Jen Reviews

Fasting is the practice of abstaining or reducing consumption of food, drink, or both, for a specific period of time. Everyone fasts for at least some part of the day, generally the eight or so hours that one spends sleeping every night. Physiologically, fasting can refer to a person’s metabolic status after not eating overnight, or even the metabolic state after the complete digestion of a meal. Once you’ve gone eight to 12 hours without eating, the body enters a state of “fasting.”

The practice of fasting can lead to a number of metabolic changes within the body. These changes typically begin approximately three to five hours after eating, when the body enters a “post-absorptive” state – rather than the state on ongoing digestion, where eating frequent meals means the body is always involved in some sort of digestive activity.

Whether you practice more long-term fasting for health reasons or for spiritual reasons, most people will have to fast at some point for medical reasons. Patients undergoing surgery or other medical procedures that require a general anaesthetic will usually fast prior to the treatment, but fasting is also practiced before a number of other medical tests, including cholesterol testing, blood glucose measuring, or a lipid panel. This enables doctors to achieve accurate results and establish a solid baseline to inform future testing, if necessary.

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday May 9, 2017

As you move along your enlightenment journey, you will come to realize that there is no need to prove your goodness or worthiness (which is still looking for approval from externals), but rather, you choose to be of service because that is how you experience your purest and most joyful expression of self. ~Archangel Gabriel


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It’s All You

Taking responsible for yourself is a very brave thing to do.  It can be challenging to put aside the projecting, the pretenses that someone else can cause happiness or sadness within.  Once you being to accept responsibility and release being responsible for others, a certain freedom and joy happens.  This does not mean that you must stop caring for others.  It means that each of your emotions are yours and yours alone.  Take some time today and discover this within.  The benefits are immeasurable. ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 5/8/2017

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In deeper meditations suddenly you will see one thought standing: but it will be one, it will not be a crowd. And when one thought visits it is beautiful. because you can see it so clearly. It has a personality of its own. Thoughts are people, but you live in such a crowd of thoughts that the crowd has no personality. You are so filled with thoughts that you cannot see the beauty, the face of a single thought. By the time you become aware, the thought has gone, another is passing; it is a constant traffic.


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Choosing Your Freedom from the Past

God said:

To what do you attribute your good feelings or more hazardous feelings to on this morning of your Life? What holds up your darkness? What holds up your brightness, do you think?

My answer is that your dear feelings are to be attributed to you, dear one, and to no one else. Your feelings are your Beauty, or they are your ugly. Otherwise, who convinces you that you are to think one way and not another?

You may say in protest: “God, if someone hits me, he hit me. I didn’t hit him. How can You possibly say that someone who hit me is not responsible for how I feel?”

I don’t say he didn’t hit you. He was the impetus. He offended you. What I say and say again and again is -- you are responsible for how you feel right now. You are responsible for your reactions. No matter all the excuses -- if someone never liked you, if someone mistreated you, no matter what -- you still don’t have to live your life building a case against him.

If you once had a teacher who didn’t value you, how do you justify yourself for hanging onto unholy resentment and exonerating yourself from responsibility for your feelings now?

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Scientology Facilities Closed After Police Find People Held Captive Inside

by Amanda Froelich, True Activist

Two Scientology centers in Tennessee were closed after law enforcement workers discovered patients being held and medicated against their will.

Two psychiatric facilities which are operated by the Church of Scientology were closed this week after police followed a tip and found patients being held and medicated against their will in both centers. The Cannon Courier reports that tiny cabins and a double-wide trailer were searched and shut down after a call was received from inside one of the facilities. The prisoner who made the call was ultimately found imprisoned in a locked cabin.

Police told the press that after receiving the call, they proceeded up the hill and through a gate which had a makeshift paddock secured by a steel latch. One of the facility’s caretakers allowed the police entry, and it was shortly after that the caller was spotted through a Plexiglass window.

“He [was] locked inside the cabin with no way to remove himself from the building,” the police report stated.

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Mayan calendar expert says May 24th, 2017 is more significant than December 21st, 2012

by Lance Schuttler , The Mind Unleashed

Recently, The Mind Unleashed interviewed Carl Johan Calleman, one of the world’s foremost experts on the Mayan calendar, to discuss with him the significance of a new cycle that begins on May 24th, 2017.

1.What is your background on the Mayan calendar, for those that don’t know your work? 

My background is in the hard sciences and my PhD is in physical biology and I have lectured at some of the most prestigious scientific institutions in the world. Nonetheless, in 1993 the calling became very strong and I decided to devote myself full time to elucidating the true meaning of the Mayan calendar system in such a way that it became understandable for modern people. I have written six books based on the framework of the Mayan calendar, which have been translated to a total of fourteen languages. I have also worked with Mayan elders to help them bring their message out to the world. 

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3 Ways Americans Are Being Divided Today

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

America is being divided, and it’s all part of the plan: the plan to program humans into robots that fight, protest, and stir up verbal arguments. The media thrives on it — creating fake news, decrying fake news, and reporting with few facts and plenty of bias.

Critical thinking has become void. We are being told to be all-in, whether that be all-in for Trump or all-out for Trump. Anyone with the guts to go against the grain, that is, to take pieces of good from all sides and create a more meaningful outlook, is pushed away with the assumption that they aren’t educated enough, not interested enough to make real change — to stand up for their country.

And it seems the American people agree that division exists and thrives in America. Over the past 20-plus years, the public has perceived the nation as being more divided than united. And it’s only gotten worse. In 2012, 69% of Americans believed the nation was divided. As of 2016, that number has increased to 77%.


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